
Package class diagram package
Provides implementations to provide access to data sources from configuration factories.


Interface Summary
DataSourceConnector A connector to interface with data sources.
DataSourceProxy Allows serializable access to a data source.
PropertiesDataSourceAccessor Interface to access property information from a data source.
PropertiesDataSourceDescriptor Interface to describe the structure of a data base that contains properties information.
PropertiesDataSourceManager Interface to connect to a database to persist properties and to allow the management of the database infrastructure.

Class Summary
AbstractDataSourceDescriptor Helper to create database configurations with a data source.
AbstractDataSourceDescriptor.Builder The builder of descriptor instances.
DataSourceConfigurationMessageBean Provides context information for problems accessing a data source to fetch properties for a given configuration.
DataSourceConfigurationPropertyProvider Provides an adapter for properties in a data source to match the PropertyProvider interface.
DataSourceMessageBean Provides context information for problems accessing a data source containing properties.
DataSourcePropertyKeyMessageBean Provides context information for problems accessing a data source containing properties identified by a property key.
DataSourcePropertyMessageBean Provides context information for problems accessing a data source containing properties specified by a property key and value.
DefaultDataSourceManager Helper to create database configurations with a data source.
DefaultDataSourceManager.Builder The builder of manager instances.
DsPropertyCollection Implementation of PropertyCollection based on accessing a data source.
JndiDataSourceProxy A vendor-neutral implementation using JNDI to access a data source.
PropertiesStore Provides access to properties in a data source.
PropertiesStore.Builder The builder of manager instances.

Enum Summary
DataSourceCode Codes dealing with property problems.

Exception Summary
DataSourceException Signals problems with accessing a data source containing properties.

Package Description

Provides implementations to provide access to data sources from configuration factories. This allows to recreate the connection to the data source after deserialization.


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