This Maven plugin generates reports on issue found in the configured issue management system. Define reports and configure the query and columns if the issue information to be rendered in tables.
maven-changes-plugin is based on Java 1.4 and we did not want to pollute it with Java 1.5 code. Matthew Beermann
patch adding a Mojo to access Bugzilla has been around for over a year, but nothing yet happened. In addition to that we also want to integrate some metrics reports which will take us further away from the intention of the maven-changes-plugin. We currently focus on Bugzilla. The maven-changes-plugin has a general approach to use different issue management systems. This would be too much work since we wanted to provide a practical solution that satisfies our needs quickly.
Currently only Bugzilla is supported and tested with version 3.6. We use
Mylyn to connect to Bugzilla, so other versions should work, too.
Prior to version 0.3.0 of the issues-maven-plugin version 3.2 of bugzilla was tested to work. We checked that version 2.22.7 is working with the earlier releases, but noticed that some identifiers of attributes supported by 3.2 are missing. So you may want to adjust the columns to be returned accordingly if you are using 2.22 (e.g. the
assigned_to_name name used by our standard configuration is missing in 2.22).
Please refer to
FAQ on attribute IDs to get help on determining the attributes supported by your current installation.
The issues plugin provides a property to collect all attribute names it encounters during the search. Use
<logColumns>true</logColumns> in the configuration of the report set. To log the attribute IDs you can use for e.g. to specify column names.
The information is logged at INFO level and is introduced by the text
Attribute IDs:.
You can override the default values for URL and system with
issueManagementUrl and
issueManagementSystem. Please note that currently only Bugzilla is supported so there is no gain in specifying the system's name.
Probably you did not declare a unique identifier for each report set. Please check that it is provided as specified in the POM's documentation in the section
There is a special value to select all components:
_ALL_. This value can be used to override inherited component names. Otherwise simply do not specify the component property.
Yes, it is. But configuration is not supported. It is easy to provide one report for each sub module and one large for the whole project. The task data is stored in the parent's project (according to inheritance)
target/task-data folder. Please note that local task data is used without checking if it is out of date. Please refer to
Caching Bugs for details.
Make sure that every submodule defines its own component and the parent module defines none. Please refer to
Multi Projects on the usage page for an example.
For performance a bug once fetched is cached in-memory and written to the folder
target/task-data if memory runs low. Whenever a bug is required the plugin checks if it is already in the cache. If the plugin finds the bug in
target/task-data from a previous run, it uses this instead of fetching it from the remote issue management system.
If you want the bugs to be fetched from the remote system make sure that the folder
target/task-data is cleared (e.g. by clearing the whole target folder with
mvn clean.
Per default, if some constraints are met (for details please refer to
Adding Component Column) the component column is automatically included. Multi projects benefit from this feature. If the column should not be rendered please set
includeComponentAtIndex to
There is a difference between the version definition expected by Maven and specified by eclipse. Fortunately to the
maven-eclipse-plugin there is a way to handle this problem:
mvn eclipse:to-maven -DstripQualifier
and specify the installation directory of eclipse when requested on the command line. Version 3.4.0 should work since we depend on eclipse 3.4 and Mylyn 3.0.5.
You may want to download
eclipse and select the "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers".