Support space properties in Where Clauses, Document Heading Numbering, and multi-transclusion fix.

Today we released version 3.0.1 of the projectdoc Toolbox on the Atlassian Marketplace!

This release provides some new features, improvements of existing features, and fixes some issues.

The projectdoc Toolbox is an add-on for Confluence supporting agile software development teams to collaborate on process, project, system, and product documentation. 

Transclude hidden Content, again!


Users longing to again transclude hidden content: Version 3.0.2 reintroduces this feature! (smile)

Release Notes Overview

New and Noteworthy

Space Properties in Where Clause

This version supports replacing placeholders in Where Clauses with values from space properties. Previous versions only allowed to apply document properties.

Document Heading Numbering

The numbering of section headers is now including control over the document title as heading. Therefore it is now easier to start the numbering with the page title. It is also easier to define the starting level in case it is not the first section level.

The tip Using Heading Numbers introduces to the new features.

Link and Anchor Compatibility with Scroll Products

This version is better supporting the export pages with Scroll products. Intra-page links are resolved successfully.

See PDAC-1029 - Getting issue details... STATUS for more information.

Alternative Texts

It is now possible to control the text shown for the Section Macro and the Display Table Macro in case the macro has an empty body.

See PDAC-1021 - Getting issue details... STATUS and PDAC-1019 - Getting issue details... STATUS for more information.

Multi-transclusion Fix

There has been an issue with calculating section levels for multi-transclusions. In case the sections selected for transclusion where not on the same level, the level of the section in the transcluded content has been wrong.

This version fixes this issue.

Breaking Changes

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description

Known Issues

All known issues are resolved in version 3.0.2.

Upgrade Instructions

Install the new OBR of the projectdoc Toolbox.

Due to PDAC-1024 - Getting issue details... STATUS you need to clear the fragments cache. In case you are using the fragments cache, refer to Cache Refresh Actions on how to refresh the cache.

No updates for extension add-ons or doctype add-ons are required.

List of Changes

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description


Release Notes
Terms used in and defined for projectdoc.
Questions and answers related to the projectdoc Toolbox and Confluence.