Class AbstractSectionReportRenderer

Package class diagram package AbstractSectionReportRenderer
  extended by org.apache.maven.reporting.AbstractMavenReportRenderer
      extended by de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla.AbstractIssuesReportRenderer
          extended by de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla.AbstractSectionReportRenderer
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractSectionReportRenderer
extends AbstractIssuesReportRenderer

The renderer prints issue information in different sections. The sections are defines by the key RendererConfig.getSectionType() and are selected and ordered by RendererConfig.getSections().

Robert Reiner

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla.AbstractIssuesReportRenderer
config, issues
Fields inherited from class org.apache.maven.reporting.AbstractMavenReportRenderer
Constructor Summary
protected AbstractSectionReportRenderer(RendererConfig config, Sink sink, List<> issues)
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
protected  String getSectionText(ResourceBundle bundle, String sectionId)
          Returns the introduction text after the section title.
protected  void renderBody()
protected  void renderPreviousReportReferences()
          Renders references to previous release reports.
protected  void renderSectionHeader(String sectionId)
          Renders the section header.
protected  void renderSections(Sections sections)
          Renders the sections.
protected  void renderSectionSectionEnd()
          Renders the end of a section.
protected  void renderSectionSectionStart()
          Renders the start of a section.
protected  void renderSectionTitleEnd()
          Renders the end of a section title.
protected  void renderSectionTitleStart()
          Renders the start of a section title.
Methods inherited from class de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla.AbstractIssuesReportRenderer
getDescription, getDescription, getNoResultsDescription, getNoResultsDescription, getTitle, renderFooter, renderTableHeader, renderTableRow, renderTitle
Methods inherited from class org.apache.maven.reporting.AbstractMavenReportRenderer
createLinkPatternedText, endSection, endTable, getTitle, javaScript, link, linkPatternedText, paragraph, propertiesToString, render, startSection, startTable, tableCaption, tableCell, tableCell, tableHeader, tableHeaderCell, tableRow, text, verbatimLink, verbatimText
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected AbstractSectionReportRenderer(RendererConfig config,
                                        Sink sink,
                                        List<> issues)
Default constructor.

config - the configuration to control the rendering process.
sink - the sink to write to.
issues - the issue information to render in the report.
Method Detail


protected void renderBody()

Specified by:
renderBody in class AbstractMavenReportRenderer


protected void renderPreviousReportReferences()
Renders references to previous release reports.


protected void renderSections(Sections sections)
Renders the sections.

sections - the sections to be rendered.


protected void renderSectionHeader(String sectionId)
Renders the section header.

sectionId - the identifier (an attribute key of the issue management system) of the section.


protected String getSectionText(ResourceBundle bundle,
                                String sectionId)
Returns the introduction text after the section title.

bundle - the resource bundle to use.
sectionId - the identifier (an attribute key of the issue management system) of the section.
the localized text to render.


protected void renderSectionSectionStart()
Renders the start of a section.

Implementation Notes:
Subclasses should override this if the default level 2 is not adequate for the report.


protected void renderSectionSectionEnd()
Renders the end of a section.

Implementation Notes:
Subclasses should override this if the default level 2 is not adequate for the report.


protected void renderSectionTitleStart()
Renders the start of a section title.

Implementation Notes:
Subclasses should override this if the default level 2 is not adequate for the report.


protected void renderSectionTitleEnd()
Renders the end of a section title.

Implementation Notes:
Subclasses should override this if the default level 2 is not adequate for the report.

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