Support for providing properties by attached files, list documents by properties, and accessing ancestor properties

Today we released version 1.16.0 of the projectdoc Toolbox on the Atlassian Marketplace!

The projectdoc Toolbox is an add-on for Confluence supporting agile software development teams to collaborate on process, project, system, and product documentation. 

Release Notes Overview


New and Noteworthy

The following changes may be the most interesting of this release.

Supported Confluence Versions

This version of the projectdoc Toolbox requires at minimum the latest version of Confluence 5.8.x.

Versions 5.5, 5.6, and 5.7 are no longer supported for new features.

Attached Properties

With PDAC-718 - Getting issue details... STATUS the projectdoc Toolbox allows to specify document properties as attachments to the Confluence page.

This enhancement makes it easier to add and updated exported properties from a system.


Program the table of documents by a document property with the Tour-by-Property Macro. The property lists references to documents.


The list may also be traversed breadth-first or depth-first to include information that is referenced by the processed documents.

List Ancestor Property

The Parent Property Macro renders a property from the parent document right from version one. The new Ancestor Property Macro now provides access to a property from the first ancestor document matching the specified document type.

In case you have a hierarchy of documents with different doctypes, you may access information from a specific doctype from all children. For instance if systems and subsystems are deployed in an environment then all the systems document can easily access information from the environment document, being the root of a tree of system documents.

Doctype Changes

The following changes to the free doctype add-ons come with the new version:

  1. The free doctypes support with their latest version the Short Name and Subject properties
  2. Blueprint wizards of all doctypes support XHTML in Short Descriptions and space property placeholders in Name and Short Description

For more information, please refer to 60883448.

Breaking Changes

Due to an internal API change some add-ons that depend on the projectdoc Toolbox need to be updated.

Single Value in Name List Macro

The interpretation of the single value parameter of the Name List Macro has changed. Previously by setting this parameter the first value of a comma-separated list of values has been chosen as the single value.

With this version, the whole value, containing commas, will be treated as the one value.

PDAC-743 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Upgrade Instructions

The following topics have to be considered for an upgrade to this version.

Install the new OBR of the projectdoc Toolbox first.

Reindex required

Some issues add additional data to the index. The index is updated when the document is saved. To have access to these new properties in Lucene searches, a re-index is required.

Here is the list of issues that require a re-index to provide the new data:

Required Add-on Updates

The following add-ons need to be updated to work with this version of the projectdoc Toolbox.

Add-on for the projectdoc Toolbox Required Version
Doctypes for Agile Planning5.1.0 or newer
Web API Extension1.2.1 or newer

Recommended Add-on Updates

The following add-ons are recommended to be updated for this new version of the projectdoc Toolbox.

Add-on for the projectdoc Toolbox Required Version
Core Doctypes6.2.0 or newer
Developer Diaries4.1.0 or newer
Software Development Doctypes6.1.0 or newer
Doctypes for arc424.2.0 or newer

List of Changes

The complete list of changes for this release.

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description

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Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description

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Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description


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