testdoc-core 0.4.0 API

de.smartics.testdoc.collect.extractor Provides helper classes to extract information from the APT interface.
de.smartics.testdoc.collect.generator Provides helper to interface with the compiler and APT API.
de.smartics.testdoc.core Provides base classes of the report library.
de.smartics.testdoc.core.adapter Provides adapters to interface to the information collected by the APT processor.
de.smartics.testdoc.core.doc Provides classes to store the gathered test documentation.
de.smartics.testdoc.core.doc.names Provides classes to transform the names of test methods into human readable sentences.
de.smartics.testdoc.core.export Provides a mini framework to export test documentation.
de.smartics.testdoc.core.source Provides helpers to locate source code fragments.


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