Child pages
  • Nameless Documents

Feature to derive a document's name from its title.


The projectdoc Toolbox supports Nameless Documents. Every document requires a name, but with Nameless Documents that name does not be stated explicitly. If there is no name property on a page, then the page title is the default. This default can be adjusted by the following space properties.

  1. Doctype Star Document Name Pattern
  2. Doctype Document Name Pattern
  3. Default Group Name Pattern
  4. Doctype Document Name Pattern Group

These space properties let apply and select a regular expression to derive the document's name from its title.


Note that space homepages and pages providing space properties cannot be nameless.


projectdoc Document
projectdoc is based on projectdoc documents. Creating a projectdoc document is easy: A projectdoc document is a Confluence page using document properties and sections.
Name and Title
The purpose and the differences between the name and title property of a doctype.
Document Properties Marker Macro
A table containing document properties. Three columns: name, value and meta data (aka controls) to a property.