Child pages
  • Address Book

Organize information about persons and organizations.

Documentation for

The address book space is an attachment space for holding address information for people and organizations. It may be a good place to store information about roles and stakeholders, too. This show case does not have stakeholders since they are stored in the sample team project space.

The address book holds personal information for people that are important for the projects. This includes people working on projects and people that are experts on topics relevant for these projects. The show case shows three authors of publications on information architecture (which is a tag defined on the Show Case Index Space). It also contains documents on three fictional people working on a fictional product.

Space Properties

The space delegates to the index space and puts the library space in the search closure.

So the address book space uses the information on the index space (i.e. space properties and documents referenced by the Name List Macro). By defining the search space, macros like the Display Table Macro also have hits from the library space.

Dynamic Navigation

Organization and person documents automatically link resources they are publishers or authors for. The show case also show quotes on the author's page.

Using Common Generic Types

The show case uses the tag information architecture to flag people with expertise and resources with information on that subject. The tag document lists all documents with that tag on it.


Using Spaces
A short introduction on using spaces with the projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence.