Uses of Class

Uses of AbstractSubsystemFileBasedParsingTestCase in

Subclasses of AbstractSubsystemFileBasedParsingTestCase in
 class SubsystemAdminResourceOnlyParsingTestCase
          This tests a configuration that only specifies the admin resource section.
 class SubsystemCacheOnlyParsingTestCase
          This tests a configuration that only specifies the cache section.
 class SubsystemConfigurationOnlyParsingTestCase
          This tests a configuration that only specifies the configuration element.
 class SubsystemDataSourceOnlyParsingTestCase
          This tests a configuration that only specifies the data source section.
 class SubsystemFactoriesOnlyParsingTestCase
          This tests a configuration that only specifies the factories section.
 class SubsystemFullParsingTestCase
          This tests a configuration that specifies all sections.
 class SubsystemSecurityOnlyParsingTestCase
          This tests a configuration that only specifies the security section.
 class SubsystemTwoConfigurationsParsingTestCase
          This tests a configuration that only specifies the configuration element.

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