Uses of Interface

Packages that use IndexProvider.UnitTestDocLoader
de.smartics.testdoc.core.adapter Provides adapters to interface to the information collected by the APT processor. 

Uses of IndexProvider.UnitTestDocLoader in de.smartics.testdoc.core.adapter

Classes in de.smartics.testdoc.core.adapter that implement IndexProvider.UnitTestDocLoader
 class DirectoryUnitTestDocLoader
          Loads instances of UnitTestDoc from a file system directory.
 class MultiUnitTestDocLoader
          Loads instances of UnitTestDoc from multiple loaders.

Methods in de.smartics.testdoc.core.adapter with parameters of type IndexProvider.UnitTestDocLoader
 void MultiUnitTestDocLoader.addLoader(IndexProvider.UnitTestDocLoader loader)
          Adds the loader to the multi loader.
 void IndexProvider.load(IndexProvider.UnitTestDocLoader loader)
          Loads instances of unit test documentation from the loader.
 void AbstractInMemoryExportAdapter.load(IndexProvider.UnitTestDocLoader loader)
          Loads instances of unit test documentation from the loader.

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