Class DefinitionXmlMessageBean

Package class diagram package DefinitionXmlMessageBean
  extended by de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.AbstractMessageBean
      extended by
          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.MessageBean, TransferMessageBean, Serializable

public class DefinitionXmlMessageBean
extends AbstractBaseMessageBean
implements TransferMessageBean

Provides information to signal that there is no definition.xml file found or the URL to the file cannot be constructed.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.AbstractMessageBean
code, localizedInfo
Constructor Summary
DefinitionXmlMessageBean(TransferCode code, ArtifactRef artifact)
          Constructor without cause.
DefinitionXmlMessageBean(TransferCode code, Throwable cause, ArtifactRef artifact)
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
static TransferMessageBean malformedUrl(Throwable cause, ArtifactRef artifact)
          Creates a message bean with code TransferCode.MALFORMED_URL_TO_DEFINITION_XML.
static TransferMessageBean missingDefinition(Throwable cause, ArtifactRef artifact)
          Creates a message bean with code TransferCode.NO_DEFINITION_XML.
Methods inherited from class de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.AbstractMessageBean
getCause, getCauseTrail, getCauseTrail, getClassLoader, getCode, getLocalizedInfo, getLocalizedMessage, getLocalizedMessage, getLocalizedMessage, getLocalizedMessage, getLocalizedTextMessage, getLocalizedTextMessage, getLocalizedTextMessage, getMessage, getMessage, getMessage, getMessages, getMessages, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.MessageBean
getCause, getCauseTrail, getCauseTrail, getCode, getLocalizedInfo, getMessage, getMessages

Constructor Detail


public DefinitionXmlMessageBean(TransferCode code,
                                ArtifactRef artifact)
Constructor without cause.

code - the error or exception code of the exception.
artifact - the reference to the artifact that lacks the definition.xml.


public DefinitionXmlMessageBean(TransferCode code,
                                Throwable cause,
                                ArtifactRef artifact)
Default constructor.

code - the error or exception code of the exception.
cause - the cause to the problem.
artifact - the reference to the artifact that lacks the definition.xml.
Method Detail


public static TransferMessageBean missingDefinition(Throwable cause,
                                                    ArtifactRef artifact)
Creates a message bean with code TransferCode.NO_DEFINITION_XML.

cause - the cause to the problem.
artifact - the reference to the artifact that lacks the definition.xml.
the created message bean.


public static TransferMessageBean malformedUrl(Throwable cause,
                                               ArtifactRef artifact)
Creates a message bean with code TransferCode.MALFORMED_URL_TO_DEFINITION_XML.

cause - the cause to the problem.
artifact - the reference to the artifact the URL cannot be constructed to.
the created message bean.

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