Interface ConfigurationKeyHelper

Package class diagram package ConfigurationKeyHelper
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
EnvAppConfigurationKeyHelper, TenantUserConfigurationKeyHelper

public interface ConfigurationKeyHelper
extends Serializable

Helper to construct configuration keys.

Method Summary
 ConfigurationKey<?> load(ApplicationId applicationId)
          Loads the configuration key using the given applicationId and determines the environmentId through system properties or defaults (null for the environment and hostname for the node).
 ConfigurationKey<?> load(Class<?> locator)
          Loads the application identifier from the manifest file pointed at by the given locator class.
 ConfigurationKey<?> load(EnvironmentId environmentId, Class<?> locator)
          Loads the application identifier from the manifest file pointed at by the given locator class.
 ConfigurationKey<?> load(String environmentName, Class<?> locator)
          Loads the application identifier from the manifest file pointed at by the given locator class.

Method Detail


ConfigurationKey<?> load(Class<?> locator)
                         throws IllegalStateException
Loads the application identifier from the manifest file pointed at by the given locator class.

locator - the class to locate the manifest file to load. It is the manifest file of the archive this class is part of.
the application identifier.
IllegalStateException - if the application identifier cannot be read from the manifest.
See Also:
load(EnvironmentId, Class)


ConfigurationKey<?> load(String environmentName,
                         Class<?> locator)
                         throws IllegalStateException
Loads the application identifier from the manifest file pointed at by the given locator class.

environmentName - the name of the environment of use. May be null if the value of the system property EnvAppConfigurationKeyHelper#SYSTEM_PROPERTY_ENVIRONMENT_NAME should be used (along with the node name defined by EnvAppConfigurationKeyHelper#SYSTEM_PROPERTY_ENVIRONMENT_NODE). If not specified, the name of the host of this runtime is determined.
locator - the class to locate the manifest file to load. It is the manifest file of the archive this class is part of.
the application identifier.
IllegalStateException - if the application identifier cannot be read from the manifest.
See Also:
load(EnvironmentId, Class)


ConfigurationKey<?> load(EnvironmentId environmentId,
                         Class<?> locator)
                         throws IllegalStateException
Loads the application identifier from the manifest file pointed at by the given locator class.

environmentId - the environment part of the configuration key to construct.
locator - the class to locate the manifest file to load. It is the manifest file of the archive this class is part of.
the application identifier.
IllegalStateException - if the application identifier cannot be read from the manifest.
See Also:
load(Class), load(String, Class)


ConfigurationKey<?> load(ApplicationId applicationId)
Loads the configuration key using the given applicationId and determines the environmentId through system properties or defaults (null for the environment and hostname for the node).

applicationId - the application part of the configuration key to construct.
the configuration key.

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