Package de.smartics.testdoc.core.adapter

Package class diagram package de.smartics.testdoc.core.adapter
Provides adapters to interface to the information collected by the APT processor.


Interface Summary
IndexProvider Provides access to an instance of UnitTestDocIndex.
IndexProvider.UnitTestDocLoader Loader to fill an {@link IndexProvider.
JmxExportAdapterMBean Managing interface to the export adapter.

Class Summary
AbstractFileBasedExportAdapter Exports the documentation fragments to a directory via the APT filer.
AbstractInMemoryExportAdapter Exports the documentation to an in-memory singleton.
BasedFilerSingletonInMemoryExportAdapter A Filer based adapter that has an in-memory representation of the export adapter.
DirectoryExportAdapter Exports the documentation fragments to a directory.
DirectoryUnitTestDocLoader Loads instances of UnitTestDoc from a file system directory.
FilerExportAdapter Exports the documentation fragments to a directory via the APT filer.
GlobalUnitTestDocIndex A singleton that stores the UnitTestDocIndex to be globally accessible within a VM.
JmxExportAdapter Provides an in-memory adapter to be exposed via JMX.
JmxExportAdapterClient The client to the JMX bean stored at the MBean server.
MultiExportAdapter Allows to configure a number of export adapter that will be used as delegates.
MultiUnitTestDocLoader Loads instances of UnitTestDoc from multiple loaders.
PersistenceUtils Provides means to persist the state of collected test documentation information.
SingletonInMemoryExportAdapter Exports the documentation to an in-memory singleton.

Exception Summary
ImportException Signals problems performing the import of unit test documentation.

Package de.smartics.testdoc.core.adapter Description

Provides adapters to interface to the information collected by the APT processor.


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