AbstractBuilder - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report
Base implementation for searching the source path for relevant elements.
AbstractBuilder(ReportConfiguration) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report. AbstractBuilder
Default constructor.
AbstractCoreException - Exception in de.smartics.exceptions
The base implementation of the core exception that supports unique identifying and exception codes for checked exceptions.
AbstractCoreException(Code) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions. AbstractCoreException
AbstractCoreException(String, Code) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions. AbstractCoreException
AbstractCoreException(Throwable, Code) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions. AbstractCoreException
AbstractCoreException(String, Throwable, Code) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions. AbstractCoreException
AbstractCoreRuntimeException - Exception in de.smartics.exceptions
The base implementation of the core runtime exception that supports unique identifying and exception codes for unchecked exceptions.
AbstractCoreRuntimeException(Code) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions. AbstractCoreRuntimeException
AbstractCoreRuntimeException(String, Code) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions. AbstractCoreRuntimeException
AbstractCoreRuntimeException(Throwable, Code) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions. AbstractCoreRuntimeException
AbstractCoreRuntimeException(String, Throwable, Code) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions. AbstractCoreRuntimeException
AbstractExceptionCodesReport - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.data
Base implementation of an exception codes report that stores all items and reported problems in-memory.
AbstractExceptionCodesReport() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. AbstractExceptionCodesReport
Default constructor.
AbstractExceptionContext - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.context
Provides exception relevant information for an exception context as an abstract class.
AbstractExceptionContext(Configuration) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.context. AbstractExceptionContext
Default constructor providing a configuration.
AbstractExceptionContext(InputStream) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.context. AbstractExceptionContext
Convenience constructor providing an input stream.
AbstractExceptionContext(Reader) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.context. AbstractExceptionContext
Convenience constructor providing a reader.
AbstractExceptionContext(URL) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.context. AbstractExceptionContext
Convenience constructor providing an URL.
AbstractExceptionContextManager< T extends ExceptionContext> - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.runtime
Provides configuration information for exceptions per class loader.
AbstractExceptionContextManager() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.runtime. AbstractExceptionContextManager
AbstractHtmlLinkTagRenderer - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html
Base implementation that renders the see, link and linkplain tags as HTML.
AbstractHtmlLinkTagRenderer(boolean) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. AbstractHtmlLinkTagRenderer
Default constructor.
AbstractHtmlReportGenerator - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator
Simple generator that generates a HTML file.
AbstractHtmlReportGenerator(JavadocRenderer) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractHtmlReportGenerator
Default constructor.
AbstractI18nExceptionContext - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context
Provides exception relevant information for an exception context.
AbstractI18nExceptionContext(Configuration) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context. AbstractI18nExceptionContext
AbstractLocalizedException - Exception in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n
The base implementation of exceptions that support internationalization for checked exceptions.
AbstractLocalizedException(Code) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
AbstractLocalizedException(Code, String) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
AbstractLocalizedException(Throwable, Code) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
AbstractLocalizedException(Throwable, Code, String) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
AbstractLocalizedException(Throwable, Code, String, String) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException - Exception in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n
The base implementation of exceptions that support internationalization for unchecked exceptions.
AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException(Code) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException
AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException(Code, String) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException
AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException(Throwable, Code) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException
AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException(Throwable, Code, String) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException
AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException(Throwable, Code, String, String) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException
AbstractMessageBean - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n
The message information for a incidence.
AbstractMessageBean(Code) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
Convenience constructor to use if the defaults for bundleBaseName and resource key are used.
AbstractMessageBean(Code, Throwable) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
Convenience constructor to use if the defaults for bundleBaseName and resource key are used, with cause.
AbstractMessageBean(Code, String) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
Constructor to control the bundle name.
AbstractMessageBean(Code, Throwable, String) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
Constructor to control the bundle name, with cause.
AbstractMessageBean(Code, String, String) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
Default constructor to control the bundle name and resource key.
AbstractMessageBean(Code, Throwable, String, String) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
Default constructor to control the bundle name and resource key.
AbstractMessageException - Exception in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n
The base implementation of exceptions that support internationalization for checked exceptions and whose message information is based on a message bean.
AbstractMessageException(MessageBean) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageException
Default constructor.
AbstractMessageRuntimeException - Exception in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n
The base implementation of exceptions that support internationalization for runtime exceptions and whose message information is based on a message bean.
AbstractMessageRuntimeException(MessageBean) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageRuntimeException
Default constructor.
AbstractOutputReportGenerator< O> - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator
Abstract implementation that helps to traverse the information.
AbstractOutputReportGenerator(JavadocRenderer) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractOutputReportGenerator
Default constructor.
AbstractReportGenerator< O> - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator
Base implementation of all report generators.
AbstractReportGenerator(JavadocRenderer) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractReportGenerator
Default constructor.
AbstractScannerFactory - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.scan
Base implementation of the interface.
AbstractScannerFactory(String[], String[]) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.scan. AbstractScannerFactory
Default constructor.
AbstractXmlReportGenerator - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator
Simple generator that generates a HTML file.
AbstractXmlReportGenerator(JavadocRenderer) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractXmlReportGenerator
Default constructor.
add(ExceptionCodeReportItem) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. AbstractExceptionCodesReport
Adds the given code information as an item to the report.
add(ExceptionCodeReportItem) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ExceptionCodesReport
Adds the given code information as an item to the report.
add(ExceptionCodeReportItem) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. InMemoryExceptionCodesReport
addExcludes(List<String>) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report. ReportConfiguration
Adds the excludes to the list of excludes.
addIncludes(List<String>) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report. ReportConfiguration
Adds the includes to the list of includes.
addProblem(ReportProblem) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. AbstractExceptionCodesReport
addProblem(ReportProblem) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ExceptionCodesReport
Reports a problem encountered while analyzing for report items.
addSourceTree(File) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report. ReportConfiguration
Adds the given source tree to the list of source tree.


build() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. Messages.Builder
Creates the messages instance.
BUNDLE_NAME_SUFFIX - Static variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. LocalizedInfo
The suffix for the auto generated bundle name.
bundleBaseName - Variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. LocalizedInfo
The fully qualified base name of the bundle to use.


capitalize(String) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. Helper
This method transforms the first character to upper case and returns the result.
capitalize(String) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. StringFunction
This method transforms the first character to upper case and returns the result.
cause - Variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. LocalizedInfo
The cause to the problem.
CauseTrailMessages - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n
Stores the message information of the causes.
CauseTrailMessages(Throwable) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. CauseTrailMessages
Convenience constructor using the default locale.
CauseTrailMessages(Locale, Throwable) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. CauseTrailMessages
Default constructor.
clazz - Variable in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. PropertyAccessConfigurationException
The class that should contain the property but the information cannot be accessed.
Code - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.core
This interface defines error and exception codes to identify exception classes.
code - Variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
The error or exception code of the exception.
CodeComparator - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.sort
Compares exception code instances.
CodeComparator() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.sort. CodeComparator
Default constructor.
CodeMessageFormatter - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.core
Formatter for instances of CoreException.
CodeTagRenderer - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer
Renders code tags.
compare(T, T) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.code. DefaultCodeComparator
Compares the component identifier and then the code itself.
compare(T, T) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.code. NumberCodeComparator
Compares the component identifier and then the code itself.
compare(T, T) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.code. NumberCodeOnlyComparator
Compares the component identifier and then the code itself.
compare(ExceptionCodeReportItem, ExceptionCodeReportItem) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.sort. CodeComparator
Uses DefaultCodeComparator to compare codes.
compare(ExceptionCodeReportItem, ExceptionCodeReportItem) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.sort. MixedCodeComparator
compare(ExceptionCodeReportItem, ExceptionCodeReportItem) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.sort. MixedComponentCodeComparator
compareTo(PlaceHolderDescId) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderDescId
COMPONENT_ID - Static variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.app. Constant
The constant used to identify exception codes for this module.
COMPONENT_ID - Static variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.app. Constant
The constant used to identify exception codes for this module.
componentId - Variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.code. NumberCodeInfo
The identifier of the component this code belongs to.
composeMessage(Object, Locale, ResourceBundle, String, MessageType) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. DefaultMessageComposer
composeMessage(Object, Locale, ResourceBundle, String, MessageType) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. MessageComposer
Creates the message from the message template.
configuration - Variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.report. AbstractBuilder
The configuration to control the generation of the report.
CONFIGURATION_FILE - Static variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.context. ConfiguredExceptionContext
The name of the configuration file the context will read from the class path.
CONFIGURATION_FILE - Static variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.context. PropertiesConfiguredExceptionContext
The name of the configuration file the context will read from the class path.
ConfigurationException - Exception in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n
This configuration exception is thrown if the system encountered an inconsistent configuration or configuration information was missing.
ConfigurationException(ConfigurationExceptionCode, String) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. ConfigurationException
ConfigurationException(ConfigurationExceptionCode) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. ConfigurationException
ConfigurationException(Throwable, ConfigurationExceptionCode, String) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. ConfigurationException
ConfigurationException(Throwable, ConfigurationExceptionCode) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. ConfigurationException
ConfigurationExceptionCode - Enum in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.app
Defines the exception codes for problems with the configuration of the library.
configureAndScan(DirectoryScanner) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.scan. AbstractScannerFactory
Configures the scanner and runs the scan.
ConfiguredExceptionContext - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.context
The exception context is configured via commons-configuration.
ConfiguredExceptionContext() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.context. ConfiguredExceptionContext
Default constructor.
Constant - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.app
Defines constants for this application.
Constant - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.app
Defines constants for this application.
constructRelativePath(String, String) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. JavadocUtils
Constructs a relative path between the two directories.
copy(String) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. CopyReader
Copies the XML fragment to the writer.
CopyReader - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils
Copies XML information read from one source to another.
CopyReader(XMLStreamWriter) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. CopyReader
Default constructor.
CoreException - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions
Interface defines the core exception features.
create(ReportConfiguration) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report. ReportBuilder
Factory method to create an instance of a report builder.
createCodeTagRenderer() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlRendererFactory
createCodeTagRenderer() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. RendererFactory
Creates a renderer to handle code tags.
createId() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.core. IdFactory
Creates the identifier.
createId() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.id. IncrementFactory
createId() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.id. SignedIncrementFactory
createId() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.id. UuidFactory
createKey(String) - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. MessageType
Returns the key with the message type resource key suffix ( MessageType.getMessageKeySuffix()) appended.
createLinkPlainTagRenderer() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlRendererFactory
createLinkPlainTagRenderer() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. RendererFactory
Creates a renderer to handle linkplain tags.
createLinkTagRenderer() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlRendererFactory
createLinkTagRenderer() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. RendererFactory
Creates a renderer to handle link tags.
createLiteralTagRenderer() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlRendererFactory
createLiteralTagRenderer() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. RendererFactory
Creates a renderer to handle literal tags.
createLocalizedMessage(Object, String, Locale, MessageType, ClassLoader) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. LocalizedInfo
Creates a localized message.
createMessage(Object, String, MessageType, ClassLoader) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. LocalizedInfo
Creates a message.
createMessages() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
createMessages(Locale) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
createMessages() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException
createMessages(Locale) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException
createMessages() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageException
createMessages(Locale) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageException
createMessages() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageRuntimeException
createMessages(Locale) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageRuntimeException
createMessages(Locale) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. LocalizedException
Returns a created messages instance.
createMessages() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. LocalizedException
Returns a created messages instance.
createOutput(Writer) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractXmlReportGenerator
Creates an output instance from a writer to use subclasses of this report generator implementation.
createScanner(String) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.scan. AbstractScannerFactory
createScanner(File) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.scan. DirectoryScannerFactory
createScanner(String) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.scan. ScannerFactory
Creates the scanner with the given root directory set.
createScanner(File) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.scan. ScannerFactory
Creates the scanner with the given root directory set.
createScanner(File) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.scan. ZipScannerFactory
createSeeTagRenderer() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlRendererFactory
createSeeTagRenderer() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. RendererFactory
Creates a renderer to handle see tags.
createSinceTagRenderer() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlRendererFactory
createSinceTagRenderer() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. RendererFactory
Creates a renderer to handle since tags.
createTagListRenderer() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlRendererFactory
createTagListRenderer() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. RendererFactory
Creates the renderer for tag list starts and ends.
createTextRenderer() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlRendererFactory
createTextRenderer() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. RendererFactory
Creates a text renderer.
createValueTagRenderer() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlRendererFactory
createValueTagRenderer() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. RendererFactory
Creates a renderer to handle value tags.
createVersionTagRenderer() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlRendererFactory
createVersionTagRenderer() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. RendererFactory
Creates a renderer to handle version tags.


de.smartics.exceptions - package de.smartics.exceptions
The core package for the exception handling.
de.smartics.exceptions.app - package de.smartics.exceptions.app
Provides application wide helpers.
de.smartics.exceptions.code - package de.smartics.exceptions.code
Provides code implementations.
de.smartics.exceptions.context - package de.smartics.exceptions.context
Provides context configuration for exceptions.
de.smartics.exceptions.core - package de.smartics.exceptions.core
Provides core information beans, interfaces and exceptions.
de.smartics.exceptions.i18n - package de.smartics.exceptions.i18n
The core package for the I18N exception handling.
de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.app - package de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.app
Provides classes used for the library to act as an application.
de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context - package de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context
Provides context configuration for exceptions.
de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message - package de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message
Provides classes for the internationalization of exception messages.
de.smartics.exceptions.id - package de.smartics.exceptions.id
Provides standard implementations for exception identifiers.
de.smartics.exceptions.ognl - package de.smartics.exceptions.ognl
Provides classes to parse OGNL expressions.
de.smartics.exceptions.report - package de.smartics.exceptions.report
Provides classes to parse project source code and generate reports.
de.smartics.exceptions.report.app - package de.smartics.exceptions.report.app
Provides application wide helpers.
de.smartics.exceptions.report.data - package de.smartics.exceptions.report.data
Provides classes that represent report data.
de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator - package de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator
Provides report generator implementations.
de.smartics.exceptions.report.message - package de.smartics.exceptions.report.message
Provides placeholders for messages.
de.smartics.exceptions.report.qdox - package de.smartics.exceptions.report.qdox
Utils package to implement QDox interfaces.
de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer - package de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer
Provides renderer for JavaDoc tags.
de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html - package de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html
Provides renderer implementations for HTML.
de.smartics.exceptions.report.scan - package de.smartics.exceptions.report.scan
Provides classes to scan and filter input for parsers.
de.smartics.exceptions.report.sort - package de.smartics.exceptions.report.sort
Provides utilities to sort the tabular content of the reports.
de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils - package de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils
Provides utils for the project.
de.smartics.exceptions.runtime - package de.smartics.exceptions.runtime
Provides context management classes.
DEFAULT_ENCODING - Static variable in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. ReportGenerator
The default encoding to use if none is explicitly set, but the reporter demands one.
DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT - Static variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.runtime. ExceptionContextManager
The default context if none is provided for a given class loader.
DefaultCodeComparator< T extends Code> - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.code
The default code comparator compares the component and then the code by lexicographical order.
DefaultCodeComparator() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.code. DefaultCodeComparator
Default constructor.
DefaultCodeMessageFormatter - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.core
Default implementation to format code messages.
DefaultCodeMessageFormatter() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.core. DefaultCodeMessageFormatter
Default constructor.
DefaultI18nCodeMessageFormatter - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n
Default implementation to format code messages in the context of I18N.
DefaultI18nCodeMessageFormatter() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. DefaultI18nCodeMessageFormatter
Default constructor.
DefaultMessageComposer - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message
The message composer creates messages from message templates by replacing the place holders with localized parameter values.
DefaultMessageComposer() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. DefaultMessageComposer
Default constructor.
DefaultTextRenderer - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer
Default implementation that simply outputs the text unchanged.
DefaultTextRenderer() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. DefaultTextRenderer
DirectoryScannerFactory - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.scan
Creates directory scanners.
DirectoryScannerFactory(String[], String[]) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.scan. DirectoryScannerFactory


EMPTY - Static variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderInfo
The singleton to represent the immutable empty place holder info.
encoding - Variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractReportGenerator
The encoding of the writer.
equals(Object) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.id. LongExceptionId
Returns true if the given object is semantically equal to the given object, false otherwise.
equals(Object) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.id. UuidExceptionId
Returns true if the given object is semantically equal to the given object, false otherwise.
equals(Object) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderDescId
Returns true if the given object is semantically equal to the given object, false otherwise.
errorHandler - Variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.report. AbstractBuilder
The error handler to log parsing problems.
eval(JavaClass) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.qdox. ExceptionCodeSearcher
ExceptionCodeMapping - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.data
Mapping of code to message parameters descriptors (i.e. exception classes) QDox class.
ExceptionCodeMapping() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ExceptionCodeMapping
Default constructor.
ExceptionCodeReportItem - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.data
Information collected on an exception code.
ExceptionCodeReportItem(Code, JavaClass, JavaField, PlaceHolderInfo) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ExceptionCodeReportItem
Default constructor.
ExceptionCodeSearcher - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.qdox
Filter catches classes that implement .
ExceptionCodeSearcher() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.qdox. ExceptionCodeSearcher
ExceptionCodesReport - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.report.data
Reports on exception codes.
ExceptionContext - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.core
Defines access to the resources required by the exception infrastructure.
ExceptionContextManager - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.runtime
Provides configuration information for exceptions per class loader.
ExceptionContextManager() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.runtime. ExceptionContextManager
ExceptionContextProperty - Enum in de.smartics.exceptions.context
Provides properties for the configuration of an exception context.
ExceptionId< E> - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.core
Interface to implement an exception identifier.
excludes - Variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.scan. AbstractScannerFactory
The excludes for the scanner.
expandJavadocUrl(String, String) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. JavadocUtils
Creates the URL to a Javadoc document for the given class.


fetchContext(ClassLoader) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.runtime. AbstractExceptionContextManager
Fetches the most appropriate context for the given class loader.
fetchContextFromService(ClassLoader) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. I18nExceptionContextManager
fetchContextFromService(ClassLoader) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.runtime. AbstractExceptionContextManager
Returns the context configured by the service framework.
fetchContextFromService(ClassLoader) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.runtime. ExceptionContextManager
format(CoreException) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.core. CodeMessageFormatter
Formats the given core exception.
format(CoreException, Object) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.core. CodeMessageFormatter
Formats the given core exception.
format(CoreException) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.core. DefaultCodeMessageFormatter
format(CoreException, Object) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.core. DefaultCodeMessageFormatter
format(LocalizedException) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. DefaultI18nCodeMessageFormatter
format(LocalizedException, MessageBean) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. DefaultI18nCodeMessageFormatter
format(MessageBean) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. DefaultI18nCodeMessageFormatter
format(LocalizedException) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. I18nCodeMessageFormatter
Formats the given exception.
format(LocalizedException, MessageBean) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. I18nCodeMessageFormatter
Formats the given message.
format(MessageBean) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. I18nCodeMessageFormatter
Formats the given message.
formatter - Variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.context. AbstractExceptionContext
Formatter for instances of CoreException.


getBundle() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ProjectConfiguration
Returns the bundle set for this report execution.
getBundleBaseName() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
Delegates call to LocalizedInfo.getBundleBaseName() .
getBundleBaseName() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException
Returns the fully qualified base name of the bundle to use.
getBundleBaseName() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. LocalizedInfo
Returns the fully qualified base name of the bundle to use.
getBundleMapper() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ProjectConfiguration
Returns the mapper of the item class to the resource bundle with information for instances of this class.
getBundleProvider() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context. AbstractI18nExceptionContext
getBundleProvider() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. I18nExceptionContext
Returns the bundle provider that helps to access resource bundles.
getBundleProvider(ClassLoader) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. I18nExceptionContextManager
Convenience method to access the bundle provider for the given class loader.
getCause() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions. AbstractCoreException
getCause() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions. AbstractCoreRuntimeException
getCause() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions. CoreException
Returns the cause of this throwable or null if the cause is nonexistent or unknown.
getCause() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
Returns the cause to the exception.
getCause() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. LocalizedInfo
Returns the cause to the exception.
getCause() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. MessageBean
Returns the cause to the exception.
getCause() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ReportProblem
Returns the optional root cause to the problem.
getCauseTrail() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
getCauseTrail(Locale) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
getCauseTrail() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException
getCauseTrail(Locale) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException
getCauseTrail() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
getCauseTrail(Locale) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
getCauseTrail() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageException
getCauseTrail(Locale) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageException
getCauseTrail() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageRuntimeException
getCauseTrail(Locale) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageRuntimeException
getCauseTrail() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. LocalizedException
Returns the cause trail of messages.
getCauseTrail(Locale) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. LocalizedException
Returns the cause trail of messages.
getCauseTrail() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. LocalizedInfo
Returns the messages of the cause up to the root cause.
getCauseTrail(Locale) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. LocalizedInfo
Returns the messages of the cause up to the root cause.
getCauseTrail() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. MessageBean
Returns the cause trail of messages.
getCauseTrail(Locale) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. MessageBean
Returns the cause trail of messages.
getClassRootDirectoryNames() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ProjectConfiguration
Returns the list of class path root elements of this project.
getClazz() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. PropertyAccessConfigurationException
Returns the class that should contain the property but the information cannot be accessed.
getCode() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions. AbstractCoreException
getCode() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions. AbstractCoreRuntimeException
Returns the error or exception code of the exception.
getCode() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.code. NumberCodeInfo
getCode() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.code. RunningZerosNumberCodeInfo
getCode() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.code. TwoNumberCodeInfo
getCode() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.core. Code
Returns the string representation of the code.
getCode() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions. CoreException
Returns the error or exception code of the exception.
getCode() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
Returns the error or exception code of the exception.
getCode() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.app. ConfigurationExceptionCode
Returns the string representation of the code.
getCode() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.app. ParseExceptionCode
Returns the string representation of the code.
getCode() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. MessageBean
Returns the code the message bean provides messages for.
getCode() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ExceptionCodeReportItem
Returns the instance of the code.
getCodeMessageFormatter() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.context. AbstractExceptionContext
getCodeMessageFormatter() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.core. ExceptionContext
Returns the formatter for code messages.
getCodeMessageFormatter() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context. AbstractI18nExceptionContext
getCodeMessageFormatter() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. I18nExceptionContext
Returns the formatter for code messages.
getCodeTitle(String, ExceptionCodeReportItem) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractOutputReportGenerator
Returns the title to be set for the report item.
getCodeTitle(String, ExceptionCodeReportItem) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. HtmlReportGenerator
getComment() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ExceptionCodeReportItem
Returns the comment to the report item.
getComponentId() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.code. NumberCodeInfo
Returns the identifier of the component this code belongs to.
getComponentId() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.core. Code
Returns the component identifier that raised an exception with this code.
getComponentId() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.app. ConfigurationExceptionCode
Returns the component identifier that raised an exception with this code.
getComponentId() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.app. ParseExceptionCode
Returns the component identifier that raised an exception with this code.
getComponentName() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.context. ExceptionContextProperty
Returns the name of the component the property belongs to.
getComponentName() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context. I18nExceptionContextProperty
getConfiguration() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report. AbstractBuilder
Returns the configuration to control the generation of the report.
getContext(ClassLoader) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.runtime. AbstractExceptionContextManager
Returns the exception configuration for the given class loader.
getCurrentSelection(ExceptionCodeReportItem) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractOutputReportGenerator
Returns the selection criteria for creating subsections in the report.
getCurrentSelection(ExceptionCodeReportItem) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. HtmlReportGenerator
getDeclaringTypeName() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ExceptionCodeReportItem
Returns the fully qualified name of the type that declares the code.
getDefaultExceptionContext() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. I18nExceptionContextManager
Returns the default context provided by the subclass.
getDefaultExceptionContext() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.runtime. AbstractExceptionContextManager
Returns the default context provided by the subclass.
getDefaultExceptionContext() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.runtime. ExceptionContextManager
getDefaultValue() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.context. ExceptionContextProperty
Returns the default value to use if a given property is not specified.
getDefaultValue() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context. I18nExceptionContextProperty
Returns the default value to use if a given property is not specified.
getDescription() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderDesc
Returns the description of the place holder.
getDisplayId() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.code. NumberCodeInfo
getDisplayId() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.code. TwoNumberCodeInfo
getDisplayId() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.core. Code
Returns the string representation of the code.
getDisplayId() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.app. ConfigurationExceptionCode
Returns the string representation of the code.
getDisplayId() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.app. ParseExceptionCode
Returns the string representation of the code.
getElementName() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. SourceInfo
Returns the name of the element that defines the exception code.
getEncoding() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractReportGenerator
Returns the encoding of the writer.
getEncoding() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. ReportGenerator
Returns the encoding to use.
getEncoding() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report. ReportConfiguration
Returns the encoding to use to read the source files.
getExcludes() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ProjectConfiguration
Returns the excludes for the scanner.
getExcludes() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report. ReportConfiguration
Returns the list of source files to be excluded from the set of resources that are to be parsed.
getExpression() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.ognl. OgnlExpression
Returns the reference to the parsed expression instance.
getFactory(ClassLoader) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. I18nExceptionContextManager
Convenience method to access the ID factory for the given class loader.
getFactory(ClassLoader) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.runtime. ExceptionContextManager
Convenience method to access the ID factory for the given class loader.
getFormatter(ClassLoader) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. I18nExceptionContextManager
Convenience method to access the formatter for code messages for the given class loader.
getFormatter(ClassLoader) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.runtime. ExceptionContextManager
Convenience method to access the formatter for code messages for the given class loader.
getId() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions. AbstractCoreException
getId() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions. AbstractCoreRuntimeException
Returns the unique identifier of the exception.
getId() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.core. ExceptionId
Returns the implementing type of the identifier.
getId() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions. CoreException
Returns the unique identifier of the exception.
getId() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.id. LongExceptionId
getId() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.id. UuidExceptionId
Returns the implementing type of the identifier.
getIdFactory() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.context. AbstractExceptionContext
Returns the factory for generating identifiers.
getIdFactory() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.core. ExceptionContext
Returns the factory for generating identifiers.
getIncludes() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ProjectConfiguration
Returns the includes for the scanner.
getIncludes() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report. ReportConfiguration
Returns the list of source files to be included in the set of resources that are to be parsed.
getIndex() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. MessageParamParser.MessageParamInfo
Returns the index of the placeholder the information should be written to.
getIndex() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. ParseException
Returns the index within the input string where the parsing error occurred.
getInput() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. ParseException
Returns the input that cannot be parsed.
getInstance() - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. I18nExceptionContextManager
Returns the reference to the singleton.
getInstance() - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.runtime. ExceptionContextManager
Returns the reference to the singleton.
getItems() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. InMemoryExceptionCodesReport
getItems() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. StoredExceptionCodesReport
Returns the list of report items.
getItems(StoredExceptionCodesReport) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractOutputReportGenerator
Returns the list of exception code items sorted as defined by the report.
getItems(StoredExceptionCodesReport) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. HtmlReportGenerator
getJavadoc() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ExceptionCodeReportItem
Returns the Javadoc information collected at field level.
getJavadocDir() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ProjectConfiguration
Returns the absolute directory path where the Javadoc pages are found.
getJavadocRelativeDir() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ProjectConfiguration
Returns the relative directory path where the Javadoc pages are found.
getLineNumber() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. SourceInfo
Returns the line number where the exception code declaration begins.
getLocalizedInfo() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
Returns the localized information controls the localization information.
getLocalizedInfo() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. MessageBean
Returns the localized information that provides access to messages.
getLocalizedMessage() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions. CoreException
Creates a localized description of this throwable.
getLocalizedMessage() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
Returns the localized message for the given locale.
getLocalizedMessage(Locale) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
Returns the localized message for the given locale.
getLocalizedMessage(Locale, ClassLoader) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
Returns the localized message for the given locale.
getLocalizedMessage(String, Locale, MessageType, ClassLoader) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
Returns the localized message for the given locale.
getLocalizedMessage() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException
Returns the localized message according to the system's default locale.
getLocalizedMessage(Locale) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException
Returns the localized message for the given locale.
getLocalizedMessage(Locale, ClassLoader) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException
Returns the localized message for the given locale.
getLocalizedMessage(String, Locale, MessageType, ClassLoader) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException
Returns the localized message for the given locale.
getLocalizedMessage() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
Returns the localized message for the given locale.
getLocalizedMessage(Locale) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
Returns the localized message for the given locale.
getLocalizedMessage(Locale, ClassLoader) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
Returns the localized message for the given locale.
getLocalizedMessage(String, Locale, MessageType, ClassLoader) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
Returns the localized message for the given locale.
getLocalizedMessage() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageException
Returns the localized message for the given locale.
getLocalizedMessage(Locale) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageException
Returns the localized message for the given locale.
getLocalizedMessage(Locale, ClassLoader) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageException
Returns the localized message for the given locale.
getLocalizedMessage(String, Locale, MessageType, ClassLoader) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageException
Returns the localized message for the given locale.
getLocalizedMessage() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageRuntimeException
Returns the localized message for the given locale.
getLocalizedMessage(Locale) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageRuntimeException
Returns the localized message for the given locale.
getLocalizedMessage(Locale, ClassLoader) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageRuntimeException
Returns the localized message for the given locale.
getLocalizedMessage(String, Locale, MessageType, ClassLoader) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageRuntimeException
Returns the localized message for the given locale.
getLocalizedMessage(Object, Locale, ClassLoader) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. LocalizedInfo
Returns the localized message for the given locale.
getLocalizedMessage(Object, String, Locale, MessageType, ClassLoader) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. LocalizedInfo
Returns the localized message for the given locale.
getLocalizedSingleLineMessage(Object, Locale, ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. LocalizedInfo
Returns the localized message for the given locale.
getLocalizedTextMessage() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
Returns the localized message for the given locale as formatted multi-line text.
getLocalizedTextMessage(Locale) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
Returns the localized message for the given locale as formatted multi-line text.
getLocalizedTextMessage(Locale, ClassLoader) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
Returns the localized message for the given locale as formatted multi-line text.
getLocalizedTextMessage() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
Returns the localized message for the given locale as formatted multi-line text.
getLocalizedTextMessage(Locale) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
Returns the localized message for the given locale as formatted multi-line text.
getLocalizedTextMessage(Locale, ClassLoader) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
Returns the localized message for the given locale as formatted multi-line text.
getLocalizedTextMessage() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageException
Returns the localized message for the given locale as formatted multi-line text.
getLocalizedTextMessage(Locale) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageException
Returns the localized message for the given locale as formatted multi-line text.
getLocalizedTextMessage(Locale, ClassLoader) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageException
Returns the localized message for the given locale as formatted multi-line text.
getLocalizedTextMessage() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageRuntimeException
Returns the localized message for the given locale as formatted multi-line text.
getLocalizedTextMessage(Locale) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageRuntimeException
Returns the localized message for the given locale as formatted multi-line text.
getLocalizedTextMessage(Locale, ClassLoader) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageRuntimeException
Returns the localized message for the given locale as formatted multi-line text.
getLocalizedTextMessage(Object, Locale, ClassLoader) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. LocalizedInfo
Returns the structured and localized message for the given locale, returning each part of information that is provided.
getMajorNumber() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.code. NumberCode
Returns the major number of the code defines a group of codes.
getMajorNumber() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.code. NumberCodeInfo
getMajorNumber() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.app. ConfigurationExceptionCode
Returns the major number of the code defines a group of codes.
getMajorNumber() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.app. ParseExceptionCode
Returns the major number of the code defines a group of codes.
getMessage() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions. CoreException
Returns the detail message string of this throwable.
getMessage() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
Returns the detail message string of this throwable.
getMessage(MessageType) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
Calls AbstractLocalizedException.getMessage(java.util.Locale, de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message.MessageType) with argument list ( Locale.getDefault(), <messageType>).
getMessage(Locale, MessageType) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
getMessage(MessageType) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException
Returns the message for the given message type and the system's default locale.
getMessage() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException
Returns the detail message string of this throwable.
getMessage(Locale, MessageType) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException
Returns the message for the given message type.
getMessage() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
Returns the localized message for the default locale.
getMessage(MessageType) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
Calls AbstractLocalizedException.getMessage(java.util.Locale, de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message.MessageType) with argument list ( Locale.getDefault(), <messageType>).
getMessage(Locale, MessageType) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
getMessage() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageException
Returns the detail message string of this throwable.
getMessage(MessageType) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageException
Calls AbstractMessageException.getMessage(java.util.Locale, de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message.MessageType) with argument list ( Locale.getDefault(), <messageType>).
getMessage(Locale, MessageType) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageException
getMessage() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageRuntimeException
Returns the detail message string of this throwable.
getMessage(MessageType) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageRuntimeException
Calls AbstractMessageRuntimeException.getMessage(java.util.Locale, de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message.MessageType) with argument list ( Locale.getDefault(), <messageType>).
getMessage(Locale, MessageType) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageRuntimeException
getMessage(MessageType) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. LocalizedException
Returns the message for the given message type and the system's default locale.
getMessage(Locale, MessageType) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. LocalizedException
Returns the message for the given message type.
getMessage(MessageType) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. Messages
Returns the message of the given type.
getMessage(Locale, MessageType) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. MessageBean
Returns the message for the given type.
getMessage() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ReportProblem
Returns the message to the problem.
getMessage(ResourceBundle, String, String) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. StringFunction
Returns the value associated with the given key in the given bundle.
getMessageBean() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageException
Returns the message information for the exception.
getMessageBean() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageRuntimeException
Returns the message information for the exception.
getMessageComposer() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context. AbstractI18nExceptionContext
getMessageComposer() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. I18nExceptionContext
Returns the implementation to use for the message composer.
getMessageComposer(ClassLoader) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. I18nExceptionContextManager
Convenience method to access the message composer for the given class loader.
getMessageKeySuffix() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. MessageType
Returns the suffix for the resource keys to fetch a specific type of message.
getMessageParamInfos(MessageParam) - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. MessageType
Returns the index information specified in the message parameter for the message type.
getMessages() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
getMessages(Locale) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
getMessages() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException
getMessages(Locale) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException
getMessages() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
Creates the messages as a string, based on the default locale.
getMessages(Locale) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
Creates the messages with the given locale.
getMessages() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageException
getMessages(Locale) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageException
getMessages() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageRuntimeException
getMessages(Locale) - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageRuntimeException
getMessages(Locale) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. LocalizedException
Returns the messages in one string.
getMessages() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. LocalizedException
Returns the messages in one string.
getMessages(Locale) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. MessageBean
Returns the messages for the given locale.
getMessageTemplateId() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context. AbstractI18nExceptionContext
getMessageTemplateId() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. I18nExceptionContext
Returns the identifier of a template to be used for rendering the exception information.
getMessageType() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderDescId
Returns the type of the indexed message.
getMethodName() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. MethodAccessConfigurationException
Returns the name of the getter method that has been tried to accessed.
getMinorNumber() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.code. NumberCode
Returns the minor number gives additional information about the problem.
getMinorNumber() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.code. NumberCodeInfo
getMinorNumber() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.app. ConfigurationExceptionCode
Returns the minor number gives additional information about the problem.
getMinorNumber() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.app. ParseExceptionCode
Returns the minor number gives additional information about the problem.
getName() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.context. ExceptionContextProperty
Returns the property name.
getName() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context. I18nExceptionContextProperty
Returns the property name.
getName() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ExceptionCodeReportItem
Returns the unique name of the report item.
getOgnlPath() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. MessageParamParser.MessageParamInfo
Returns the OGNL path to the value inside the value to use.
getOgnlPath() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderDesc
Returns the path to the value that substitutes the place holder.
getOutput() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractReportGenerator
Returns the output element to pass to each method.
getOutput() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. ReportGenerator
Returns the output instance currently set.
getParamName() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderDesc
Returns the descriptive name of the place holder.
getParentMessageParamInfos(ParentMessageParam) - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. MessageType
Returns the index information for the parent attributes specified in the message parameter for the message type.
getPlaceHolderDesc(PlaceHolderDescId) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderInfo
Returns the place holder description identifier by the given id.
getPlaceHolderDescOrDefault(PlaceHolderDescId) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderInfo
Returns the place holder description identifier by the given id or the default if no explicit value is given.
getPlaceHolderDescs(MessageType) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderInfo
Returns an iteration over the place holder descriptions in their natural order.
getPlaceHolderId() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderDesc
Returns the ID of the place holder.
getPlaceHolderIndex() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderDesc
Returns the index of the place holder within a message of the given message type.
getPlaceHolderIndex() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderDescId
Returns the index of the place holder within a message of the given message type.
getPlaceHolderInfo(JavaClass) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ExceptionCodeMapping
Determines the place holder information from the code enumeration type.
getPlaceHolderInfo(JavaField, PlaceHolderInfo) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ExceptionCodeMapping
Determines the place holder information from the code instance in the enumeration.
getPlaceHolderInfo() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ExceptionCodeReportItem
Returns the descriptions of the place holders.
getPlaceHolderMessageType() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderDesc
Returns the type of the indexed message.
getProblems() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. AbstractExceptionCodesReport
Returns the list of problems encountered while parsing sources and fetching report information.
getProblems() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ExceptionCodesReport
Returns the list of problems encountered while parsing sources and fetching report information.
getProjectClassLoader() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report. ReportConfiguration
Returns the class loader to instantiate classes of the project.
getProjectName() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ProjectConfiguration
Returns the name of the project being processed.
getPropertyName() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. PropertyAccessConfigurationException
Returns the name of the property that cannot be accessed.
getReport() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ProjectConfiguration
Returns the name of the file the report will be written to.
getReportEncoding() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ProjectConfiguration
Returns the encoding for the generated report.
getReporter() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ProjectConfiguration
Returns the reporter implementation to use to generate the code report.
getReporterInstance() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ProjectConfiguration
Returns the report generator instance set by #setReporter(String).
getResourceKey() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
Delegates call to LocalizedInfo.getResourceKey().
getResourceKey() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException
Returns the localization key to fetch messages from message bundles.
getResourceKey() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. LocalizedInfo
Returns the localization key to fetch messages from message bundles.
getSource() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ExceptionCodeReportItem
Returns the source code information about the declaration of the exception code.
getSourceEncoding() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ProjectConfiguration
Returns the encoding specified for the sources in the project.
getSourceRootDirectoryNames() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ProjectConfiguration
Returns the list of source path root elements of this project.
getSourceTrees() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report. ReportConfiguration
Returns the list of source trees to be added for parsing.
getStackTrace() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions. CoreException
Provides programmatic access to the stack trace information printed by Throwable.printStackTrace().
getStyleSheet() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ProjectConfiguration
The reference to the style sheet to add as link element to the head of the XHTML document.
getTemplateId() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. MessageTemplate
Returns the identifier of the template.
getThrowableHandleMode() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.context. AbstractExceptionContext
getThrowableHandleMode() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.core. ExceptionContext
Returns the configuration to control the handling of throwables.
getTime() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions. AbstractCoreException
getTime() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions. AbstractCoreRuntimeException
getTime() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions. CoreException
Returns the time the exception has been raised.
getTrail() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. CauseTrailMessages
Returns the trail of messages to the root.
getType() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.context. ExceptionContextProperty
getType() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context. I18nExceptionContextProperty
getTypeComment() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ExceptionCodeReportItem
Returns the comment to the report item type.
getTypeJavadoc() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ExceptionCodeReportItem
Returns the Javadoc information collected at class level.
getValue(OgnlContext, Object) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.ognl. OgnlExpression
Returns the value for the given context on the given root object.
getValueRange() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.context. ExceptionContextProperty
getValueRange() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context. I18nExceptionContextProperty


hashCode() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.id. LongExceptionId
Returns the hashcode of the object.
hashCode() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.id. UuidExceptionId
Returns the hashcode of the object.
hashCode() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderDescId
Returns the hash code of the object.
hasMessage(MessageType) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. Messages
Checks if there is a message for the given type.
hasProblems() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. AbstractExceptionCodesReport
Checks if there are reported problems.
hasProblems() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ExceptionCodesReport
Checks if there are reported problems.
hasSectionChanged(String, ExceptionCodeReportItem) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractOutputReportGenerator
Determines if the section has changed for the new item.
hasSectionChanged(String, ExceptionCodeReportItem) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. HtmlReportGenerator
Helper - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message
Provides helper methods for this package.
HtmlCodeTagRenderer - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html
Default implementation that renders the code tag as HTML.
HtmlCodeTagRenderer() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlCodeTagRenderer
HtmlDlTagListRenderer - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html
Implementation that renders link list information in HTML as definition lists.
HtmlDlTagListRenderer() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlDlTagListRenderer
HtmlLinkPlainTagRenderer - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html
Default implementation that renders the linkplain tags as HTML.
HtmlLinkPlainTagRenderer() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlLinkPlainTagRenderer
Default constructor.
HtmlLinkTagRenderer - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html
Default implementation that renders the link tags as HTML.
HtmlLinkTagRenderer() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlLinkTagRenderer
Default constructor.
HtmlLiteralTagRenderer - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html
Default implementation that renders the literal tag as HTML.
HtmlLiteralTagRenderer() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlLiteralTagRenderer
HtmlRendererFactory - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html
A renderer factory to create HTML elements from the Javadoc information returned by the Javadoc tool.
HtmlRendererFactory() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlRendererFactory
Default constructor.
HtmlReportGenerator - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator
Simple generator that generates a HTML file for exception codes.
HtmlReportGenerator() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. HtmlReportGenerator
Default constructor.
HtmlSeeTagRenderer - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html
Default implementation that renders the see and link tags as HTML.
HtmlSeeTagRenderer() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlSeeTagRenderer
HtmlSinceTagRenderer - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html
Default implementation that renders the since tag as HTML.
HtmlSinceTagRenderer() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlSinceTagRenderer
HtmlValueTagRenderer - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html
Default implementation that renders the value tags as HTML.
HtmlValueTagRenderer() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlValueTagRenderer
HtmlVersionTagRenderer - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html
Default implementation that renders the version tag as HTML.
HtmlVersionTagRenderer() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlVersionTagRenderer


I18nCodeMessageFormatter - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n
Formatter for instances of MessageBean.
I18nExceptionContext - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n
Defines access to the resources required by the exception infrastructure.
I18nExceptionContextManager - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n
Provides configuration information for exceptions per class loader.
I18nExceptionContextManager() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. I18nExceptionContextManager
I18nExceptionContextProperty - Enum in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context
Provides properties for the configuration of an I18N exception context.
idFactory - Variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.context. AbstractExceptionContext
The factory for generating identifiers.
IdFactory - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.core
A factory to create instances of ExceptionId.
includes - Variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.scan. AbstractScannerFactory
The includes for the scanner.
IncrementFactory - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.id
The factory that created ExceptionIds that provides a number that is larger than zero.
IncrementFactory() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.id. IncrementFactory
Default constructor with counter initialized with 1.
IncrementFactory(long) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.id. IncrementFactory
Convenience constructor.
index - Variable in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. ParseException
The index within the input string where the parsing error occurred.
indexOfFirstWhiteSpace(StringBuilder) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. StringFunction
Returns the index of the first white space.
indexOfFirstWhiteSpace(int, StringBuilder) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. StringFunction
Returns the index of the first white space, starting at the given offset.
indexOfFirstWhiteSpace(String) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. StringFunction
Returns the index of the first white space.
indexOfSecondWhiteSpace(StringBuilder) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. StringFunction
Returns the index of the second white space.
indexOfSecondWhiteSpace(String) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. StringFunction
Returns the index of the second white space.
info - Variable in exception de.smartics.exceptions. AbstractCoreException
Reference to common exception information.
info - Variable in exception de.smartics.exceptions. AbstractCoreRuntimeException
Reference to common exception information.
InlineJavadocTags - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils
Parses the Javadoc body and returns the tags and text fragments as an iterator.
InlineJavadocTags(JavaAnnotatedElement) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. InlineJavadocTags
Default constructor.
InMemoryExceptionCodesReport - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.data
Stores all information in memory.
InMemoryExceptionCodesReport() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. InMemoryExceptionCodesReport
Default constructor.
input - Variable in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. ParseException
The input that cannot be parsed.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.sort. MixedCodeComparator
Singleton instance for reuse.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.sort. MixedComponentCodeComparator
Singleton instance for reuse.
isEmpty() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ExceptionCodesReport
Checks if the report contains at least one item.
isEmpty() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. InMemoryExceptionCodesReport
isEmpty() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderInfo
Checks if the place holder info is empty.
isMandatory() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.context. ExceptionContextProperty
isMandatory() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context. I18nExceptionContextProperty
isText(DocletTag) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. InlineJavadocTags
Checks if the given tag is a simple text element.
iterator() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. InlineJavadocTags
Parses the Javadoc body and returns the tags and text fragments as an iterator.


JavadocRenderer - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer
Renderer for Javadoc information.
JavadocRenderer(RendererFactory) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. JavadocRenderer
Default constructor.
JavadocUtils - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils
Provides functions for manipulating Javadoc related information.
javaProjectBuilder - Variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.report. AbstractBuilder
The parser of the Java sources.


LinkPlainTagRenderer - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer
Renders the linkplain tags.
LinkTagRenderer - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer
Renders the link tags.
LiteralTagRenderer - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer
Renders literal tags.
loadClass(JavaClass) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. RuntimeUtils
Loads the class referenced by the given classDoc.
loadClass(String) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. RuntimeUtils
Loads the given class.
loadEnumInstance(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. RuntimeUtils
Loads the enumeration element instance with the given identifier from the given class.
loadInstance(JavaField) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. RuntimeUtils
Loads the instance referenced by the given fieldDoc.
loadStaticFieldInstance(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. RuntimeUtils
Loads the static property instance with the given identifier from the given class.
LocalizedException - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n
Provides access to the localized exception implementations through a common interface.
localizedInfo - Variable in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
The localized information controls the localization information.
localizedInfo - Variable in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException
The localized information controls the localization information.
localizedInfo - Variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
The localized information controls the localization information.
LocalizedInfo - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message
Controls the localized information for a throwable.
LocalizedInfo(Code) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. LocalizedInfo
Convenience constructor.
LocalizedInfo(Code, Throwable) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. LocalizedInfo
Convenience constructor.
LocalizedInfo(Code, String, String) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. LocalizedInfo
Convenience constructor without cause trail.
LocalizedInfo(Code, Throwable, String, String) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. LocalizedInfo
Default constructor.
LongExceptionId - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.id
An implementation where the exception identifier is modeled as a long value.
LongExceptionId(long) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.id. LongExceptionId
Default constructor that creates the identifier instance.


majorNumber - Variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.code. NumberCodeInfo
The major number of the code defines a group of codes.
maxIndex(String) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. MessageTemplateAnalyser
Find the greatest place holder index in the message.
MESSAGE_BUNDLE - Static variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.app. Constant
The name of the message bundle for all messages being logged.
messageBean - Variable in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageException
The message information for the exception.
messageBean - Variable in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageRuntimeException
The message information for the exception.
MessageBean - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n
Message provider.
MessageComposer - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n
The message composer creates messages from message templates by replacing the place holders with localized parameter values.
MessageParam - Annotation Type in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message
Adds information to a field of an exception about which parameter in a message it provides information.
MessageParamParser - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message
This class provides methods to parse message parameter.
MessageParamParser.MessageParamInfo - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message
Contains the index information for one message parameter.
MessageParamParser.MessageParamInfo(int, String) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. MessageParamParser.MessageParamInfo
Default constructor.
MessageParamsDescriptor - Annotation Type in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message
Provides a reference to a type that provides information about the message parameters that are used by the code's message templates.
Messages - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message
Provides the messages that are set.
Messages.Builder - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message
The builder for message instances.
Messages.Builder() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. Messages.Builder
MessageTemplate - Enum in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message
Defines the valid identifiers for message templates.
MessageTemplateAnalyser - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message
Analyses a message template.
MessageType - Enum in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message
Defines the valid message types to be displayed.
MethodAccessConfigurationException - Exception in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n
This exception is thrown if the configuration is not valid so that the system cannot evaluate the exception property.
MethodAccessConfigurationException(ConfigurationExceptionCode, String, Class<?>, String) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. MethodAccessConfigurationException
MethodAccessConfigurationException(Throwable, ConfigurationExceptionCode, String, Class<?>, String) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. MethodAccessConfigurationException
methodName - Variable in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. MethodAccessConfigurationException
The name of the getter method that has been tried to accessed.
minorNumber - Variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.code. NumberCodeInfo
The minor number gives additional information about the problem.
MixedCodeComparator - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.sort
Compares exception code information instances.
MixedCodeComparator() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.sort. MixedCodeComparator
Default constructor.
MixedComponentCodeComparator - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.sort
Compares exception code information instances.
MixedComponentCodeComparator() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.sort. MixedComponentCodeComparator
Default constructor.


notifyOfParseProblems(ExceptionCodesReport) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report. AbstractBuilder
Adds reported problems to the report.
NumberCode - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.code
A specific code interface that deals with number codes.
NumberCodeComparator< T extends NumberCode> - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.code
The default code comparator compares the component and then the code numerical by major and minor number.
NumberCodeComparator() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.code. NumberCodeComparator
Default constructor.
NumberCodeInfo - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.code
This Code implementation models the exception code as a number.
NumberCodeInfo(Integer) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.code. NumberCodeInfo
Convenience constructor.
NumberCodeInfo(String, Integer) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.code. NumberCodeInfo
Convenience constructor.
NumberCodeInfo(String, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.code. NumberCodeInfo
Default constructor.
NumberCodeOnlyComparator< T extends NumberCode> - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.code
The default code comparator compares the code numerical by major and minor number.
NumberCodeOnlyComparator() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.code. NumberCodeOnlyComparator
Default constructor.


OgnlExpression - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.ognl
Wrapper for an OGNL expression.
OgnlExpression(String) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.ognl. OgnlExpression
Default constructor.
output - Variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractReportGenerator
The output element to pass to each method.


ParentMessageParam - Annotation Type in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message
Adds information to a field of the parent exception about which parameter in a message it provides information.
parse(String) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. MessageParamParser
Splits the input string into message param informations.
ParseException - Exception in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message
This exception is thrown if a string cannot be parsed because information is missing or the format syntax is violated.
ParseException(ParseExceptionCode, String, String, int) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. ParseException
ParseException(ParseExceptionCode, String, int) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. ParseException
ParseException(Throwable, ParseExceptionCode, String, String, int) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. ParseException
ParseException(Throwable, ParseExceptionCode, String, int) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. ParseException
ParseExceptionCode - Enum in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.app
Defines the parsing exception codes for this package.
parseParentMessageParam(String) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. MessageParamParser
Parses the content of the parent message parameter.
PlaceHolderDesc - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.message
Information about a place holder.
PlaceHolderDesc(PlaceHolderDesc, MessageType) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderDesc
Copy constructor with a new message type.
PlaceHolderDesc(PlaceHolderDescId, String, String, String) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderDesc
Default constructor.
PlaceHolderDescId - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.message
Identifies a place holder description by its index an message type.
PlaceHolderDescId(int) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderDescId
Convenience constructor for a place holder for any message type.
PlaceHolderDescId(int, MessageType) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderDescId
Default constructor.
PlaceHolderInfo - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.message
Contains the information about a set of place holders.
PlaceHolderInfo() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderInfo
Default constructor.
problems - Variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.report. AbstractBuilder
The list of problems encountered while parsing sources and fetching report information.
ProjectConfiguration< O> - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.report.data
Implementations of this class provide information about what parts of the project should be covered with the report.
PropertiesConfiguredExceptionContext - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.context
The exception context is configured via a single properties file.
PropertiesConfiguredExceptionContext() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.context. PropertiesConfiguredExceptionContext
Default constructor.
PropertyAccessConfigurationException - Exception in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n
This exception is thrown if the configuration is not valid so that the system cannot evaluate the exception property.
PropertyAccessConfigurationException(ConfigurationExceptionCode, String, Class<?>) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. PropertyAccessConfigurationException
PropertyAccessConfigurationException(Throwable, ConfigurationExceptionCode, String, Class<?>) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. PropertyAccessConfigurationException
PropertyInfo - Annotation Type in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message
Adds information to a field to look for the getter and setter method.
propertyName - Variable in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. PropertyAccessConfigurationException
The name of the property that cannot be accessed.
provideProperties(BaseConfiguration) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.context. SystemDefaultExceptionContext
Sets the properties relevant to this implementation to the given configuration.
put(MessageType, String) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. Messages.Builder
Adds the given message as the given type.
putPlaceHolderDesc(PlaceHolderDesc) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderInfo
Sets the description with its identifier to the map of place holder descriptions.


register(ExceptionCodeReportItem) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. AbstractExceptionCodesReport
Registers a report item to check for uniqueness constraint violations.
render(StringBuilder, DocletTag) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. CodeTagRenderer
Renders the code tag.
render(StringBuilder, String) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. DefaultTextRenderer
Renders the text to the given buffer.
render(StringBuilder, DocletTag) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. AbstractHtmlLinkTagRenderer
Renders the tag to the buffer.
render(StringBuilder, DocletTag) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlCodeTagRenderer
render(StringBuilder, DocletTag) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlLiteralTagRenderer
render(StringBuilder, DocletTag) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlSeeTagRenderer
render(StringBuilder, DocletTag) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlSinceTagRenderer
render(StringBuilder, DocletTag) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlValueTagRenderer
render(StringBuilder, DocletTag) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlVersionTagRenderer
render(JavaAnnotatedElement) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. JavadocRenderer
Renders the information found in a Javadoc.
render(StringBuilder, DocletTag) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. LinkPlainTagRenderer
Renders the linkplain tag.
render(StringBuilder, DocletTag) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. LinkTagRenderer
Renders the link tag.
render(StringBuilder, DocletTag) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. LiteralTagRenderer
Renders the literal tag.
render(StringBuilder, DocletTag) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. SeeTagRenderer
Renders the see or link tag.
render(StringBuilder, DocletTag) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. SinceTagRenderer
Renders the since tag.
render(StringBuilder, String) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. TextRenderer
Renders the text to the given buffer.
render(StringBuilder, DocletTag) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. ValueTagRenderer
Renders the value tag.
render(StringBuilder, DocletTag) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. VersionTagRenderer
Renders the version tag.
renderer - Variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractReportGenerator
The renderer used to map Javadoc comments to the report's output format.
RendererFactory - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer
Interface to plugin different renderers into the report generation process.
renderListEnd(StringBuilder) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlDlTagListRenderer
renderListEnd(StringBuilder) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. TagListRenderer
Renders the end of the list.
renderListStart(StringBuilder) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer.html. HtmlDlTagListRenderer
renderListStart(StringBuilder) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer. TagListRenderer
Renders the start of the list.
ReportBuilder - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report
Builder of reports on smartics exception codes.
ReportConfiguration - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report
Provides information to control the creation of the report.
ReportConfiguration() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report. ReportConfiguration
Default constructor.
ReportException - Exception in de.smartics.exceptions.report.app
Base exception of the library for signaling an unspecific cause.
ReportException(String) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.report.app. ReportException
Convenience constructor.
ReportException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.report.app. ReportException
Convenience constructor.
ReportException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.exceptions.report.app. ReportException
Default constructor.
ReportGenerator< O> - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator
Defines the properties of a report generator.
ReportProblem - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.data
Stores a problem found by the report builder.
ReportProblem(Throwable) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ReportProblem
Convenience constructor to use the message of the root cause.
ReportProblem(String) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ReportProblem
Convenience constructor without a root cause.
ReportProblem(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ReportProblem
Default constructor.
reportTo(ExceptionCodesReport) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report. ReportBuilder
Runs the report process and writes to the given report.
resourceKey - Variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. LocalizedInfo
The localization key to fetch messages from message bundles.
RunningZerosNumberCodeInfo - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.code
Implements a number code with padded zeros in front.
RunningZerosNumberCodeInfo(String, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.code. RunningZerosNumberCodeInfo
Default constructor.
runtimeUtils - Variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.report. AbstractBuilder
Utils to instantiate classes.
RuntimeUtils - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils
Utilities to instantiate classes and access their runtime information.
RuntimeUtils(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. RuntimeUtils
Default constructor.


ScannerFactory - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.report.scan
Interface to generate scanners.
SeeTagRenderer - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer
Renders the see and link tags.
setContext(ClassLoader, T) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.runtime. AbstractExceptionContextManager
Sets the configuration for the given class loader.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractReportGenerator
Sets the encoding of the writer.
setEncoding(String) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. ReportGenerator
Sets the encoding to use by the reporter.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report. ReportConfiguration
Sets the encoding to use to read the source files.
setOutput(O) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractReportGenerator
Sets the output element to pass to each method.
setOutput(O) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. ReportGenerator
Sets the output the reporter will use to generate the report.
setProjectClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report. ReportConfiguration
Sets the class loader to instantiate classes of the project.
setStackTrace(StackTraceElement[]) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions. CoreException
Sets the stack trace elements that will be returned by Throwable.getStackTrace() and printed by Throwable.printStackTrace() and related methods.
setValue(OgnlContext, Object, Object) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.ognl. OgnlExpression
Sets the value dependent on the OGNL expression.
SignedIncrementFactory - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.id
The factory that created ExceptionIds that provides a long number Counting starts per default at 1, continues to Integer.MAX_VALUE, to the negatives, ends with zero and starts at 1 (without a warning) again.
SignedIncrementFactory() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.id. SignedIncrementFactory
Default constructor with counter initialized with 1.
SignedIncrementFactory(long) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.id. SignedIncrementFactory
Convenience constructor.
SinceTagRenderer - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer
Renders since tags.
SourceInfo - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.data
Contains information about the source a exception code is defined in.
SourceInfo(String, int) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. SourceInfo
Default constructor.
split(String) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. Helper
Parses the string and returns the comma separated elements as a list of String objects.
split(String, String) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. Helper
Parses the string and returns the delimiter separated elements as a list of String objects.
split(String) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. JavadocUtils
Splits the given path in an array containing the names of the files.
split(String) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. StringFunction
Parses the string and returns the comma separated elements as a list of String objects.
split(String, String) - Static method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. StringFunction
Parses the string and returns the delimiter separated elements as a list of String objects.
StoredExceptionCodesReport - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.report.data
Allows to store the reported items for later access.
StringFunction - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator
Utilities for this package.
StringFunction - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils
Utils for String functions.
SystemDefaultExceptionContext - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.context
An exception context with a UUID factory for default configuration.
SystemDefaultExceptionContext() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.context. SystemDefaultExceptionContext
Default constructor.
SystemDefaultI18nExceptionContext - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context
An exception context with a UUID factory for default configuration.
SystemDefaultI18nExceptionContext() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context. SystemDefaultI18nExceptionContext
Default constructor.


TagListRenderer - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer
Allows to render the intro and extro for a list of tags.
TEXT_DOCLET_NAME - Static variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.utils. InlineJavadocTags
The identifier of doclets that only contain text.
TextRenderer - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer
Interface for renderers to render character streams.
throwableHandleMode - Variable in class de.smartics.exceptions.context. AbstractExceptionContext
The configuration to control the handling of throwables.
ThrowableHandleMode - Enum in de.smartics.exceptions.core
Defines the modes how exceptions should be handled by the framework.
toString() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions. AbstractCoreException
Returns the string representation of the exception.
toString() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions. AbstractCoreRuntimeException
Returns the string representation of the exception.
toString() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.code. NumberCodeInfo
Returns the string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.context. ExceptionContextProperty
Returns the string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.core. Code
Returns the string representation of the code.
toString(CoreException) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.core. DefaultCodeMessageFormatter
Standard implementation of formatting ID, code and time.
toString() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.core. ExceptionId
Returns the string representation of the ID.
toString() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedException
Returns the string representation of the exception.
toString() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractLocalizedRuntimeException
Returns the string representation of the exception.
toString() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageBean
Returns the string representation of the exception.
toString() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageException
Returns the string representation of the exception.
toString() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. AbstractMessageRuntimeException
Returns the string representation of the exception.
toString() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.app. ConfigurationExceptionCode
Returns the string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.app. ParseExceptionCode
Returns the string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n. CauseTrailMessages
toString() - Method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context. I18nExceptionContextProperty
Returns the string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. Messages
toString() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.id. LongExceptionId
Returns the UUID as a string.
toString() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.id. UuidExceptionId
Returns the UUID as a string.
toString() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. ReportProblem
Returns the string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.data. SourceInfo
Returns the string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderDesc
Returns the string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.message. PlaceHolderDescId
Returns the string representation of the object.
truncateCause() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions. AbstractCoreException
truncateCause() - Method in exception de.smartics.exceptions. AbstractCoreRuntimeException
truncateCause() - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions. CoreException
Truncates the cause from the exception dependent on the ThrowableHandleMode set to the thread-local context.
TwoNumberCodeInfo - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.code
This Code implementation models the exception code as a number.
TwoNumberCodeInfo(Integer) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.code. TwoNumberCodeInfo
Convenience constructor.
TwoNumberCodeInfo(String, Integer) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.code. TwoNumberCodeInfo
Convenience constructor.
TwoNumberCodeInfo(String, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.code. TwoNumberCodeInfo
Default constructor.


UuidExceptionId - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.id
An implementation where the exception identifier is modelled as an UUID.
UuidExceptionId() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.id. UuidExceptionId
Constructor to create an instance with a random UUID.
UuidExceptionId(UUID) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.id. UuidExceptionId
Default constructor that creates an instance with the given UUID.
UuidFactory - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.id
The factory that created ExceptionIds that provide UUIDs.
UuidFactory() - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.id. UuidFactory


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.context. ExceptionContextProperty
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.core. ThrowableHandleMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.app. ConfigurationExceptionCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.app. ParseExceptionCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context. I18nExceptionContextProperty
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. MessageTemplate
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. MessageType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.context. ExceptionContextProperty
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.core. ThrowableHandleMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.app. ConfigurationExceptionCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.app. ParseExceptionCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context. I18nExceptionContextProperty
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. MessageTemplate
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message. MessageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
ValueTagRenderer - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer
Renders value tags.
VersionTagRenderer - Interface in de.smartics.exceptions.report.renderer
Renders version tags.


write(O, ProjectConfiguration<O>, StoredExceptionCodesReport) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractOutputReportGenerator
Writes the content of the report data to the stream.
writeContent(XMLStreamWriter, ProjectConfiguration<XMLStreamWriter>, StoredExceptionCodesReport) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractHtmlReportGenerator
Writes the content of the XML document.
writeContent(O, ProjectConfiguration<O>, StoredExceptionCodesReport) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractReportGenerator
Writes the content of the XML document.
writeFooter(O, ProjectConfiguration<O>) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractOutputReportGenerator
Writes the footer to the document.
writeHeader(O, ProjectConfiguration<O>) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractOutputReportGenerator
Writes visible the document header.
writeInfoFooter(XMLStreamWriter, ProjectConfiguration<XMLStreamWriter>) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractHtmlReportGenerator
Writes the footer for the report element set to the document.
writeInfoFooter(O, ProjectConfiguration<O>) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractOutputReportGenerator
Writes the footer for the report element set to the document.
writeInfoHeader(XMLStreamWriter, ProjectConfiguration<XMLStreamWriter>, String, ExceptionCodeReportItem) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractHtmlReportGenerator
Writes the header for the report.
writeInfoHeader(O, ProjectConfiguration<O>, String, ExceptionCodeReportItem) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractOutputReportGenerator
Writes the header for the report.
writeInfoSubHeader(O, ProjectConfiguration<O>, String) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractOutputReportGenerator
Writes the sub header information.
writeReport(ProjectConfiguration<O>, StoredExceptionCodesReport) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractReportGenerator
Writes the report with the given information.
writeReport(ProjectConfiguration<XMLStreamWriter>, StoredExceptionCodesReport) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractXmlReportGenerator
Writes the report with the given information.
writeReport(ProjectConfiguration<XMLStreamWriter>, StoredExceptionCodesReport) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. HtmlReportGenerator
writeReport(ProjectConfiguration<O>, StoredExceptionCodesReport) - Method in interface de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. ReportGenerator
Writes the report with the given information.
writeReportElementInfo(O, ProjectConfiguration<O>, ExceptionCodeReportItem) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractOutputReportGenerator
Writes the given report element information.
writeReportElementInfo(XMLStreamWriter, ProjectConfiguration<XMLStreamWriter>, ExceptionCodeReportItem) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. HtmlReportGenerator
Writes the given report element information.
writeTableHeader(O, ProjectConfiguration<O>) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. AbstractOutputReportGenerator
Writes the table header for the report elements set.
writeTableHeader(XMLStreamWriter, ProjectConfiguration<XMLStreamWriter>) - Method in class de.smartics.exceptions.report.generator. HtmlReportGenerator
Writes the table header for the report elements set.


ZipScannerFactory - Class in de.smartics.exceptions.report.scan
Creates directory scanners.
ZipScannerFactory(String[], String[]) - Constructor for class de.smartics.exceptions.report.scan. ZipScannerFactory


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