Class AbstractBugzillaReportMojo

Package class diagram package AbstractBugzillaReportMojo
  extended by org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo
      extended by org.apache.maven.reporting.AbstractMavenReport
          extended by de.smartics.maven.issues.AbstractReportMojo
              extended by de.smartics.maven.issues.AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
                  extended by de.smartics.maven.issues.AbstractIssuesReportMojo
                      extended by de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla.AbstractBugzillaReportMojo
All Implemented Interfaces:
ContextEnabled, Mojo, MavenReport
Direct Known Subclasses:
BugzillaReleasePlanReportMojo, BugzillaSectionReportMojo, TabularReportMojo

public abstract class AbstractBugzillaReportMojo
extends AbstractIssuesReportMojo

The base implementation of all bugzilla reports.

Robert Reiner

Field Summary
          Defines the selector to mean "all values without restriction".
protected  String includeOnSamePageAllOfVersion
          On the same page all of the given version type are rendered.
Fields inherited from class de.smartics.maven.issues.AbstractIssuesReportMojo
description, descriptionFile, footerText
Fields inherited from class de.smartics.maven.issues.AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
buildDirectory, ignoreLogoutProblem, issueManagementPassword, issueManagementSystem, issueManagementUrl, issueManagementUser, logColumns, maxRetries, offline, repositoryFacadeFactory, repositoryFacadeFactoryClass, repositoryVersion, skip, timeout, webPassword, webUser
Fields inherited from class de.smartics.maven.issues.AbstractReportMojo
factory, locale, localRepository, logLevel, outputDirectory, project, resolver, siteRenderer
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReport
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.maven.plugin.Mojo
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  BugzillaQueryData createQueryData(ArtifactVersionRange versionRange)
          Creates the query data that enables to create a query URL to be sent to the issue management system.
 String getCommandType()
          Returns the type of the command executed.
 String getComponent()
          Returns the value for component.
 String getFilter()
          Returns the value for filter.
 VersionType getIncludeOnSamePageAllOfVersion()
          Returns the value for includeOnSamePageAll.
 String getKeywords()
          Returns the value for keywords.
 String getKeywordsType()
          Returns the value for keywordsType.
 String getOrder()
          Returns the value for order.
 String getProduct()
          Returns the value for product.
 String getQueryName()
          Returns the name of the query to execute.
 String getResolution()
          Returns the value for resolution.
 String getStatus()
          Returns the value for status.
Methods inherited from class de.smartics.maven.issues.AbstractIssuesReportMojo
createRenderer, getColumns, getColumnWidths, getDescription, getDescriptionFile, getIncludeComponentAtIndex, getIncludeComponentAtIndexColumnWidth, getNoResultsDescription, getReportRenderer, getTitle
Methods inherited from class de.smartics.maven.issues.AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
canGenerateReport, createInstance, createVersionRange, executeReport
Methods inherited from class de.smartics.maven.issues.AbstractReportMojo
execute, getBundle, getOutputDirectory, getProject, getSiteRenderer, provideSink
Methods inherited from class org.apache.maven.reporting.AbstractMavenReport
closeReport, generate, getCategoryName, getReportOutputDirectory, getSink, isExternalReport, setReportOutputDirectory
Methods inherited from class org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo
getLog, getPluginContext, setLog, setPluginContext
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReport
getDescription, getName, getOutputName

Field Detail


public static final String ALL_VALUES_SELECTOR
Defines the selector to mean "all values without restriction". This is often the same as specifying no value but allows inherited configurations to be overridden.

The value of this constant is "_ALL_".

Constant Field Value:


protected String includeOnSamePageAllOfVersion
On the same page all of the given version type are rendered. For instance if this value refers to the major version, all versions having the same major version are rendered. A value of micro implies that only the current version is to be rendered.

Valid values are major, minor, micro (only the exact version), all (allow all versions).

Constructor Detail


public AbstractBugzillaReportMojo()
Method Detail


public String getStatus()
Returns the value for status.

Sets the status(es) that you want to limit your report to include. Valid statuses are: UNCONFIRMED, NEW, ASSIGNED, REOPENED, RESOLVED, VERIFIED, and CLOSED. Multiple values can be separated by commas.

the value for status.


public String getFilter()
Returns the value for filter.

Defines the filter parameters to restrict which issues are retrieved from Bugzilla. The filter parameter must use the same format of url parameters that is used in a Bugzilla search.

the value for filter.


public String getResolution()
Returns the value for resolution.

Sets the resolution(s) that you want to limit your report to include. Valid statuses are: FIXED, INVALID, WONTFIX, LATER, REMIND, DUPLICATE, WORKSFORME, and MOVED. Multiple values can be separated by commas.

the value for resolution.


public String getKeywords()
Returns the value for keywords.

Sets the keywords that you want to limit your report to include.

the value for keywords.


public String getKeywordsType()
Returns the value for keywordsType.

Sets the handling of the keywords. May have any value but Bugzilla supports currently allwords, nowords, anywords.

the value for keywordsType.


public String getComponent()
Returns the value for component.

Sets the component(s) that you want to limit your report to include. Multiple components can be separated by commas. If this is set to empty - that means all components.

Specified by:
getComponent in class AbstractIssuesReportMojo
the value for component.


public String getProduct()
Returns the value for product.

Sets the product(s) that you want to limit your report to include. Multiple products can be separated by commas. If this is set to empty - that means all products.

the value for product.


public String getOrder()
Returns the value for order.

Sets the order of the bugs returned.

the value for order.


public String getQueryName()
Returns the name of the query to execute. If the query name is specified none of the other query properties is taken into account.

Specified by:
getQueryName in class AbstractIssuesReportMojo
the name of the query to execute.


public String getCommandType()
Returns the type of the command executed. This property is currently only relevant is queryName is set.

the type of the command executed.


public VersionType getIncludeOnSamePageAllOfVersion()
Returns the value for includeOnSamePageAll.

On the same page all of the given version type are rendered. For instance if this value refers to the major version, all versions having the same major version are rendered. A value of micro implies that only the current version is to be rendered.

Defaults to VersionType.MAJOR.

Specified by:
getIncludeOnSamePageAllOfVersion in class AbstractIssuesReportMojo
the value for includeOnSamePageAll.
See Also:


protected BugzillaQueryData createQueryData(ArtifactVersionRange versionRange)
Creates the query data that enables to create a query URL to be sent to the issue management system.

Specified by:
createQueryData in class AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
versionRange - the version range used to create the query data.
an instance of query data suitable to run in a specific issue management system.

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