Use products (templates) from the V-Modell®XT in your Confluence wiki as blueprints!

Doctypes for V-Modell®XT
Source Repository


This doctype add-on for the projectdoc Toolbox provides space and page blueprints to use V-Modell® XT products (templates) in your Confluence wiki.

Add-on supports German language only


The blueprints of this add-on are based on V-Modell XT version 2.1. This version is released only in German.

Therefore all blueprints are also only available in German.

Version 1.3 of the V-Modell XT has been also released in English, but it is not supported by this add-on.

Supported Products

The following products of V-Modell XT version 2.1 are supported by a doctype for the projectdoc Toolbox.

Anbahnung und Organisation

  • Projektauftrag
  • Projekthandbuch
  • Projektvorschlag

Ausschreibungs- und Vertragswesen

  • Vertrag


  • Kaufmännische Projektstatusbericht
  • Projektabschlussbericht
  • Projektstatusbericht
  • QS-Bericht

Lieferung und Abnahme

  • Abnahmeerklärung
  • Liefergegenstand
  • Lieferung


  • Ausbildungsunterlage
  • Ersatzteil
  • Instandhaltungsdokumentation
  • Instandsetzungsdokumentation
  • Nutzungsdokumentation


  • Prüfung
  • Änderung

Planung und Steuerung

  • Kaufmännische Projektfortschrittsentscheidung
  • Kaufmännische Projektkalkulation
  • Projektplan

Problem- und Änderungsmanagement

  • Problembewertung
  • Problemmeldung
  • Änderungsantrag
  • Änderungsbewertung
  • Änderungsentscheidung


  • Abnahmeprotokoll
  • Abnahmespezifikation
  • Nachweisakte
  • Prüfprotokoll
  • Prüfprotokoll Systemelement
  • Prüfprozedur Systemelement
  • Prüfspezifikation
  • Prüfspezifikation Systemelement
  • QS-Handbuch


  • Altsystemanalyse
  • Datenschutzkonzept
  • Informationssicherheitskonzept
  • Lastenheft
  • Pflichtenheft
  • Sicherheitsanalyse


  • Externe Einheit
  • Externe HW-Modul
  • Externe SW-Modul
  • HW-Einheit
  • HW-Komponente
  • HW-Modul
  • Segment
  • SW-Einheit
  • SW-Komponente
  • SW-Modul
  • System
Legal Issues

V-Modell® is a registered trademark of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Its use in this add-on for Confluence is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

Install Doctypes for V-Modell XT
Available on Bitbucket!


The Doctypes for V-Modell XT requires the projectdoc Toolbox to be installed on an Atlassian Confluence server. The projectdoc Toolbox has a commercial license.

The add-on also uses blueprints from the Core Doctypes for projectdoc (like Role or Stakeholder). This add-on is available on the Atlassian Marketplace for free.

Please install the following add-ons on your Confluence server:


The artifacts of this project are licensed under the Apache License 2.0. The doctypes are based on the products of V-Modell® XT and are adopted to work with projectdoc on Confluence.


V-Modell® ist eine geschützte Marke der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

Das V-Modell ® XT ist unter der Apache License Version 2.0 freigegeben.

V-Modell® is a registered trademark of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


More information on the projectdoc Toolbox and links to resources for the V-Modell ® XT.

V-Modell XT
Information on the V-Modell®XT on (German).
Das deutsche Referenzmodell für Systementwicklungsprojekte
Version: 2.1
Information on the V-Modell ® XT version 2.1 (German).
V-Modell XT 1.3 (English)
Information on the V-Modell ® XT version 1.3 (English).
Website des Vereins zur Weiterentwicklung des V-Modell XT (German).
Doctype Add-ons
List of add-ons for Confluence that provide doctypes (blueprints) and associated tools (like macros) based on the projectdoc Toolbox.
Project Management
Make all decisions, issues, and project relevant resources easily accessible for your team. This includes meeting minutes, stakeholder contact information, open issues, and identified risks with their mitigation strategy.
projectdoc Extensions
List of extensions for the projectdoc Toolbox. Extensions augment the projectdoc Toolbox. Features that are not relevant for all users are separated and may be installed on-demand by customers of the Toolbox.
More doctypes for projectdoc.
Macros to be used in your doctype templates.