Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo
de.smartics.maven.issues The core package for generating issues reports with Maven
de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla Provides classes to generate reports with Bugzilla. 

Uses of AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo in de.smartics.maven.issues

Subclasses of AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo in de.smartics.maven.issues
 class AbstractIssuesReportMojo
          Mojo base implementation to render release reports.

Uses of AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla

Subclasses of AbstractIssuesConnectionMojo in de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla
 class AbstractBugzillaReportMojo
          The base implementation of all bugzilla reports.
 class BugzillaReleaseNotesReportMojo
          The report to generate release notes.
 class BugzillaReleasePlanReportMojo
          The report to generate release plans.
 class BugzillaSectionReportMojo
          The report to generate release notes.
 class TabularReportMojo
          The report to generate a tabular representation of issues.

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