Serialized Form

Package de.smartics.testdoc.collect.extractor

Class de.smartics.testdoc.collect.extractor.ExtractorException extends RuntimeException implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 1L

Package de.smartics.testdoc.core

Class de.smartics.testdoc.core.BlankArgumentException extends IllegalArgumentException implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 1L

Package de.smartics.testdoc.core.adapter

Class de.smartics.testdoc.core.adapter.ImportException extends RuntimeException implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 1L

Package de.smartics.testdoc.core.doc

Class de.smartics.testdoc.core.doc.ScenarioTestDoc extends Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 1L

Serialized Fields


String uutMethod
The name of the method under test.



SortKey sortKey
The sort key defining the natural order of scenarios.



Type testCaseType
The type of the test case the test has been specified in.



TestMethodDoc testMethod
The test method of a scenario.



List<E> categories
The categories of the scenario.


Class de.smartics.testdoc.core.doc.SortKey extends Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 1L

Serialized Fields


String mainKey
The main key part of the sort key that controls the index key.



String indexKey
The key within the main key.


Class de.smartics.testdoc.core.doc.TestMethodDoc extends Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 1L

Serialized Fields


String testName
The name of the test. Must not be null.



String testSentence
The name of the test translated to a human readable sentence.



de.smartics.util.source.SourceCodeLocation location
The location of the test. This is the location of the test method.



String javadocComment
The optional Javadoc comment of the test method. May be null.

Implementation Notes:
If the comment contains only white-spaces or is empty, the value is silently set to null during construction.

Class de.smartics.testdoc.core.doc.Type extends Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 1L

Serialized Fields


String packageName
The package part of the type name.



String typeName
The name of the type without the package part.



int preCalcHashCode
The pre-calculated hash code.


Class de.smartics.testdoc.core.doc.UnitTestDoc extends Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 1L

Serialized Fields


Type uutType
The type of the unit-under-test.



List<E> scenarios
The test documentation of the individual tests of the unit.


Class de.smartics.testdoc.core.doc.UnitTestDocIndex extends Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 1L

Serialized Fields


Map<K,V> unitTestDocs
The test documentation mapped by the UUT's type name. For each type there is only one instance of UnitTestDoc that contains all information for that UUT.


Map<K,V> testCases
References from the test case classes to the units they test. The elements in the list are required to be the identical instances found in UnitTestDocIndex.unitTestDocs. This is just an alternative view on the UUTs to that of UnitTestDocIndex.unitTestDocs.

Class de.smartics.testdoc.core.doc.UnitTestDocNaturalComparator extends Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 1L

Class de.smartics.testdoc.core.doc.UnitTestDocTypeSimpleNameComparator extends Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 1L

Package de.smartics.testdoc.core.export

Class de.smartics.testdoc.core.export.ExportException extends RuntimeException implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 1L

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