Topics Overview

Information on using the Doctypes Maven Plugin.

Instructions on how to download the artifact of this project.
Patch Scoopee
Shows how to add a doctype from a doctype add-on to the scoopee example doctype add-on.
Generating everything does not work if the models do not support some use cases. Therefore the plugin provides a simple patch mechanism to work around the model deficiencies.
The plugin is part of a development process. Therefore there are some prerequisites to get started.
Project Settings
The project-settings.xml allows user specific defaults for parameter values used for the project creation process.
projectdoc Model Descriptors
Provides an overview over the model descriptors to describe the add-on, spaces, and doctypes.
Quickly create a Model Project
A quick step-by-step tutorial to create a model project from scratch.
Supporting more Locales
The plugin supports more than just EN (as default) and DE. But the Toolbox is limited to these locales.
List of usage scenarios creating blueprints with the plugin for Maven.

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