Show how to deploy apps with Maven to a Confluence server: app projects and POM projects

Publication Date


  • We have a add-on for Confluence with a collection of macros
  • We design a lot of blueprints (300+) in a number of doctype add-ons (apps, 15+) based on those macros
  • When we deploy a new version of one of our add-ons, we need to deploy it to different environments (DEV plus 3+)

automation required

Use Case 1: Deploy from a Maven App Project

Artifact currently created and located in the target folder.

Deploy to Local Confluence (DEV)
mvn apptools:deploy -PLOCAL
Deploy to Test Enviroment (TEST)
mvn apptools:deploy -PTEST
Deploy to Production (PROD)
mvn apptools:deploy -PPROD
pluginManagement in pom.xml
profile in pom.xml with predentials
      <activeByDefault />
profile in pom.xml without credentials

Use Case 2: Deploy a Set of Add-ons

Set of apps is defined with the POM.

Deploy latest SNAPSHOTs on Artifact Server to Test Environment
mvn apptools:deploy -PTEST -DuseLatest=SNAPSHOT

Plugin Configuration with Apps




What is next?

  1. Deploy only if not already up-to-date
  2. Check HTTP 500 on bulk deployment

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