Interface PropertyCollection

Package class diagram package PropertyCollection
All Superinterfaces:
Iterable< Property>
All Known Implementing Classes:
DsPropertyCollection, MappedPropertyCollection, MultiPropertyCollection, NativePropertyCollection, PropertiesPropertyCollection

public interface PropertyCollection
extends Iterable< Property>

Models a collection of properties as String keys and values to iterate over.

See Also:

Method Summary
 void close()
          Releases all resources used by this collection.
 Iterator<Property> iterator()
          Returns an iterator over a set of properties.

Method Detail


void close()
Releases all resources used by this collection.


Iterator<Property> iterator()
Returns an iterator over a set of properties.

Please note that an implementation may require to call close() after iterating over the values. The client calling iterator() is responsible for closing the collection.

Specified by:
iterator in interface Iterable<Property>
an iterator.

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