[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.973 |
Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Package | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
test.de.smartics.properties.resource.repository | 23 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.716 |
test.de.smartics.properties.resource.util | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.257 |
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
ArtifactIdCompareToTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.334 | |
ArtifactIdObjectTest | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.358 | |
ArtifactIdSerializableTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.009 | |
ArtifactIdTest | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.002 | |
ClassPathEnvironmentSerializableTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.011 | |
ClassPathEnvironmentTest | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.002 |
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
TypeProblemMessageBeanTest | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.257 |
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
compareToIsSymmetric | 0.074 | |
compareToIsTransitive | 0.236 | |
compareToIsConsistentToEquals | 0.024 |
equalsIsReflexive | 0.014 | |
equalsIsSymmetric | 0.063 | |
equalsIsTransitive | 0.229 | |
equalsIsConsistent | 0.016 | |
equalsReturnFalseOnNull | 0.002 | |
equalsReturnFalseOnInstanceOfOtherType | 0.002 | |
hashCodeIsConsistent | 0.001 | |
hashCodeIsConsistentWithEquals | 0.015 | |
hashCodeProducesUnequalHashCodesForUnequalInstances | 0.014 | |
toStringRunsWithoutFailure | 0.002 |
neverRetursNullForAnRefsList | 0.001 | |
returnedRefsListIsNotModifiable | 0 | |
allowsToAddRefsToTheListOfSearchRoots | 0 | |
orderOfAddingRefsIsPreserved | 0 | |
printsClassPathByItsToString | 0 | |
printsClassPathByItsToStringOnAnEmptyList | 0.001 |
exceptionMessage | 0.137 | |
exceptionMessageForInterface | 0.009 | |
exceptionMessageForClass | 0.008 | |
logMessageDupsNoErrors | 0.009 | |
logMessageNoDupsAndOneError | 0.004 | |
logMessageDupsAndOneError | 0.086 | |
logMessageDupsAndErrors | 0.004 |