Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
Todo Work 11 todo, FIXME, QUICKFIX, WORKAROUND, @deprecated

Each tag is detailed below:

Todo Work

Number of occurrences found in the code: 11

de.smartics.properties.impl.config.cache.AbstractCacheConfigurationPropertiesManagement Line
We should not validate the value (only resolve and convert)... But we do not want to dodge the cache. 137
de.smartics.properties.impl.config.jndi.JndiConfigurationPropertiesFactory Line
smartics-exception 91
--No comment-- 144
de.smartics.properties.spi.config.proxy.PropertyMethodNameUtilities Line
HERE AND Immediately Tests for all 112
de.smartics.properties.spi.config.support.AbstractConfigurationPropertiesFactory Line
If our cache contains different implementations, this cast won't work. 496
de.smartics.properties.spi.config.support.BootLoader Line
There is a similar method in PropertiesUtils: Refactor 224
de.smartics.properties.spi.config.support.ClassPathLoader Line
There is a similar method in PropertiesHelper: Refactor 377
de.smartics.properties.spi.config.support.InMemoryConfigurationRepositoryManagement Line
Use this as boot properties. 286
Use this as boot properties. 288
Use this as boot properties. 294
de.smartics.properties.spi.config.transfer.PropertyProviderList Line
Instead of loading all properties into memory we should read them on demand. This could be accomplished by adding a PropertyProvider that reads the properties only on demand and is able to remove them as soon as all are read. 161