AbstractBugzillaReportMojo - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
The base implementation of all bugzilla reports.
AbstractBugzillaReportMojo() - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractBugzillaReportMojo
AbstractFileTaskDataStore - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.cache
Base implementation of the TaskDataStore interface that writes the task data to individual files.
AbstractFileTaskDataStore(File, String) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. AbstractFileTaskDataStore
Default constructor.
AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues
The issues Mojo reports on issues.
AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo() - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
AbstractIssuesReportMojo - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues
Mojo base implementation to render release reports.
AbstractIssuesReportMojo() - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesReportMojo
AbstractIssuesReportRenderer - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
The renderer provides helper methods to render a table.
AbstractIssuesReportRenderer(RendererConfig, Sink, List<TaskData>) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractIssuesReportRenderer
Default constructor.
AbstractReportMojo - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues
The issues Mojo reports on issues.
AbstractReportMojo() - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractReportMojo
AbstractRepositoryFacade - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.repository
Base implementation of the RepositoryFacade interface.
AbstractRepositoryFacade(IssueManagementConfig, AbstractRepositoryConnector) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.repository. AbstractRepositoryFacade
Default constructor.
AbstractSectionReportRenderer - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
The renderer prints issue information in different sections.
AbstractSectionReportRenderer(RendererConfig, Sink, List<TaskData>) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractSectionReportRenderer
Default constructor.
AbstractVersionFactory - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues
Default implementation that uses Maven's DefaultArtifactVersion implementation.
AbstractVersionFactory() - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractVersionFactory
Abstract class constructor.
AbstractVersionSkipper - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
Arbiter to determine if a version should be skipped from or included in a report.
AbstractVersionSkipper(VersionType) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractVersionSkipper
Default constructor.
add(ArtifactVersion, String, TaskData) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. Versions
Adds the task data to the section within the version.
addTask(TaskData) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskDataCache
Adds the task to the cache.
addToSection(String, TaskData) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. Sections
Adds the given taskData to the given section if the sectionName is contained in this instance.
ALL_VALUES_SELECTOR - Static variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractBugzillaReportMojo
Defines the selector to mean "all values without restriction".
appendToUrl(StringBuilder) - Method in interface de.smartics.maven.issues. ArtifactVersionRange
Appends the information of this version range to the buffer.
appendToUrl(StringBuilder) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaVersionRange
Appends the information of this version range to the buffer.
ArtifactVersionRange - Interface in de.smartics.maven.issues
Defines implementations of the artifact version to create query URLs for different issue management systems.
ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskInfoKey
Specify the element to store a single attribute.
ATTRIBUTE_ID - Static variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskInfoKey
Specify the property to store an attribute ID.
ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskInfoKey
Specify the element to store attributes of the task data.


BugzillaQueryData - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
The data used to construct issue queries for Bugzilla.
BugzillaQueryData() - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Default constructor.
BugzillaReleaseNotesReportMojo - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
The report to generate release notes.
BugzillaReleaseNotesReportMojo() - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaReleaseNotesReportMojo
BugzillaReleasePlanReportMojo - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
The report to generate release plans.
BugzillaReleasePlanReportMojo() - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaReleasePlanReportMojo
BugzillaRepositoryFacade - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
Facade to interface with a Bugzilla repository.
BugzillaSectionReportMojo - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
The report to generate release notes.
BugzillaSectionReportMojo() - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaSectionReportMojo
BugzillaVersionFactory - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
Implementation of the version factory for Bugzilla.
BugzillaVersionFactory() - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaVersionFactory
BugzillaVersionRange - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
Implements a version range.
BugzillaVersionRange(String) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaVersionRange
Convenience constructor supporting milestone versions.
BugzillaVersionRange(String, String) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaVersionRange
Default constructor using start index for field query properties of zero.
BugzillaVersionRange(String, String, int) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaVersionRange
Constructor to specify the start index.
build() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig.Builder
Validates the information passed to the builder and creates in instance of type RendererConfig.
buildDirectory - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
The directory to store task data information for the task cache.


canGenerateReport() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
Checks if all required information is provided to run the report successfully.
close(Closeable) - Static method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. AbstractFileTaskDataStore
Closes the given closeable and logs problems at error level to the log.
close(File, Closeable) - Static method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. AbstractFileTaskDataStore
Closes the given closeable and logs problems at error level to the log.
close() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. XmlTaskReader
The stream is closed quietly, logging any failure at error level.
close() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. XmlTaskWriter
Closes this stream and releases any system resources associated with it.
compare(ArtifactVersion, ArtifactVersion) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.util. InverseVersionComparator
Returns the inverse natural order of the artifact version.
compareTo(ReportReference) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.util. ReportReference
config - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractIssuesReportRenderer
The configuration to control the rendering process.
config - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.repository. AbstractRepositoryFacade
The configuration for the issue management connection.
connector - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.repository. AbstractRepositoryFacade
The connector to use to connect to the remote issue management system.
CONNECTOR_KIND - Static variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskInfoKey
Specify the property to store connector kind of the task data.
constructQuery(QueryData) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaRepositoryFacade
Constructs the query upon the queryData.
constructQuery(QueryData) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.repository. AbstractRepositoryFacade
Constructs the query upon the queryData.
containsKey(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. Sections
Checks if the given sectionName is contained in this section instance.
containsVersion(ArtifactVersion) - Method in interface de.smartics.maven.issues. ArtifactVersionRange
Checks if the given version is part of the range or not.
containsVersion(ArtifactVersion) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaVersionRange
Checks if the given version is part of the range or not.
create(IssueManagementConfig) - Static method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaRepositoryFacade
Factory method to create the facade.
create(IssueManagementConfig) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.factory. DefaultRepositoryFacadeFactory
Creates a facade for the given configuration.
create(IssueManagementConfig) - Method in interface de.smartics.maven.issues. RepositoryFacadeFactory
Creates a facade to access an issue management system with the given identifier.
createFile(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. AbstractFileTaskDataStore
Creates a file for the given identifier.
createInstance(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
Creates the instance of a class expecting a no-args constructor.
createQueryData(ArtifactVersionRange) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
Creates the query data that enables to create a query URL to be sent to the issue management system.
createQueryData(ArtifactVersionRange) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractBugzillaReportMojo
Creates the query data that enables to create a query URL to be sent to the issue management system.
createRange(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaVersionFactory
Creates a version range by the given specification.
createRange(String) - Method in interface de.smartics.maven.issues. VersionFactory
Creates a version range by the given specification.
createRenderer(Locale, VersionFactory, ArtifactVersionRange, List<TaskData>) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
Creates a renderer.
createRenderer(Locale, VersionFactory, ArtifactVersionRange, List<TaskData>) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesReportMojo
Creates the renderer to use for report rendering.
createSectioner() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectionReleasePlanReportRenderer
Creates the sectioner to use.
createSectioner() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectionReportRenderer
Creates the sectioner to use.
createSession() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.repository. AbstractRepositoryFacade
Returns a session.
createTaskData() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. XmlTaskReader
Creates the task data instance containing basic information required to be passed to the constructor.
createUrl(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Creates the query URL to run against the issue management system.
createUrl(String) - Method in interface de.smartics.maven.issues. QueryData
Creates the query URL to run against the issue management system.
createVersion(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractVersionFactory
Creates a version instance from the given version string.
createVersion(String) - Method in interface de.smartics.maven.issues. VersionFactory
Creates a version instance from the given version string.
createVersionRange(VersionFactory) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
createVersionSkipper() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectionReleasePlanReportRenderer
Returns the arbiter to determine which versions are excluded from the report.
createVersionSkipper() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectionReportRenderer
Returns the arbiter to determine which versions are excluded from the report.
currentVersionString - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectionReportRenderer
The version text to be used by template methods provided by the parent's class.


de.smartics.maven.issues - package de.smartics.maven.issues
The core package for generating issues reports with Maven.
de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla - package de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
Provides classes to generate reports with Bugzilla.
de.smartics.maven.issues.cache - package de.smartics.maven.issues.cache
Provides classes to cache search results and persist them.
de.smartics.maven.issues.factory - package de.smartics.maven.issues.factory
The Maven layer creates a facade to talk to the issue management system.
de.smartics.maven.issues.notes - package de.smartics.maven.issues.notes
Provides classes to deal with manually edited notes to be added to the generated reports.
de.smartics.maven.issues.repository - package de.smartics.maven.issues.repository
Provides logic common to all reports independent of the issue management system.
de.smartics.maven.issues.util - package de.smartics.maven.issues.util
Provides utilities for all other packages.
DefaultRepositoryFacadeFactory - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.factory
Creates a repository facade factory.
DefaultRepositoryFacadeFactory() - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.factory. DefaultRepositoryFacadeFactory
Default constructor.
DefaultVersionSkipper - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
Aribiter to determine if a version should be skipped from or included in a report.
DefaultVersionSkipper(VersionType, boolean) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. DefaultVersionSkipper
Default constructor.
description - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesReportMojo
The description to be set in the configuration to be used instead of the one found in the localized files.
descriptionFile - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesReportMojo
The description file is a XDoc file to be included as-is into the generated report.


ENTRY - Static variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskInfoKey
Specify the element to store map data.
equals(Object) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.util. ReportReference
Returns true if the given object is semantically equal to the given object, false otherwise.
execute() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractReportMojo
Runs the report generation.
executeReport(Locale) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
Configures the plugin logger.
executeReport(Locale) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractReportMojo
Configures the plugin logger.


factory - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractReportMojo
The factory to create dependent artifacts.
fileNameExtension - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. AbstractFileTaskDataStore
The extension to append to the created files.
findVersionRepresentative(VersionRange) - Static method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.util. Utils
Returns a representative from within the version range.
footerText - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesReportMojo
The raw text for the footer.
fromName(String) - Static method in enum de.smartics.maven.issues. VersionType
Returns the version type identified by the given name.


getAttribute(TaskAttribute, BugzillaAttribute) - Static method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. ReportHelper
Returns the attribute value for the given attribute key.
getAttribute(TaskAttribute, String) - Static method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. ReportHelper
Returns the attribute value for the given attribute key.
getBuildDirectory() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Returns the directory to store task data information for the task cache.
getBundle(Locale) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractReportMojo
Returns the resource bundle for the given locale.
getBundle() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig
Returns the message bundle for labels.
getColumns() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesReportMojo
Returns the value for columns.
getColumns() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaReleaseNotesReportMojo
Returns the value for columns.
getColumns() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaReleasePlanReportMojo
Returns the value for columns.
getColumns() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaSectionReportMojo
Returns the value for columns.
getColumns() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. TabularReportMojo
Returns the value for columns.
getColumns() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig
Returns the value for columns.
getColumnWidths() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesReportMojo
Returns the value for columnWidths.
getColumnWidths() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaReleaseNotesReportMojo
Returns the value for columnWidths.
getColumnWidths() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaReleasePlanReportMojo
Returns the value for columnWidths.
getColumnWidths() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaSectionReportMojo
Returns the value for columnWidths.
getColumnWidths() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. TabularReportMojo
Returns the value for columnWidths.
getColumnWidths() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig
Returns the value for columnWidths.
getCommandType() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractBugzillaReportMojo
Returns the type of the command executed.
getCommandType() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Returns the type of the command executed.
getComponent() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesReportMojo
Returns the value for component.
getComponent() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractBugzillaReportMojo
Returns the value for component.
getComponent() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Returns the value for component.
getComponent() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig
Returns the value for component.
getConnectionUrl() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Returns the URL to connect to the issue management system.
getConnector() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.repository. AbstractRepositoryFacade
Returns the connector used by this facade.
getConnector() - Method in interface de.smartics.maven.issues. RepositoryFacade
Returns the connector used by this facade.
getCurrentReleaseVersion() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig
Returns the current version of the project.
getDescription() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesReportMojo
Returns the description to be set in the configuration to be used instead of the one found in the localized files.
getDescription() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractIssuesReportRenderer
Returns a short description of the report.
getDescription(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractIssuesReportRenderer
Returns the description set in the configuration and if unset there, the label provided by the configuration's resource bundle.
getDescription(Locale) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaReleasePlanReportMojo
getDescription(Locale) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaSectionReportMojo
getDescription(Locale) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. TabularReportMojo
getDescription() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. TabularReportRenderer
Returns a short description of the report.
getDescription() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectionReleasePlanReportRenderer
Returns a short description of the report.
getDescription() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectionReportRenderer
Returns a short description of the report.
getDescription() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig
Returns the description to be set in the configuration to be used instead of the one found in the localized files.
getDescriptionFile() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesReportMojo
Returns the description file is a XDoc file to be included as-is into the generated report.
getDescriptionFile() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig
Returns the description file is a XDoc file to be included as-is into the generated report.
getDescriptionFileBodyContent() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig
Reads the body content from the description file.
getFieldStartIndex() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaVersionRange
Returns the start index to use to construct the field properties of the query to Bugzilla.
getFilter() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractBugzillaReportMojo
Returns the value for filter.
getFilter() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Returns the value for filter.
getFooterText() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig
Returns the text to be added as a footer as raw text.
getIncludeComponentAtIndex() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesReportMojo
Returns the value for includeComponentAtIndex.
getIncludeComponentAtIndex() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig
Returns the value for includeComponentAtIndex.
getIncludeComponentAtIndexColumnWidth() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesReportMojo
Returns the value for includeComponentAtIndexColumnWidth.
getIncludeComponentAtIndexColumnWidth() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig
Returns the value for includeComponentAtIndexColumnWidth.
getIncludeOnSamePageAllOfVersion() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesReportMojo
Returns the value for includeOnSamePageAll.
getIncludeOnSamePageAllOfVersion() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractBugzillaReportMojo
Returns the value for includeOnSamePageAll.
getIncludeOnSamePageAllOfVersion() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig
Returns the value for includeOnSamePageAll.
getInstance() - Static method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. ResourceLocator
Returns the reference to the singleton instance.
getIssueManagementId() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Returns the identifier of the issue management system this configuration applies to.
getIssueManagementPassword() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Returns the password for authentication to access a private installation of a issue management system.
getIssueManagementUser() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Returns the name of the user for authentication to access a private installation of a issue management system.
getKeywords() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractBugzillaReportMojo
Returns the value for keywords.
getKeywords() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Returns the value for keywords.
getKeywordsType() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractBugzillaReportMojo
Returns the value for keywordsType.
getKeywordsType() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Returns the value for keywordsType.
getLabel(ResourceBundle, String) - Static method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. ReportHelper
Returns the label for the given attribute.
getLabel(ResourceBundle, String, String) - Static method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. ReportHelper
Returns the label for the given attribute.
getLabel(ResourceBundle, String, String, Object...) - Static method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. ReportHelper
Returns the label for the given attribute.
getLabel() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.util. ReportReference
Returns the label to display.
getMaxEntries() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Returns the value for maxEntries.
getMaxRetries() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Returns the value for maxRetries.
getName(Locale) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaReleasePlanReportMojo
getName(Locale) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaSectionReportMojo
getName(Locale) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. TabularReportMojo
getName() - Method in enum de.smartics.maven.issues. VersionType
Returns the display name of the version.
getNoResultsDescription() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesReportMojo
Returns the description to be set in the configuration if no issue matches the query to be used instead of the one found in the localized files.
getNoResultsDescription() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractIssuesReportRenderer
Returns a short description of the report when there are no results.
getNoResultsDescription(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractIssuesReportRenderer
Returns the description if the query matches no issue set in the configuration and if unset there, the label provided by the configuration's resource bundle.
getNoResultsDescription() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. TabularReportRenderer
Returns a short description of the report when there are no results.
getNoResultsDescription() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectionReleasePlanReportRenderer
Returns a short description of the report when there are no results.
getNoResultsDescription() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectionReportRenderer
Returns a short description of the report when there are no results.
getNoResultsDescription() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig
Returns the description to be set in the configuration if no issue matches the query to be used instead of the one found in the localized files.
getOrder() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractBugzillaReportMojo
Returns the value for order.
getOrder() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Returns the order of the bugs returned.
getOutputDirectory() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractReportMojo
getOutputName() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaReleaseNotesReportMojo
getOutputName() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaReleasePlanReportMojo
getOutputName() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaSectionReportMojo
getOutputName() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. TabularReportMojo
getProduct() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractBugzillaReportMojo
Returns the value for product.
getProduct() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Returns the value for product.
getProject() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractReportMojo
getQueryName() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesReportMojo
Returns the name of the query to execute.
getQueryName() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractBugzillaReportMojo
Returns the name of the query to execute.
getQueryName() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Returns the name of the query to execute.
getQueryName() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig
Returns the name of the query to execute.
getReportReferences() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig
Returns the references to former reports.
getReportRenderer() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesReportMojo
Returns the name of the class that runs the rendering of the report page.
getReportRenderer() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaReleasePlanReportMojo
Returns the name of the class that runs the rendering of the report page.
getReportRenderer() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaSectionReportMojo
Returns the name of the class that runs the rendering of the report page.
getReportRenderer() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. TabularReportMojo
Returns the name of the class that runs the rendering of the report page.
getRepositoryVersion() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Returns the value for repositoryVersion.
getResolution() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractBugzillaReportMojo
Returns the value for resolution.
getResolution() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Returns the value for resolution.
getSectionName() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. Sections.Section
Returns the name of the section.
getSections() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. Versions.VersionedSections
Returns the sections associated with the given version.
getSections() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig
Returns the order of the values specified for the section type.
getSectionText(ResourceBundle, String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractSectionReportRenderer
Returns the introduction text after the section title.
getSectionText(ResourceBundle, String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectionReleasePlanReportRenderer
Returns the introduction text after the section title.
getSectionText(ResourceBundle, String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectionReportRenderer
Returns the introduction text after the section title.
getSectionType() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig
Returns the type (probably but not necessarily a user type) that specifies the information in the issue that is used to group the issues in sections.
getSiteRenderer() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractReportMojo
getStatus() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractBugzillaReportMojo
Returns the value for status.
getStatus() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Returns the value for status.
getStatus() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaReleasePlanReportMojo
Returns the value for status.
getStatus() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. TabularReportMojo
Returns the value for status.
getTask(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskDataCache
Returns the task uniquely references by the given identifier.
getTaskDataCache() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. ResourceLocator
Returns the cache of already processed task data.
getTasks() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. Sections.Section
Returns the tasks belonging to the section.
getTimeout() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Returns the timeout in milliseconds between retries of connection attempts.
getTitle() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesReportMojo
Returns the title to be set in the configuration to be used instead of the one found in the localized files.
getTitle(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractIssuesReportRenderer
Returns the title set in the configuration and if unset there, the label provided by the configuration's resource bundle.
getTitle() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. TabularReportRenderer
getTitle() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectionReleasePlanReportRenderer
getTitle() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectionReportRenderer
getTitle() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig
Returns the title to be set in the configuration to be used instead of the one found in the localized files.
getUrl() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.util. ReportReference
Returns the URL to the references report.
getVersion() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. Versions.VersionedSections
Returns the version identifier of the sections.
getVersionFactoryInstance() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig
Returns the factory to create comparable version instances.
getVersionId() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaVersionRange
Returns the identifier of the version to create a query part.
getVersionRange() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Returns the version range to query for.
getVersionRange() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig
Returns a range defining the versions of issues to be rendered.
getVersionRepresentative() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.util. ReportReference
Returns the representative for the versions in this report.
getVersionSpecification() - Method in interface de.smartics.maven.issues. ArtifactVersionRange
Returns the specification defining the range of valid versions.
getVersionSpecification() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaVersionRange
Returns the specification defining the range of valid versions.
getVersionTextId() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectionReleasePlanReportRenderer
Returns the identifier part for the version text rendered in the report.
getVersionTextId() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectionReportRenderer
Returns the identifier part for the version text rendered in the report.
getWebPassword() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Returns the password for HTTP basic authentication to the issue management webserver.
getWebUser() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Returns the name of the user for HTTP basic authentication to the issue management webserver.


hashCode() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.util. ReportReference
Returns the hash code of the object.


ignoreLogoutProblem - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
The flag indicates whether ( true) or not ( false) logout problems from the task repository should be ignored.
includeOnSamePageAllOfVersion - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractBugzillaReportMojo
On the same page all of the given version type are rendered.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.util. InverseVersionComparator
An instance for reuse.
InverseVersionComparator - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.util
Inverts the natural order of the artifact version.
InverseVersionComparator() - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.util. InverseVersionComparator
Default constructor.
isCurrentReleaseVersionOnly() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. TabularReportMojo
Returns the flag to determine if only the current release version is to be rendered ( true) or all versions are to be considered ( false).
isIgnoreLogoutProblem() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Returns the flag indicates whether ( true) or not ( false) logout problems from the task repository should be ignored.
isLogColumns() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Returns the value for logColumns.
isLogoutProblem(IStatus) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaRepositoryFacade
Checks if the status signals a logout problem.
isLogoutProblem(IStatus) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.repository. AbstractRepositoryFacade
Checks if the status signals a logout problem.
isReleaseSnapshotOfVersion(ArtifactVersion, ArtifactVersion) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractVersionSkipper
If we render the report for a SNAPSHOT version we want to include issues fixed for the current target release that is the version without the SNAPHOT qualifier.
isRenderEmailAdresses() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig
Returns the value of the flag that indicates whether or not eMail addresses should be rendered.
isSameType(ArtifactVersion, ArtifactVersion) - Method in enum de.smartics.maven.issues. VersionType
Checks if the release version and the current version are of the same type.
IssueManagementConfig - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues
Provides configuration information for issue management facades.
IssueManagementConfig(String, String) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Default constructor.
issueManagementPassword - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
The password for authentication to access a private installation of a issue management system.
issueManagementSystem - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
The name of the issue management system to connect to.
issueManagementUrl - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
The URL to the issue management system to connect to.
issueManagementUser - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
The name of the user for authentication to access a private installation of a issue management system.
issues - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractIssuesReportRenderer
The issue information to render in the report.
iterator() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. Sections
iterator() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. Versions


KEY - Static variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskInfoKey
Specify the element to store map data keys.


load(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. AbstractFileTaskDataStore
Retrieves the task information.
load(String) - Method in interface de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskDataStore
Retrieves the task information.
locale - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractReportMojo
The locale to use regardless of the report.
localRepository - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractReportMojo
Local Repository.
logColumns - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
Informs that the column names retrieved by the query should be logged at the end of the query.
logLevel - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractReportMojo
Specifies the log level used for this plugin.


maxRetries - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
Maximum number retries to connect to the issue management system.
META_DATA - Static variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskInfoKey
Specify the element to store meta data of the task data.


normalizeKey(String) - Static method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.util. Utils
Normalizes the key to an issue information to be a valid key element to select a value in a resource bundle.
NotesReader - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.notes
The reader to read manual release notes to include in the report.
NotesReader() - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.notes. NotesReader
Default constructor.


offline - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
In offline mode the plugin will not generate a report.
OPTIONS - Static variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskInfoKey
Specify the element to store options of the task data.
outputDirectory - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractReportMojo
Specifies the directory where the report will written to.


persist(TaskData) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. AbstractFileTaskDataStore
Persists the task information.
persist(TaskData) - Method in interface de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskDataStore
Persists the task information.
PersistenceException - Exception in de.smartics.maven.issues.cache
Signals problems persisting task data.
PersistenceException(String) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. PersistenceException
PersistenceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. PersistenceException
PersistenceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. PersistenceException
persistentStoreDirectory - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. AbstractFileTaskDataStore
The reference to the directory to store the individual task files.
PERSON_NAME_TO_EMAIL - Static variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. ReportHelper
An enumeration of Bugzilla attributes referring to person names (keys) and the corresponding eMail attribute (value).
project - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractReportMojo
The Maven project.
provideSink() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractReportMojo
Ensures that a writeable sink is provided.


QueryData - Interface in de.smartics.maven.issues
Contains the query parameters and allows to create a query URL to run against the issue management system.
queryTasks(QueryData) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.repository. AbstractRepositoryFacade
Runs the query and returns the matching issues.
queryTasks(QueryData) - Method in interface de.smartics.maven.issues. RepositoryFacade
Runs the query and returns the matching issues.


read(InputStream) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.notes. NotesReader
Reads the document from the input stream and returns the content of the body element.
readReportReferences() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.util. ReportReferenceExtractor
Reads the relevant report references.
readTask(File) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. AbstractFileTaskDataStore
Reads the task from the given file.
readTask(InputStream) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. AbstractFileTaskDataStore
Reads the task from the given input stream.
readTask(InputStream) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. XmlTaskDataStore
Reads the task from the given input stream.
readTask() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. XmlTaskReader
Reads the task from the given XML stream.
ReleasePlanVersionSkipper - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
Aribiter to determine if a version should be skipped from or included in a report.
ReleasePlanVersionSkipper(VersionType) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. ReleasePlanVersionSkipper
Default constructor.
renderBody() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractSectionReportRenderer
renderBody() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. TabularReportRenderer
renderBody() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectionReportRenderer
RendererConfig - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues
Configuration to control the rendering process.
RendererConfig.Builder - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues
Builder to create instances of type RendererConfig.
RendererConfig.Builder() - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig.Builder
renderFooter() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractIssuesReportRenderer
Renders the footer text.
renderLink(Sink, String, String) - Static method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. ReportHelper
Renders a link.
renderPreviousReportReferences() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractSectionReportRenderer
Renders references to previous release reports.
renderSectionHeader(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractSectionReportRenderer
Renders the section header.
renderSections(Sections) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractSectionReportRenderer
Renders the sections.
renderSectionSectionEnd() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractSectionReportRenderer
Renders the end of a section.
renderSectionSectionEnd() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectionReportRenderer
Renders the end of a section.
renderSectionSectionStart() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractSectionReportRenderer
Renders the start of a section.
renderSectionSectionStart() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectionReportRenderer
Renders the start of a section.
renderSectionTitleEnd() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractSectionReportRenderer
Renders the end of a section title.
renderSectionTitleEnd() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectionReportRenderer
Renders the end of a section title.
renderSectionTitleStart() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractSectionReportRenderer
Renders the start of a section title.
renderSectionTitleStart() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectionReportRenderer
Renders the start of a section title.
renderTableCell(Sink, TaskAttribute, BugzillaAttribute) - Static method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. ReportHelper
Renders a table cell with the given label as content.
renderTableCell(Sink, TaskAttribute, String) - Static method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. ReportHelper
Renders a table cell with the given label as content.
renderTableCell(Sink, String) - Static method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. ReportHelper
Renders a table cell with the given label as content.
renderTableCellWithLink(Sink, String, String) - Static method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. ReportHelper
Renders a table cell containing a link with the given label and URL.
renderTableCellWithMailto(Sink, TaskAttribute, String, String) - Static method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. ReportHelper
Renders a table cell with a mailto link.
renderTableHeader() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractIssuesReportRenderer
Renders a table header.
renderTableRow(TaskData) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractIssuesReportRenderer
Renders a table row.
renderTitle(boolean) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractIssuesReportRenderer
Renders the title block of the report.
ReportHelper - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
Provides helper methods for reports.
ReportReference - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.util
A simple model for report references.
ReportReference(String, String, ArtifactVersion) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.util. ReportReference
Default constructor.
ReportReferenceExtractor - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.util
Responsible to extract report reference information from the report configurations that reference previous reports.
ReportReferenceExtractor(String, ArtifactVersion, Reporting) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.util. ReportReferenceExtractor
Default constructor.
repository - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.repository. AbstractRepositoryFacade
The reference to the repository.
REPOSITORY_URL - Static variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskInfoKey
Specify the property to store repository URL of the task data.
RepositoryFacade - Interface in de.smartics.maven.issues
Simplifies the access to a remote repository.
repositoryFacadeFactory - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
The factory creates repository facades to access the issues stored in the issue management system.
RepositoryFacadeFactory - Interface in de.smartics.maven.issues
Interface for factories creating facades to access remote issue management systems.
repositoryFacadeFactoryClass - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
The directory to store task data information for the task cache.
repositoryVersion - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
Sets the version of the task repository.
resolver - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractReportMojo
The resolver for resolving artifacts.
ResourceLocator - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues
Resource locator to access resource required by the Maven plugin.
run() - Method in interface de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. Sectioner
Runs the sectioner.
run() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. SimpleSectioner
Distributes the issues to the configured sections.
run() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectioner
Distributes the issues to the configured sections within their versions.


Sectioner< T> - Interface in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
Interface to create instances to preprocess issue lists.
Sections - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
Provides information for sections within a version.
Sections(List<String>) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. Sections
Default constructor.
Sections.Section - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
Container for the tasks belonging to one section.
setBuildDirectory(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Sets the directory to store task data information for the task cache.
setBundle(ResourceBundle) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig.Builder
Sets the message bundle for labels.
setColumns(List<String>) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig.Builder
Sets the value for columns.
setColumnWidths(List<String>) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig.Builder
Sets the value for columnWidths.
setCommandType(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Sets the type of the command executed.
setComponent(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Sets the value for component.
setComponent(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig.Builder
Sets the value for component.
setCurrentReleaseVersion(ArtifactVersion) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig.Builder
Sets the current version of the project.
setDescription(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig.Builder
Sets the description to be set in the configuration to be used instead of the one found in the localized files.
setDescriptionFile(File) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig.Builder
Sets the description file is a XDoc file to be included as-is into the generated report.
setFilter(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Sets the value for filter.
setFooterText(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig.Builder
Sets the text to be added as a footer as raw text.
setIgnoreLogoutProblem(boolean) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Sets the flag indicates whether ( true) or not ( false) logout problems from the task repository should be ignored.
setIncludeComponentAtIndex(int) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig.Builder
Sets the value for includeComponentAtIndex.
setIncludeComponentAtIndexColumnWidth(int) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig.Builder
Sets the value for includeComponentAtIndexColumnWidth.
setIncludeOnSamePageAllOfVersion(VersionType) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig.Builder
Sets the value for includeOnSamePageAll.
setIssueManagementPassword(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Sets the password for authentication to access a private installation of a issue management system.
setIssueManagementUser(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Sets the name of the user for authentication to access a private installation of a issue management system.
setKeywords(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Sets the value for keywords.
setKeywordsType(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Sets the value for keywordsType.
setLogColumns(boolean) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Sets the value for logColumns.
setMaxEntries(int) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Sets the value for maxEntries.
setMaxRetries(int) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Sets the value for maxRetries.
setNoResultsDescription(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig.Builder
Sets the description to be set in the configuration if no issue matches the query to be used instead of the one found in the localized files.
setOrder(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Sets the order of the bugs returned.
setProduct(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Sets the value for product.
setQueryName(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Sets the name of the query to execute.
setQueryName(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig.Builder
Sets the name of the query to execute.
setRenderEmailAdresses(boolean) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig.Builder
Sets the value of the flag that indicates whether or not eMail addresses should be rendered.
setReportReferences(List<ReportReference>) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig.Builder
Sets the references to former reports.
setRepositoryVersion(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Sets the value for repositoryVersion.
setResolution(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Sets the value for resolution.
setSections(List<String>) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig.Builder
Sets the order of the values specified for the sectionType.
setSectionType(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig.Builder
Sets the type (probably but not necessarily a user type) that specifies the information in the issue that is used to group the issues in sections.
setStatus(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Sets the value for status.
setTaskDataCacheIfUnset(TaskDataCache) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. ResourceLocator
Sets the cache of already processed task data.
setTimeout(long) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Sets the timeout between retries of connection attempts.
setTitle(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig.Builder
Sets the title to be set in the configuration to be used instead of the one found in the localized files.
setVersionFactory(VersionFactory) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig.Builder
Sets the factory to create comparable version instances.
setVersionRange(ArtifactVersionRange) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaQueryData
Sets the version range to query for.
setVersionRange(ArtifactVersionRange) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig.Builder
Sets the range defining the versions of issues to be rendered.
setWebPassword(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Sets the password for HTTP basic authentication to the issue management webserver.
setWebUser(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. IssueManagementConfig
Sets the name of the user for HTTP basic authentication to the issue management webserver.
SimpleSectioner - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
Selects the issues to their categories.
SimpleSectioner(RendererConfig, List<TaskData>) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. SimpleSectioner
Default constructor.
siteRenderer - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractReportMojo
The Doxia site renderer.
skip - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
A simple flag to skip the generation of the reports.
skipVersion(ArtifactVersion, ArtifactVersion) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. DefaultVersionSkipper
Checks if the version should be skipped so that issues associated with this version are not rendered in the report.
skipVersion(ArtifactVersion, ArtifactVersion) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. ReleasePlanVersionSkipper
Checks if the version should be skipped so that issues associated with this version are not rendered in the report.
skipVersion(ArtifactVersion, ArtifactVersion) - Method in interface de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionSkipper
Checks if the version should be skipped so that issues associated with this version are not rendered in the report.
splitToList(String) - Static method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.util. Utils
Splits a comma separated list of values from a String into a list of Strings.
supports(String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.factory. DefaultRepositoryFacadeFactory
Checks if the factory supports the creation of a facade for the given issue management ID.
supports(String) - Method in interface de.smartics.maven.issues. RepositoryFacadeFactory
Checks if the factory supports the creation of a facade for the given issue management ID.


TabularReportMojo - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
The report to generate a tabular representation of issues.
TabularReportMojo() - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. TabularReportMojo
TabularReportRenderer - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
The renderer prints issues in the order fetched to a table.
TabularReportRenderer(RendererConfig, Sink, List<TaskData>) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. TabularReportRenderer
Default constructor.
TASK_DATA - Static variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskInfoKey
Specify the element to store a task data.
TASK_ID - Static variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskInfoKey
Specify the property to store task ID of the task data.
TaskDataCache - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.cache
Local cache for task data retrieved from the remote Task repository.
TaskDataCache() - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskDataCache
Convenience constructor to create a cache where all tasks are stored in-memory.
TaskDataCache(File) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskDataCache
Convenience constructor to create a file based task data store to write to the given location.
TaskDataCache(TaskDataStore) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskDataCache
Default constructor.
TaskDataStore - Interface in de.smartics.maven.issues.cache
Interface to handle the persistency of task data information.
TaskInfoKey - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.cache
Defines constants for task data properties used as attribute names and generic identifiers.
TaskWriter - Interface in de.smartics.maven.issues.cache
Interface to write a task.
timeout - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
The timeout in milliseconds between retries of connection attempts.
toString() - Method in interface de.smartics.maven.issues. ArtifactVersionRange
Returns the version specification passed to the constructor.
toString() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. BugzillaVersionRange
Returns the version specification passed to the constructor.
toString() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues. RendererConfig
toString() - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.util. ReportReference


Utils - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.util
Utilities for this package.


VALUE - Static variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskInfoKey
Specify the element to store a single attribute value of the task data.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.smartics.maven.issues. VersionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
VALUES - Static variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskInfoKey
Specify the element to store attribute values of the task data.
values() - Static method in enum de.smartics.maven.issues. VersionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VERSION - Static variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskInfoKey
Specify the property to store version of the task data.
VersionedSectioner - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
Selects the issues to their categories.
VersionedSectioner(RendererConfig, List<TaskData>) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectioner
Convenience constructor using inverse sort order for versions.
VersionedSectioner(RendererConfig, List<TaskData>, Comparator<ArtifactVersion>) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectioner
Default constructor.
VersionedSectionReleasePlanReportRenderer - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
The renderer prints issue information in different sections within their version.
VersionedSectionReleasePlanReportRenderer(RendererConfig, Sink, List<TaskData>) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectionReleasePlanReportRenderer
Default constructor.
VersionedSectionReportRenderer - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
The renderer prints issue information in different sections within their version.
VersionedSectionReportRenderer(RendererConfig, Sink, List<TaskData>) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. VersionedSectionReportRenderer
Default constructor.
VersionFactory - Interface in de.smartics.maven.issues
A factory to create version instances.
Versions - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
Contains sections separated by their versions.
Versions(List<String>) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. Versions
Convenience constructor using the InverseVersionComparator to sort the version from large to small.
Versions(List<String>, Comparator<ArtifactVersion>) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. Versions
Default constructor.
Versions.VersionedSections - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
A versioned sections information bundle.
VersionSkipper - Interface in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
Arbiter to exclude or include versions in a report.
versionType - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla. AbstractVersionSkipper
The configuration to control the rendering process.
VersionType - Enum in de.smartics.maven.issues
Enumeration of version types.


webPassword - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
The password for HTTP basic authentication to the issue management webserver.
webUser - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues. AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
The name of the user for HTTP basic authentication to the issue management webserver.
writeAttribute(TaskAttribute) - Method in interface de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskWriter
Writes the attribute.
writeAttribute(TaskAttribute) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. XmlTaskWriter
Writes the attribute.
writeAttributes(Map<String, TaskAttribute>) - Method in interface de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskWriter
Writes the set of attributes.
writeAttributes(Map<String, TaskAttribute>) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. XmlTaskWriter
Writes the set of attributes.
writeAttributeValues(TaskAttribute) - Method in interface de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskWriter
Writes the attribute values.
writeAttributeValues(TaskAttribute) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. XmlTaskWriter
Writes the attribute values.
writeMap(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskWriter
Writes the key and values of the map.
writeMap(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. XmlTaskWriter
Writes the key and values of the map.
writeSimpleElement(String, String) - Method in interface de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskWriter
Writes a simple element containing no attributes and only text content.
writeSimpleElement(String, String) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. XmlTaskWriter
Writes a simple element containing no attributes and only text content.
writeTask(File, TaskData) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. AbstractFileTaskDataStore
Persists the task to the given file.
writeTask(OutputStream, TaskData) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. AbstractFileTaskDataStore
Persists the task to the given output stream.
writeTask(TaskData) - Method in interface de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. TaskWriter
Writes the given task to the stream referenced by this instance.
writeTask(OutputStream, TaskData) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. XmlTaskDataStore
Persists the task to the given output stream.
writeTask(TaskData) - Method in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. XmlTaskWriter
Writes the given task to the stream referenced by this instance.


xmlReader - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. XmlTaskReader
The reader to read single tasks from.
XmlTaskDataStore - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.cache
Implementation of the data store that writes task data to XML files.
XmlTaskDataStore(File) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. XmlTaskDataStore
Default constructor.
XmlTaskReader - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.cache
Reads a task from a given stream.
XmlTaskReader(XMLStreamReader) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. XmlTaskReader
Default constructor.
XmlTaskWriter - Class in de.smartics.maven.issues.cache
Writes a single task to a stream.
XmlTaskWriter(XMLStreamWriter) - Constructor for class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. XmlTaskWriter
Default constructor.
xmlWriter - Variable in class de.smartics.maven.issues.cache. XmlTaskWriter
The writer to write the single tasks to.


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