Uses of Class

Packages that use TenantUserConfigurationKey Provides a configuration key implementation that is runtime aware. 

Uses of TenantUserConfigurationKey in

Methods in that return TenantUserConfigurationKey
 TenantUserConfigurationKey TenantUserConfigurationKeyHelper.load(ApplicationId applicationId)
          Loads the configuration key using the given applicationId and determines the environmentId through system properties or defaults (null for the environment and hostname for the node).
 TenantUserConfigurationKey TenantUserConfigurationKeyHelper.load(Class<?> locator)
          Loads the application identifier from the manifest file pointed at by the given locator class.
 TenantUserConfigurationKey TenantUserConfigurationKeyHelper.load(EnvironmentId environmentId, Class<?> locator)
          Loads the application identifier from the manifest file pointed at by the given locator class.
 TenantUserConfigurationKey TenantUserConfigurationKeyHelper.load(String environmentName, Class<?> locator)
          Loads the application identifier from the manifest file pointed at by the given locator class.

Methods in with parameters of type TenantUserConfigurationKey
 int TenantUserConfigurationKey.compareTo(TenantUserConfigurationKey o)

Constructors in with parameters of type TenantUserConfigurationKey
TenantUserConfigurationKey(TenantUserConfigurationKey key, ApplicationId appId)
          Copy constructor.

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