
Package class diagram package
Provides annotations to attach metadata to properties.


Interface Summary
PropertyCategories.Business Tags a property as a business property that is environment agnostic.
PropertyCategories.CategoryTag Allows to tag interfaces to be used as value for the PropertyCategories annotation.
PropertyCategories.Technical Tags a property as a technical property.

Class Summary
PropertyLifecycle.UpdateInterval Defines constants for the PropertyLifecycle.updateInterval().

Enum Summary
AccessType Defines the type of the access to properties.
PropertyDefinitionTime Defines the different times the definition of a property is conducted.
PropertyUse.UseType The type of using the property.

Annotation Types Summary
PropertyCategories Categorizes a property.
PropertyElementType Defines the value type of a collection property value.
PropertyExpression Defines a default expression for the property to evaluate a value, if not specified otherwise.
PropertyIntValueRange Defines the range of valid integer values of a property.
PropertyKeyName Defines a name of a property key.
PropertyLifecycle Defines the lifecycle of a property.
PropertyListElementConstraints Flags a nested interface as defining constraints for property list elements.
PropertyMetaDataMethod Declares a method to return meta data instead of a property value.
PropertySet Defines a set of properties.
PropertyStringValueRange Defines the range of valid string values of a property.
PropertyUse Defines the type of using the property.
PropertyValueSecured Defines that the property value is secured.

Package Description

Provides annotations to attach metadata to properties.

The central annotation to declare a property set is PropertySet.

The following annotations allow to declare properties and their metadata:

  1. PropertyKeyName - specify the name of the property to override the default.
  2. PropertyLifecycle - specify definition time, access type and update interval of a property.
  3. PropertyExpression - specify a default value or a resolvable expression for a property value.
  4. PropertyCategory - specify category to tag a property e.g. as technical or business. Any category new type is allowed.
  5. PropertyUse - specify the use type of a property. Properties may be used e.g. as configuration or features.
  6. PropertyMetaDataMethod - tag a method to return a PropertyKey or PropertyDescriptor explicitly.
  7. Property Ranges
    1. PropertyIntValueRange - specify a range of integer values to select from.
    2. PropertyStringValueRange - specify a range of string values to select from.
    3. Note: If elements are to be taken from an enumeration, simply state the enum type as return value. Defaults may be set by their string representation.
  8. List Properties
    1. PropertyElementType - specify type of an element (if it is not a String) since generics information is not available at runtime.
    2. PropertyListElementConstraints - specify constraints on a list element.


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