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  • Single Sourcing

Method for systematically re-using information.


Single sourcing is a method for systematically re-using information. With this method, you develop modular content in one source document or database, then assemble the content into different document formats for different audiences and purposes.

Although its primary goal is to save time and money, single sourcing improves the quality of your documentation.

Kurt Ament. Single Sourcing - Building Modular Documentation. 2003

Related Terms

Dynamic List
Enhances navigation by showing a list of links to related information that is the result of a query on document properties.
Describes the technique to transclude one or more content fragments from one or more documents.
The technique to render parts of one document within another document.


More information on single sourcing.

Single Sourcing
Reduce redundancy by having one source of truth for each information. This way the written information is more easily reusable in other documents and - which is even more important - it is referenceable. Single sourcing demands automation.