Improved Support for Templates, Support for Web API, improved Transclusions

Today we released version 1.13.0 of the projectdoc Toolbox on the Atlassian Marketplace!

projectdoc is an add-on for Confluence supporting agile software development teams to collaborate on process, project, system, and product documentation. 

New and Noteworthy

The following changes may be the most interesting of this release.

Web API Support

The Web API Extension in version 1.1 now supports write access to projectdoc documents. This version of the projectdoc Toolbox is providing services for this extension.

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Enhanced Remote Transclusion

The Information Systems Extension in version 1.1 supports Transclusion of HTML fragments.

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Template Support

This version allows users to create user templates with projectdoc macros. The way previous versions of the projectdoc Toolbox handled previews prevented the template editor from being used.

Please note that the source editor often still corrupts the template source, so its use is not recommended.

The free projectdoc blueprints typically use variables inside macro definitions. This does not cause any problems when used outside the template editor. The template editor does not allow placeholders inside macro definitions, so it will corrupt templates that use them. Therefore: do not edit blueprint templates that use placeholders with the template editor!

Breaking Changes

The following changes are incompatible with the previous release.

Disblock Property Values per Default

Since the Confluence editor may add a number of block elements without giving the user means to edit it (without the source editor plugin) we decided to run some automatic correction per default.

The correction will normalize the property value prior to saving it. The normalization will remove redundant div and p elements.

This will make it easier for users to get what they want.

If the property value is indeed a block element, the new control is-block will prevent the element from being disblocked.

If users are generally unhappy with this breaking change, the system property prevent-disblocking-property-values will help them to switch this off. This system property needs to be set on start time of the Confluence server.

Note that since we will now remove the blocks per default, we may break the runtime behavior. If a user really needs the block element s/he may either save the value with the is-block control or needs to switch off this feature with the system property.

See PDAC-676 - Getting issue details... STATUS for tracking this issue.

Last Version and Last Version Comment

Since is a number of new artificial properties, existing documents need to be indexed to have these properties available.

Users who do not access these values or only require them for new documents do not need to run the reindex.

See PDAC-693 - Getting issue details... STATUS for tracking this issue.

Upgrade Instructions

The following topics have to be considered for an upgrade to this version.

It is recommended to update extensions and doctype add-ons to the latest versions.

Please note that the Doctypes for Project Management are available soon!

List of Changes

The complete list of changes for this release.

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description


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