Class ProjectdocMetaData

Package class diagram package ProjectdocMetaData
  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
DocumentMetaData, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
PropertyProjectdoc, PropertySetProjectdoc

public class ProjectdocMetaData
extends Object
implements DocumentMetaData

Stores document instance information for projectdoc metadata.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Convenience constructor without a parent to inherit from.
ProjectdocMetaData(ProjectdocMetaData parent)
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
 void addAudience(String member)
          Adds the member to the intended audience of this document.
 void addCategory(String category)
          Adds a category.
protected static void addElement(List<String> elements, String element)
          Adds the element to the given list, if the element is neither blank nor already part of the list.
 void addNote(String note)
          Adds a note.
 void addParent(String parent)
          Adds a parent.
 void addTag(String tag)
          Adds a tag.
 List<String> getAudience()
          Returns the audience the documentation targets.
 List<String> getCategories()
          Returns the categories associated with the document instance.
 String getName()
          Returns the unique document identifier.
 List<String> getNotes()
          Returns the list of notes appended to the document instance.
 ProjectdocMetaData getParent()
          Returns the reference to the parent meta data to access as default values.
 List<String> getParents()
          Returns the parents associated with the document instance.
 String getShortDescription()
          Returns the short description of the document to be incorporated in an overview table.
 String getSortKey()
          Returns the value for sortKey.
 String getSpace()
          Returns the space within which the title of a document is required to be unique.
 String getSummary()
          Returns the short summary of contents of the document to give more detailed information to a potential reader.
 List<String> getTags()
          Returns the tags associated with the document instance.
 String getTitle()
          Returns the title of a document, unique within the given space.
 void setName(String name)
          Sets the name of the document if not blank.
 void setShortDescription(String shortDescription)
          Sets the short description of the document to be incorporated in an overview table.
 void setSortKey(String sortKey)
          Sets the option to sort elements.
 void setSpace(String space)
          Sets the space within which the title of a document is required to be unique.
 void setSummary(String summary)
          Sets the short summary of contents of the document to give more detailed information to a potential reader.
 void setTitle(String title)
          Sets the title of a document, unique within the given space.
 String toString()
          Returns the string representation of the object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ProjectdocMetaData()
Convenience constructor without a parent to inherit from.


public ProjectdocMetaData(ProjectdocMetaData parent)
Default constructor.

parent - the reference to the parent meta data to access as default values.
Method Detail


public final ProjectdocMetaData getParent()
Returns the reference to the parent meta data to access as default values.

the reference to the parent meta data to access as default values.


public final List<String> getCategories()
Description copied from interface: DocumentMetaData
Returns the categories associated with the document instance.

Specified by:
getCategories in interface DocumentMetaData
the categories associated with the document instance.


public final void addCategory(String category)
Adds a category. Blank category names or categories already part of the list will be ignored.

category - the category to be added.


public final List<String> getTags()
Description copied from interface: DocumentMetaData
Returns the tags associated with the document instance.

Specified by:
getTags in interface DocumentMetaData
the tags associated with the document instance.


public final void addTag(String tag)
Adds a tag. Blank tag names or tags already part of the list will be ignored.

tag - the tag to be added.


public final List<String> getParents()
Description copied from interface: DocumentMetaData
Returns the parents associated with the document instance.

Specified by:
getParents in interface DocumentMetaData
the parents associated with the document instance.


public final void addParent(String parent)
Adds a parent. Blank parent names or parents already part of the list will be ignored.

parent - the parent to be added.


public final String getName()
Description copied from interface: DocumentMetaData
Returns the unique document identifier. It is generated by the system if not given explicitly.

Dependent on the evaluation context the name given here may be expanded to be unique. So the uniqueness of this key is dependent of the context.

Specified by:
getName in interface DocumentMetaData
the unique document identifier.


public final void setName(String name)
Sets the name of the document if not blank.

name - the name of the document to set.


public final String getShortDescription()
Description copied from interface: DocumentMetaData
Returns the short description of the document to be incorporated in an overview table. Should not exceed one to three sentences.

Specified by:
getShortDescription in interface DocumentMetaData
the short description of the document to be incorporated in an overview table.


public final void setShortDescription(String shortDescription)
Sets the short description of the document to be incorporated in an overview table. Should not exceed one to three sentences. If the value is blank, it is ignored.

shortDescription - the short description of the document to be incorporated in an overview table.


public final List<String> getNotes()
Description copied from interface: DocumentMetaData
Returns the list of notes appended to the document instance.

Specified by:
getNotes in interface DocumentMetaData
the list of notes appended to the document instance.


public final void addNote(String note)
Adds a note. Blank notes or notes already part of the list will be ignored.

note - the note to be added.


public final String getSpace()
Description copied from interface: DocumentMetaData
Returns the space within which the title of a document is required to be unique.

Specified by:
getSpace in interface DocumentMetaData
the space within which the title of a document is required to be unique.


public final void setSpace(String space)
Sets the space within which the title of a document is required to be unique. If the value is blank it is ignored.

space - the space within which the title of a document is required to be unique.


public final String getTitle()
Description copied from interface: DocumentMetaData
Returns the title of a document, unique within the given space.

Specified by:
getTitle in interface DocumentMetaData
the title of a document, unique within the given space.


public final void setTitle(String title)
Sets the title of a document, unique within the given space. If the value is blank it is ignored.

title - the title of a document, unique within the given space.


public final String getSummary()
Description copied from interface: DocumentMetaData
Returns the short summary of contents of the document to give more detailed information to a potential reader. Should not exceed one too three paragraphs.

Specified by:
getSummary in interface DocumentMetaData
the short summary of contents of the document to give more detailed information to a potential reader.


public final void setSummary(String summary)
Sets the short summary of contents of the document to give more detailed information to a potential reader. Should not exceed one too three paragraphs. If the value is blank it is ignored.

summary - the short summary of contents of the document to give more detailed information to a potential reader.


public final String getSortKey()
Description copied from interface: DocumentMetaData
Returns the value for sortKey.

Option to sort elements. This sort key is used first for sorting the document instances in the index document of this doctype.

Specified by:
getSortKey in interface DocumentMetaData
the value for sortKey.


public final void setSortKey(String sortKey)
Sets the option to sort elements. This sort key is used first for sorting the document instances in the index document of this doctype. If the value is blank it is ignored.

sortKey - the option to sort elements.


public final List<String> getAudience()
Description copied from interface: DocumentMetaData
Returns the audience the documentation targets.

Specified by:
getAudience in interface DocumentMetaData
the audience the documentation targets.


public final void addAudience(String member)
Adds the member to the intended audience of this document.

member - the audience member to add.


protected static final void addElement(List<String> elements,
                                       String element)
Adds the element to the given list, if the element is neither blank nor already part of the list.

elements - the list to add to.
element - the element to be added.


public final String toString()
Returns the string representation of the object.

toString in class Object
the string representation of the object.

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