Package de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message

Package class diagram package de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message
Provides classes for the internationalization of exception messages.


Class Summary
DefaultMessageComposer Deprecated. Use IcuMessageComposer.
Helper Provides helper methods for this package.
IcuMessageComposer Message composer implementation that is bases on MessageFormat of the icu4j project.
LocalizedInfo Controls the localized information for a throwable.
MessageParamParser This class provides methods to parse message parameter.
MessageParamParser.MessageParamInfo Contains the placeholderId information for one message parameter.
Messages Provides the messages that are set.
Messages.Builder The builder for message instances.
MessageTemplateAnalyser Analyses a message template.

Enum Summary
MessageTemplate Defines the valid identifiers for message templates.
MessageType Defines the valid message types to be displayed.

Exception Summary
ParseException This exception is thrown if a string cannot be parsed because information is missing or the format syntax is violated.

Annotation Types Summary
MessageParam Adds information to a field of an exception about which parameter in a message it provides information.
MessageParamsDescriptor Provides a reference to a type that provides information about the message parameters that are used by the code's message templates.
ParentMessageParam Adds information to a field of the parent exception about which parameter in a message it provides information.
PropertyInfo Adds information to a field to look for the getter and setter method.

Package de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message Description

Provides classes for the internationalization of exception messages.


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