Package de.smartics.maven.issues.cache

Package class diagram package de.smartics.maven.issues.cache
Provides classes to cache search results and persist them.


Interface Summary
TaskDataStore Interface to handle the persistency of task data information.
TaskWriter Interface to write a task.

Class Summary
AbstractFileTaskDataStore Base implementation of the TaskDataStore interface that writes the task data to individual files.
TaskDataCache Local cache for task data retrieved from the remote Task repository.
TaskInfoKey Defines constants for task data properties used as attribute names and generic identifiers.
XmlTaskDataStore Implementation of the data store that writes task data to XML files.
XmlTaskReader Reads a task from a given stream.
XmlTaskWriter Writes a single task to a stream.

Exception Summary
PersistenceException Signals problems persisting task data.

Package de.smartics.maven.issues.cache Description

Provides classes to cache search results and persist them. Persisting allows the system to move the issues from memory to a secondary storage medium. Currently only the file system is used as a storage medium.

The design should be flexible enough to support other media such as databases, if required.


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