Package de.smartics.exceptions.core

Package class diagram package de.smartics.exceptions.core
Provides core information beans, interfaces and exceptions.


Interface Summary
Code This interface defines error and exception codes to identify exception classes.
ExceptionContext Defines access to the resources required by the exception infrastructure.
ExceptionId<E> Interface to implement an exception identifier.
IdFactory A factory to create instances of ExceptionId.

Enum Summary
ThrowableHandleMode Defines the modes how exceptions should be handled by the framework.

Package de.smartics.exceptions.core Description

Provides core information beans, interfaces and exceptions.

The Code interface defines the properties of error codes. A code defines a type of error. The interface allows to provide individual implementations of error codes with specific formats.

To tag an exception uniquely the ExceptionId class is used. The IdFactory class defines the service method to actually generate a unique identifier. As with error codes, identifier may also have specific requirements on their format.

The exception context is the central information bundle to control the exception infrastructure. This is where the implementation of the IdFactory is registered and the ThrowableHandleMode is defined. In future new properties will be added here.


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