Documents the results of a test session for the sponsoring stakeholders.

Documentation Type

A test report summarizes the discoveries of an exploratory test. The test charter defined the context of the journey and the test session collected the information in form of a journal. The test report uses the information in these documents to create a view for the sponsors of the test.

On creation of the test report document you typically do not need to add any information to the wizard. Just click 'Create'! If you change your mind, you may rename the document or edit the short description later.

Note that this document delegates per default to the parent document, which should be a test charter.


The document type test report provides the following properties:


Please note that only information about specific properties is provided here. Common document property used by all document types are documented by Document Properties.


Specify a list of stakeholders that are interested in the outcome of the exploratory test and therefore sponsor it.

This information is typically synchronized with that of the associated test charter.


List the names of stakeholders who may provide additional information on the area being examined.

This information is typically synchronized with that of the associated test charter.


Note that the sections Test Report#Summary, Test Report#Target, Test Report#Reason, Test Report#Discoveries, Test Report#Open Issues, and Test Report#Recommendations are tagged with the keyword 'report'. This makes it easy to transclude these sections in other documents with the help of the Transclusion Macro or the Transclude Documents Macro.


Document the purpose of the test.


Give a brief executive summary on the result of the test.


Simply transclude the content from the associated test charter. Per default the transclusion is defined by the delegate document of the Document Properties Marker Macro that is set the parent document this report document has been created for.


Define what has been tested.


Define why the test has been conducted.


Document what you have discovered that is relevant to the stakeholders concerns.

Open Issues

Point out what is outside of this exploration tour and may have to be covered in additional expeditions.

You may want to use the doctype Open Issue for this information. It is part of the project management add-on, available as open source on Bitbucket.


Give an interpretation of the test result from the testers point of view. Give recommendation how to deal with the result and how to continue from here.


These are internal notes that are usually not exported and only visible to team members with write access.

But this is not a safe place to store sensible information. It is just a convenience for the reader to not be bothered with notes stored here for the authors for later use. The security level is about suppressing the representation by a CSS style. Therefore consider this as a convenience for the reader, not as a security tool.


The text of notes sections is also indexed.


For a document the references section contains pointers to resources that prove the statements of the document.

Often these proofs are not easily distinguishable from further information. In this case you may want to skip the reference section in favour for the resource list.


For further information please refer to References and Resources.


The resources section provides references to further information to the topic of the document.

This may be information on the internet provided by the resource or information in the team's information systems. Anything the reader of the resource might want to know, may be listed here.


For further information please refer to References and Resources.

Related Doctypes

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