Class AbstractInMemoryConfigurationProperties

Package class diagram package AbstractInMemoryConfigurationProperties
  extended by
      extended by
          extended by
              extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
ConfigurationProperties, ConfigurationPropertiesManagement, SerializableConfigurationProperties, SerializableConfigurationPropertiesManagement, ConfigurationPropertiesManagementSpi, ConfigurationPropertiesSpi, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
BootConfigurationProperties, ClasspathConfigurationProperties, PropertiesConfigurationProperties

public abstract class AbstractInMemoryConfigurationProperties
extends AbstractConfigurationPropertiesManagement
implements SerializableConfigurationPropertiesManagement

An implementation that stores all properties in-memory.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
AbstractInMemoryConfigurationProperties(ConfigurationKey<?> key, PropertyDescriptorRegistry registry, boolean requiresDefaultOnClassPath, PropertyValueSecurity decrypter)
          Default constructor requiring that a properties file with the same name as the properties set class exists on the class path.
AbstractInMemoryConfigurationProperties(ConfigurationKey<?> key, PropertyDescriptorRegistry registry, PropertyValueSecurity decrypter)
          Convenience constructor requiring that a properties file with the same name as the properties set class exists on the class path.
Method Summary
 AbstractInMemoryConfigurationProperties addClassPathProperties(Class<?> propertiesInterface)
          Loads the properties for the given properties interface from the class path.
protected  void addDefinitionsToStore(PropertyProvider properties)
          Implementations decide whether or not registered definitions should be written to the store.
 PropertyStoreAccessor getPropertyStoreAccessor()
          Provides direct access to the properties in the underlying store.
protected  void setPropertiesToStore(PropertyProvider provider)
          Allows to store all properties efficiently by subclasses.
 String toString()
          Returns the string representation of the object.
Methods inherited from class
addDefinitions, addDescriptors, deletePropertyInStore, flush, getDescriptor, getDescriptor, getMandatoryPropertyDescriptors, getProperty, getProperty, getPropertyAsType, getPropertyCollectionFromStore, getPropertyFromStore, getValidatedProperty, setProperty, setPropertyToStore, unsetProperty, validate, validate, validate
Methods inherited from class
isInAdminMode, setToAdminMode, toRepresentative
Methods inherited from class
addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, firePropertyChange, getContext, getContext, getKey, getProperties, getProperties, getProperty, getProperty, getProperty, getPropertyDescriptor, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValueAsString, getPropertyValueAsString, getPropertyValueAsString, getPropertyValueAsString, getPropertyValueSecurity, getRegistry, getValidatedProperty, getValidatedProperty, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, resolveAndConvert, resolveAndConvertAndValidate, validate, validate, validate
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
addDefinitions, addDescriptors, flush, getDescriptor, getDescriptor, getMandatoryPropertyDescriptors, getPropertyValueSecurity, getRegistry, setProperty, setToAdminMode, toRepresentative, toSerializable, unsetProperty
Methods inherited from interface
addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, getContext, getContext, getKey, getProperties, getProperty, getProperty, getProperty, getProperty, getProperty, getPropertyAsType, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValueAsString, getPropertyValueAsString, getPropertyValueAsString, getPropertyValueAsString, getValidatedProperty, getValidatedProperty, getValidatedProperty, isInAdminMode, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, validate, validate, validate, validate, validate
Methods inherited from interface

Constructor Detail


public AbstractInMemoryConfigurationProperties(ConfigurationKey<?> key,
                                               PropertyDescriptorRegistry registry,
                                               PropertyValueSecurity decrypter)
                                        throws de.smartics.util.lang.NullArgumentException
Convenience constructor requiring that a properties file with the same name as the properties set class exists on the class path.

key - the key that identifies the configuration.
registry - the registry to resolve property descriptors.
decrypter - the helper to decrypt secured property values.
de.smartics.util.lang.NullArgumentException - if key, registry or decrypter is null.


public AbstractInMemoryConfigurationProperties(ConfigurationKey<?> key,
                                               PropertyDescriptorRegistry registry,
                                               boolean requiresDefaultOnClassPath,
                                               PropertyValueSecurity decrypter)
                                        throws de.smartics.util.lang.NullArgumentException
Default constructor requiring that a properties file with the same name as the properties set class exists on the class path.

key - the key that identifies the configuration.
registry - the registry to resolve property descriptors.
requiresDefaultOnClassPath - the flag controls the behavior on not finding default properties on the classpath.
decrypter - the helper to decrypt secured property values.
de.smartics.util.lang.NullArgumentException - if key, registry or decrypter is null.
Method Detail


public final PropertyStoreAccessor getPropertyStoreAccessor()
Description copied from interface: ConfigurationPropertiesManagement
Provides direct access to the properties in the underlying store.

Specified by:
getPropertyStoreAccessor in interface ConfigurationPropertiesManagement
direct access to the properties in the underlying store.


protected final void addDefinitionsToStore(PropertyProvider properties)
Description copied from class: AbstractConfigurationPropertiesManagement
Implementations decide whether or not registered definitions should be written to the store. This is the default and subclasses may override to implement another strategy.

Usually configurations that are backed up by an external (e.g. persistent) store do not want to store definitions here. So they override this method with a no-op.

Specified by:
addDefinitionsToStore in class AbstractConfigurationPropertiesManagement
properties - the properties that are to be registered as definitions.


protected final void setPropertiesToStore(PropertyProvider provider)
Allows to store all properties efficiently by subclasses. The default implementation simply iterates.

Specified by:
setPropertiesToStore in class AbstractConfigurationPropertiesManagement
provider - the provider with the properties to be stored.


public final AbstractInMemoryConfigurationProperties addClassPathProperties(Class<?> propertiesInterface)
                                                                     throws de.smartics.util.lang.NullArgumentException,
Loads the properties for the given properties interface from the class path.

The properties file is expected to be at the same location with a name identical to the interface plus the file extension .properties .

propertiesInterface - the properties defining interface whose properties are loaded.
a reference to this configuration for chaining.
de.smartics.util.lang.NullArgumentException - if propertiesInterface is null.
ConfigurationLoadingException - if the properties file cannot be loaded.


public String toString()
Returns the string representation of the object.

toString in class AbstractConfigurationProperties
the string representation of the object.

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