Easier Linking, Create Links for Name List Macros, more Support for Placeholders in Templates, plus  Enhancements to Artificial Properties, Autocomplete, and Deep Links.

Today we released version 4.6 of the projectdoc Toolbox on the Atlassian Marketplace!

This release provides new features, improvements, and bugfixes.

The projectdoc Toolbox is an add-on for Confluence supporting agile software development teams to collaborate on process, project, system, and product documentation. 

Release Notes Overview

New and Noteworthy

Easier Linking

This release adds three macros to make it easier to create links to  in your Confluence.

The Wiki Link Macro allows to create dynamic and static links. It originally has been designed to allow space designers to add links in their space templates to documents that do not already exist. With the tooltip feature that renders the Short Description of the document the link points to, the Wiki Link Macro is now also in use by the Template Author. Since the interface of the Wiki Link Macro is difficult to use, because it actually has two purposes, we decided to provide two new macros with the same functionality, but with a more intuitive interface.

The advantage using the link macros is the rendering of a tooltip on mouse over. The default tooltip text is the short description of the referenced document.

Another use case is rendering links using a publishing process. Typically there is a set of spaces with which the team works. At publishing time the content of some spaces is copied to the published spaces. Dynamic links allow to render the correct links dependent on the Space Closure.

The following table lists the supported parameters of the three macros.

Use CaseParameterStatic Link MacroDynamic Link Macro

Term Link Macro

Link whole documentPage / Title


Document Title
Space Closure(error)(tick)(error)
Link into documentAnchor(tick)(tick)(error)
Control labelLabel(tick)(tick)(tick)
Lower Case(tick)(tick) (tick)
Tooltip(tick)(tick) (tick)
Abbreviation Mode(tick)(tick)(tick)
CSS Classes(tick)(tick)(tick)
Document creationLink Rendering Control(tick)(tick)(error)
Remote ControlRequest Parameters(tick)(tick)(error)
Toggle FeatureRequest Toggle Label(tick)(tick)(error)
Request Toggle Tooltip(tick)(tick)(error)

Since the Static Link Macro is referencing a document similar to a Confluence link by space key and page title, there is no need to specify the space key separately. There is also no need to specify the space closure. All other use cases are supported.

The Term Link Macro is designed for simplified use and therefore does not provide parameters for use cases beyond rendering a reference to an item in the glossary. Although a space key is required to calculate the link to a document, the macro does not allow to specify the space closure as a parameter. The delegate space is required to be set correctly. This requires that a space defines its attachment space for glossary items.

Autolinking on Document Creation

The projectdoc Toolbox provides a number of macros that allow to automatically link to documents at the moment they appear. This includes the Wiki Link Macro and the Dynamic Document Link Macro. Some macros are designed to be used a property values, such as the Child Documents Macro or the Parent Property Macro

With this version the Name List Macro provides the Parent Name Parameter to allow template authors to automatically add the parent documents name to the name list.

The use case for this feature is for template authors. Consider a doctype that is in a close relationship to another doctype, such as a lifecycle and its phases. A phase does reference the lifecycle it belongs to and the lifecycle lists all phases it contains. So a typical location for a phase document would be a child of a lifecycle document. By the use of the Child Documents Macro and Name List Macro the links from a lifecycle to its phases and from a phase to its lifecycle can be automatically created. Since a phase may also be commonly used a number of lifecycles, the value of the lifecycle property of a phase document is required to use the Name List Macro to manually add the names of valid lifecycles where this phase is used.


Currently the Child Documents Macro does not allow to add additional names.

Template Support for Labels and Tooltips

More macros allow to use property placeholders in labels and tooltips. A property placeholder is a name of a property, surrounded by placeholder delimiters. Here are two examples:

Placeholder ExampleDescription
${Story Points}Renders the document property Story Points of the referenced document.
$[Name] (${Story Points})Renders the Name of the document, with a link, and the Story Points in brackets as text.

With this version the Wiki Link Macro (and its new cousins – see above) supports the use of property placeholders (see PDAC-1277 - Getting issue details... STATUS ). Also the Cite Macro supports placeholders in tooltips (see PDAC-1280 - Getting issue details... STATUS ).

A little different is the template support for the Tour Macro. Here the template with property placeholders is now supported in the table column header (see PDAC-1283 - Getting issue details... STATUS ).

According to tooltips:  PDAC-1290 - Getting issue details... STATUS  fixes an issues with the Display Document Properties Macro and the rendering of tooltips.

Enhancements to Autocomplete

The following issues enhance the support of the Autocomplete Feature in macros.

  1. PDAC-1286 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  2. PDAC-1287 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  3. PDAC-1288 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  4. PDAC-1281 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  5. PDAC-1289 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  6. PDAC-1293 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Enhancements to Artificial Properties

With this version users may override any artificial property with a document property.

Artificial properties are automatically created by a predefined name, such as URL. In case your domain model required to define a property named URL, the artificial property prevented the regular use of the URL property.

With this version artificial properties are only created if a property by this name does not already exist.

For the properties named Email and Team Email with e-mail addresses as values, now provide a normalized (the plain email address) and a text version (the label of the link) is now supported.

Installation Instructions

Due to  PDAC-1292 - Getting issue details... STATUS  and PDAC-1278 - Getting issue details... STATUS  a reindex is required to update properties.

In case you do not use this feature, there is no need for a reindex.

List of Changes

The following changes are part of the latest projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence

Key Summary T P Description

Related Releases

Doctype Add-ons

The following doctype add-ons are recommended to be updated for the projectdoc Toolbox.

All doctype add-ons are optional. In case an add-on is not installed, there is no need to install it for this version of the projectdoc Toolbox.

Core Doctypes

The following changes are part of the latest Core Doctypes Add-on

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description

Doctypes for Agile Planning

The following changes are part of the latest Doctypes for Agile Planning.

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description

projectdoc Developer Diaries

The following changes are part of the latest projectdoc Developer Diaries.

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description

Doctypes for Project Management

The following changes are part of the latest Doctypes for Project Management.

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description

Doctypes for Service Management

The following changes are part of the latest Doctypes for Service Management.

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description

Doctypes for Business Strategy

The following changes are part of the latest Doctypes for Business Strategy.

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description

Doctypes for Software Development

The following changes are part of the latest Doctypes for Software Development.

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description

Doctypes for Teamwork

The following changes are part of the latest Doctypes for Teamwork.

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description

Doctypes for V-Modell XT

The following changes are part of the latest Doctypes for V-Modell XT.

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description


Release Notes
Terms used in and defined for projectdoc.
Questions and answers related to the projectdoc Toolbox and Confluence.