Class AbstractConfigurationPropertiesFactory<T extends ConfigurationPropertiesManagement>

Package class diagram package AbstractConfigurationPropertiesFactory
  extended by<T>
Type Parameters:
T - the concrete type of the returned configuration properties.
All Implemented Interfaces:
ConfigurationPropertiesFactory, ConfigurationPropertiesManagementFactory, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
AutodetectDataSourceConfigurationPropertiesFactory, ClasspathConfigurationPropertiesFactory, DataSourceConfigurationPropertiesFactory, JndiConfigurationPropertiesFactory, PropertiesConfigurationPropertiesFactory, ResourceConfigurationPropertiesFactory

public abstract class AbstractConfigurationPropertiesFactory<T extends ConfigurationPropertiesManagement>
extends Object
implements ConfigurationPropertiesManagementFactory

Base implementation of the ConfigurationPropertiesManagementFactory.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
protected AbstractConfigurationPropertiesFactory()
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
 void addPropertyProviders(Collection<PropertyProvider> providers)
          Adds the given providers of properties as additional property definitions.
 void addPropertyProviders(PropertyProvider... providers)
          Adds the given providers of properties as additional property definitions.
 void addRootLocations(Collection<URL> urls)
          Adds the given URLs to the locations to search for property declarations and definitions.
 void addRootLocations(URL... urls)
          Adds the given additional URLs to the locations to search for property declarations and definitions.
 String addRootUrls(ArtifactId artifactId)
          Adds the URLs derived from the dependencies provided by the given artifactId to the locations to search for property declarations and definitions.
 T create(ConfigurationKey<?> key)
          Creates the configuration properties instance for the given key.
 T createDefault()
          Returns the configuration for the default key.
 ConfigurationPropertiesManagement createDefaultManagement()
          Returns the management view on a configuration for the default key.
 T createManagement(ConfigurationKey<?> key)
          Returns the configuration properties for the given key.
protected abstract  T createNewConfiguration(ConfigurationKey<?> key)
          Creates an empty instance of the configuration properties instance.
 ArtifactRef getArtifactRef(String artifactId)
          Returns the artifact reference by its short ID.
 FactoryConfiguration getFactoryConfiguration()
          Returns the factory configuration and changes values.
 Collection<ConfigurationKey<?>> getRegisteredConfigurationKeys()
          Returns a list of keys to the registered configurations.
 PropertyDescriptorRegistry getRegistry()
          Returns the registry of declarations used by all created configurations.
 Collection<ConfigurationKey<?>> materialize()
          Materializes all configurations found by this factory.
 void release()
          Releases resources acquired by this instance.
 ConfigurationPropertiesManagement remove(ConfigurationKey<?> key)
          Removes the configuration with the given key from the cache.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected AbstractConfigurationPropertiesFactory()
Default constructor.

Method Detail


public final PropertyDescriptorRegistry getRegistry()
Description copied from interface: ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
Returns the registry of declarations used by all created configurations.

Specified by:
getRegistry in interface ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
the registry of declarations used by all created configurations.


public final FactoryConfiguration getFactoryConfiguration()
Description copied from interface: ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
Returns the factory configuration and changes values.

Since factories are not thread-safe according to configuration changes, it is expected that the factory is configured prior to any creation calls.

Specified by:
getFactoryConfiguration in interface ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
a reference to the factory configuration.


public final void addRootLocations(Collection<URL> urls)
Description copied from interface: ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
Adds the given URLs to the locations to search for property declarations and definitions. Property definitions are e.g. properties files or similar resources that define the actual value of a property.

Adding URLs only affects later creations of ConfigurationProperties instances.

Specified by:
addRootLocations in interface ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
urls - the URLs to add as search location. If the list is empty or urls is null, nothing is added without a warning.


public final void addRootLocations(URL... urls)
Description copied from interface: ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
Adds the given additional URLs to the locations to search for property declarations and definitions. Property definitions are e.g. properties files or similar resources that define the actual value of a property.

Adding URLs only affects later creations of ConfigurationProperties instances.

Specified by:
addRootLocations in interface ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
urls - the URLs to add as search location. If the list is empty or urls is null, nothing is added without a warning.


public final void addPropertyProviders(Collection<PropertyProvider> providers)
Description copied from interface: ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
Adds the given providers of properties as additional property definitions.

Adding providers only affects later creations of ConfigurationProperties instances.

Specified by:
addPropertyProviders in interface ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
providers - property providers for additional property name-value pairs. If the list is empty or providers is null, nothing is added without a warning.


public final void addPropertyProviders(PropertyProvider... providers)
Description copied from interface: ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
Adds the given providers of properties as additional property definitions.

Adding providers only affects later creations of ConfigurationProperties instances.

Specified by:
addPropertyProviders in interface ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
providers - property providers for additional property name-value pairs. If the list is empty or providers is null, nothing is added without a warning.


public final String addRootUrls(ArtifactId artifactId)
                         throws de.smartics.util.lang.NullArgumentException,
Description copied from interface: ConfigurationPropertiesManagementFactory
Adds the URLs derived from the dependencies provided by the given artifactId to the locations to search for property declarations and definitions. Property definitions are e.g. properties files or similar resources that define the actual value of a property.

Adding URLs only affects later creations of ConfigurationProperties instances.

Specified by:
addRootUrls in interface ConfigurationPropertiesManagementFactory
artifactId - the reference to the property resources.
the URL to the remote repository to fetch the artifact.
de.smartics.util.lang.NullArgumentException - if artifactId is null.
RepositoryException - on any problem accessing the remote repository.
CompoundConfigurationException - if loading property resources encountered problems.


public final ArtifactRef getArtifactRef(String artifactId)
                                 throws NullPointerException
Description copied from interface: ConfigurationPropertiesManagementFactory
Returns the artifact reference by its short ID.

Specified by:
getArtifactRef in interface ConfigurationPropertiesManagementFactory
artifactId - the GAV concatenated and separated by colons.
the associated artifact reference or null if there is no artifact reference with the given artifactId registered.
NullPointerException - if artifactId is null.


public final Collection<ConfigurationKey<?>> getRegisteredConfigurationKeys()
Description copied from interface: ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
Returns a list of keys to the registered configurations.

Specified by:
getRegisteredConfigurationKeys in interface ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
the list of configuration keys.


public final T create(ConfigurationKey<?> key)
                                                         throws NullPointerException,
Description copied from interface: ConfigurationPropertiesManagementFactory
Creates the configuration properties instance for the given key.

Specified by:
create in interface ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
Specified by:
create in interface ConfigurationPropertiesManagementFactory
key - the key to identify the requested configuration.
the requested configuration.
NullPointerException - if key is null.
ConfigurationException - on any problem loading the configuration properties.
See Also:
ConfigurationPropertiesFactory.createManagement(ConfigurationKey), EnvAppConfigurationKeyHelper


public final T createDefault()
Description copied from interface: ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
Returns the configuration for the default key. The default key is not associated with a particular environment or application.

Specified by:
createDefault in interface ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
the requested configuration properties. Never null.


public final ConfigurationPropertiesManagement createDefaultManagement()
Description copied from interface: ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
Returns the management view on a configuration for the default key. The default key is not associated with a particular environment or application.

Specified by:
createDefaultManagement in interface ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
the requested configuration properties. Never null.


public final T createManagement(ConfigurationKey<?> key)
                                                                   throws NullPointerException,
Description copied from interface: ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
Returns the configuration properties for the given key. May return a cached instance.

Specified by:
createManagement in interface ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
key - the identifier of the configuration properties that is requested.
the requested configuration properties. Never null.
NullPointerException - if key is null.
ConfigurationException - on any problem loading the configuration properties.
See Also:
ConfigurationPropertiesFactory.create(ConfigurationKey), EnvAppConfigurationKeyHelper


public Collection<ConfigurationKey<?>> materialize()
Description copied from interface: ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
Materializes all configurations found by this factory.

Specified by:
materialize in interface ConfigurationPropertiesFactory
the collection of keys of the materialized configuration. May be empty, but is never null.


protected abstract T createNewConfiguration(ConfigurationKey<?> key)
                                                                               throws NullPointerException,
Creates an empty instance of the configuration properties instance. Where the public create methods may consult a cache, this method is required to create a new instance.

key - the key to the instance.
the instance. Never null.
NullPointerException - if key is null.
ConfigurationException - if the configuration cannot be created.


public void release()
Description copied from interface: ConfigurationPropertiesManagementFactory
Releases resources acquired by this instance.

Specified by:
release in interface ConfigurationPropertiesManagementFactory


public final ConfigurationPropertiesManagement remove(ConfigurationKey<?> key)
                                               throws NullPointerException
Description copied from interface: ConfigurationPropertiesManagementFactory
Removes the configuration with the given key from the cache.

Specified by:
remove in interface ConfigurationPropertiesManagementFactory
key - the key of the configuration to remove.
a reference to the removed configuration.
NullPointerException - if key is null.


public String toString()
toString in class Object

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