Interface PropertiesDefinitionContext

Package class diagram package PropertiesDefinitionContext
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPropertiesDefinitionContext, EnvAppPropertiesDefinitionContext, OneKeyPropertiesDefinitionContext, TenantUserPropertiesDefinitionContext

public interface PropertiesDefinitionContext
extends Serializable

Contains information from the definition.xml that is contained in archives providing property information.

Implementations are required to be thread-safe.

Method Summary
 ConfigurationKey<?> getKey(String path)
          Returns the configuration key associated with the given path.

Method Detail


ConfigurationKey<?> getKey(String path)
Returns the configuration key associated with the given path.

path - the path to fetch its configuration key. Note that a null value is allowed.
the configuration key for the given path or null if no key is associated with it.

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