A sample application coordinates package.
The configuration allows to access the properties found on the node the REST application is deployed to.
The configuration files are stored in src/main/resources/META-INF/smartics-properties/boot. Please check these configuration files and adjust according to your requirements.
This file specifies the artifact that references all property descriptors and definitions. Usually this is a POM file with dependencies to a number of artifacts.
de.smartics.properties.application.groupId=de.smartics.sandbox de.smartics.properties.application.artifactId=test-application-context-ds de.smartics.properties.application.version=0.1.0-SNAPSHOT de.smartics.properties.application.archiveType=pom de.smartics.properties.application.classifier=
An example POM is provided as test-application-context-ds.
Provides access to the cache to use. In this example it provides access to an Infinispan cache on a JBoss Application Server.
Provides access to the data source that stores the property values (aka definitons). In this example it provides access to a data source on a JBoss Application Server.
de.smartics.properties.ds.jndiName=java:jboss/datasources/propertiesDS de.smartics.properties.ds.dropTable=false de.smartics.properties.ds.createTable=true