
Package class diagram package
Provides classes to create a java dynamic proxy for a given properties interface.


Class Summary
PropertiesProxyInvocationHandler The invocation handler receives every method invocation on the proxy that is wrapped over the properties interface.
PropertyConfigurationObjectBuilder This factory creates a implementation object via a java dynamic proxy for a given properties interface.
PropertyMethodNameUtilities Helper.

Exception Summary
InvalidArgumentsException Signals that the provided class is not a valid properties interface.
NotAPropertySetAnnotatedInterfaceException Signals that the provided class is not a valid properties interface.
PropertiesException Signals problems with a properties.
PropertyMethodNotFoundException Signals that the interface does not contain the expected property method.

Package Description

Provides classes to create a java dynamic proxy for a given properties interface. Using this classes it is possible to access the properties and when defined in the given interface the keys and property descriptions can be accessed.

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