Interface VersionFactory

Package class diagram package VersionFactory
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractVersionFactory, BugzillaVersionFactory

public interface VersionFactory

A factory to create version instances. Version conventions may be different in different projects. The factory ensures that for each project a specific version syntax can be supported.

The instance created provides information about the version string parsed. The main support it provides is the implementation of a comparable interface. The natural order should be ascending from lowest version number to highest.

The instances created by the factory are expected to be performing well as hash keys.

Robert Reiner

Method Summary
 ArtifactVersionRange createRange(String versionSpecification)
          Creates a version range by the given specification.
 org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.ArtifactVersion createVersion(String versionString)
          Creates a version instance from the given version string.

Method Detail


org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.ArtifactVersion createVersion(String versionString)
Creates a version instance from the given version string.

Please note that it is not expected that parse exceptions occur. The implementation should make sure that at least a default representation of the version string is returned.
versionString - the version string to parse.
the version instance.


ArtifactVersionRange createRange(String versionSpecification)
                                 throws org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.InvalidVersionSpecificationException
Creates a version range by the given specification.

versionSpecification - the specification of the version range to create.
the range instance built from the specification.
org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.InvalidVersionSpecificationException - if the specification cannot be parsed.

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