Uses of Interface

Packages that use ExportAdapter
de.smartics.testdoc.collect.generator Provides helper to interface with the compiler and APT API. 
de.smartics.testdoc.core.adapter Provides adapters to interface to the information collected by the APT processor. 
de.smartics.testdoc.core.export Provides a mini framework to export test documentation. 

Uses of ExportAdapter in de.smartics.testdoc.collect.generator

Method parameters in de.smartics.testdoc.collect.generator with type arguments of type ExportAdapter
 void TestDocGenerator.Config.Builder.setExportAdapterName(Class<? extends ExportAdapter> exportAdapterType)
          Sets the name of the export adapter to use.

Uses of ExportAdapter in de.smartics.testdoc.collect.processor

Constructors in de.smartics.testdoc.collect.processor with parameters of type ExportAdapter
UutProcess(de.smartics.testdoc.collect.processor.ProcessorLogHelper processorLog, ExportAdapter exporter, ExtractorConfig extractorConfig)
          Default constructor.

Uses of ExportAdapter in de.smartics.testdoc.core.adapter

Subinterfaces of ExportAdapter in de.smartics.testdoc.core.adapter
 interface JmxExportAdapterMBean
          Managing interface to the export adapter.

Classes in de.smartics.testdoc.core.adapter that implement ExportAdapter
 class AbstractFileBasedExportAdapter
          Exports the documentation fragments to a directory via the APT filer.
 class AbstractInMemoryExportAdapter
          Exports the documentation to an in-memory singleton.
 class BasedFilerSingletonInMemoryExportAdapter
          A Filer based adapter that has an in-memory representation of the export adapter.
 class DirectoryExportAdapter
          Exports the documentation fragments to a directory.
 class FilerExportAdapter
          Exports the documentation fragments to a directory via the APT filer.
 class JmxExportAdapter
          Provides an in-memory adapter to be exposed via JMX.
 class JmxExportAdapterClient
          The client to the JMX bean stored at the MBean server.
 class MultiExportAdapter
          Allows to configure a number of export adapter that will be used as delegates.
 class SingletonInMemoryExportAdapter
          Exports the documentation to an in-memory singleton.

Constructors in de.smartics.testdoc.core.adapter with parameters of type ExportAdapter
MultiExportAdapter(ExportAdapter... delegates)
          Convenience varargs constructor.

Constructor parameters in de.smartics.testdoc.core.adapter with type arguments of type ExportAdapter
MultiExportAdapter(List<ExportAdapter> delegates)
          Default constructor.

Uses of ExportAdapter in de.smartics.testdoc.core.export

Classes in de.smartics.testdoc.core.export that implement ExportAdapter
 class AbstractExportAdapter
          Base implementation of the ExportAdapter interface.

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