smart-exceptions 0.5.0 API

Core Packages
de.smartics.exceptions The core package for the exception handling.
de.smartics.exceptions.code Provides code implementations.
de.smartics.exceptions.context Provides context configuration for exceptions.
de.smartics.exceptions.core Provides core information beans, interfaces and exceptions. Provides standard implementations for exception identifiers.
de.smartics.exceptions.ognl Provides classes to parse OGNL expressions.
de.smartics.exceptions.runtime Provides context management classes.


de.smartics.exceptions.i18n The core package for the I18N exception handling. Provides classes used for the library to act as an application.
de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context Provides context configuration for exceptions.
de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.message Provides classes for the internationalization of exception messages.


Report Provides report generator implementations. Provides utilities to sort the tabular content of the reports.


Maven Report Plugin
de.smartics.maven.exceptions Provides Mojo and base classes for the Maven report plugin. Provides implementations for report presentation.


Report CLI
de.smartics.exceptions.cli Provides classes that create a report on the codes provided in the referenced application and libraries.


Report Ant
de.smartics.exceptions.ant Provides an Ant task that create a report on the codes provided in the referenced application and libraries.


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