Interface NumberCode

Package class diagram package NumberCode
All Superinterfaces:
Code, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
ConfigurationExceptionCode, NumberCodeInfo, ParseExceptionCode, TwoNumberCodeInfo

public interface NumberCode
extends Code

A specific code interface that deals with number codes. Implementations of this interface provide access to a major and a minor number.

Robert Reiner

Method Summary
 Integer getMajorNumber()
          Returns the major number of the code defines a group of codes.
 Integer getMinorNumber()
          Returns the minor number gives additional information about the problem.
Methods inherited from interface de.smartics.exceptions.core.Code
getCode, getComponentId, getDisplayId, toString

Method Detail


Integer getMajorNumber()
Returns the major number of the code defines a group of codes. This group is associated with a certain type of problem within the component.

For example HTTP knows the major numbers 100, 200, 300, 400, etc.

the major number of the code defines a group of codes.


Integer getMinorNumber()
Returns the minor number gives additional information about the problem. It specifies exactly the type of problem. If this value is null, there is no minor number specified.

For example HTTP knows the minor number 4 for page not found. This will add with the major number to 404.

the minor number gives additional information about the problem.

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