Uses of ConfigurationProperties in de.smartics.properties.api.config.app |
Methods in de.smartics.properties.api.config.app that return ConfigurationProperties | |
ConfigurationProperties |
ConfigurationPropertiesFactory.create(ConfigurationKey<?> key) Returns the configuration properties for the given key . |
ConfigurationProperties |
ConfigurationPropertiesFactory.createDefault() Returns the configuration for the default key. |
Uses of ConfigurationProperties in de.smartics.properties.api.config.domain |
Subinterfaces of ConfigurationProperties in de.smartics.properties.api.config.domain | |
interface |
ConfigurationPropertiesManagement Provides management access to the configuration properties. |
interface |
SerializableConfigurationProperties Provides access to all configuration properties for a given application in a given environment. |
interface |
SerializableConfigurationPropertiesManagement Provides management access to the serializable configuration properties. |
Classes in de.smartics.properties.api.config.domain that implement ConfigurationProperties | |
class |
AbstractAdminModeSupportedPropertiesManagement Base implementation to support administration modes. |
Methods in de.smartics.properties.api.config.domain that return ConfigurationProperties | |
ConfigurationProperties |
ConfigurationRepository.getProperties(ConfigurationKey<?> key) Fetches the properties for the given configuration key . |
ConfigurationProperties |
ConfigurationProperties.toRepresentative() Creates an representative of this configuration. |
Uses of ConfigurationProperties in de.smartics.properties.impl.config.cache |
Classes in de.smartics.properties.impl.config.cache that implement ConfigurationProperties | |
class |
AbstractCacheConfigurationPropertiesManagement A delegate that provides a cache. |
class |
CacheConfigurationPropertiesManagement A delegate that provides a cache. |
class |
SerializableCacheConfigurationPropertiesManagement A delegate that provides a cache. |
Uses of ConfigurationProperties in de.smartics.properties.impl.config.classpath |
Classes in de.smartics.properties.impl.config.classpath that implement ConfigurationProperties | |
class |
ClasspathConfigurationProperties Implementation based on Properties . |
Uses of ConfigurationProperties in de.smartics.properties.impl.config.ds |
Classes in de.smartics.properties.impl.config.ds that implement ConfigurationProperties | |
class |
DataSourceConfigurationProperties Implementation based on a data source. |
Uses of ConfigurationProperties in de.smartics.properties.impl.config.jndi |
Classes in de.smartics.properties.impl.config.jndi that implement ConfigurationProperties | |
class |
JndiConfigurationProperties Implementation based on JNDI. |
Uses of ConfigurationProperties in de.smartics.properties.impl.config.properties |
Classes in de.smartics.properties.impl.config.properties that implement ConfigurationProperties | |
class |
PropertiesConfigurationProperties Implementation based on Properties . |
Uses of ConfigurationProperties in de.smartics.properties.spi.config.domain |
Classes in de.smartics.properties.spi.config.domain that implement ConfigurationProperties | |
class |
ConfigurationPropertiesManagementProxy A serialization proxy that allows non serializable configuration properties instances to be serialized using their factories cache and ability to recreate that instances. |
class |
ConfigurationPropertiesProxy A serialization proxy that allows non serializable configuration properties instances to be serialized using their factories cache and ability to recreate that instances. |
Methods in de.smartics.properties.spi.config.domain that return ConfigurationProperties | |
ConfigurationProperties |
ConfigurationPropertiesProxy.toRepresentative() |
Uses of ConfigurationProperties in de.smartics.properties.spi.config.resolve |
Constructors in de.smartics.properties.spi.config.resolve with parameters of type ConfigurationProperties | |
ConfigurationPropertiesResolveContext(PropertyDescriptorRegistry registry, ConfigurationProperties config) Default constructor. |
SimplePropertyValueResolver(PropertyDescriptorRegistry registry, ConfigurationProperties config) Default constructor. |
Uses of ConfigurationProperties in de.smartics.properties.spi.config.support |
Subinterfaces of ConfigurationProperties in de.smartics.properties.spi.config.support | |
interface |
ConfigurationPropertiesManagementSpi Provides an extended interface to service providers. |
interface |
ConfigurationPropertiesSpi Provides an extended interface to service providers. |
interface |
SerializableConfigurationPropertiesManagementSpi Provides an extended interface to service providers. |
Classes in de.smartics.properties.spi.config.support that implement ConfigurationProperties | |
class |
AbstractAdminModeConfigurationProperties Base implementation to support administration modes. |
class |
AbstractConfigurationProperties Abstract implementation of the ConfigurationProperties interface. |
class |
AbstractConfigurationPropertiesManagement Abstract implementation of the ConfigurationProperties interface. |
class |
AbstractExternalConfigurationPropertiesManagement Abstract implementation of the ConfigurationProperties interface. |
class |
AbstractInMemoryConfigurationProperties An implementation that stores all properties in-memory. |
class |
BootConfigurationProperties Implementation based on Properties . |
class |
ConfigurationPropertiesManagementWithDefaults A configuration properties instance that contains the main configuration properties, which matches the key, and all the defaults that have a partial representation of the key. |
Methods in de.smartics.properties.spi.config.support that return ConfigurationProperties | |
ConfigurationProperties |
InMemoryConfigurationRepositoryManagement.getProperties(ConfigurationKey<?> key) |
ConfigurationProperties |
AbstractConfigurationProperties.toRepresentative() |