Uses of Interface

Packages that use ExceptionContext
de.smartics.exceptions.context Provides context configuration for exceptions. 
de.smartics.exceptions.i18n The core package for the I18N exception handling. 
de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context Provides context configuration for exceptions. 
de.smartics.exceptions.runtime Provides context management classes. 

Uses of ExceptionContext in de.smartics.exceptions.context

Classes in de.smartics.exceptions.context that implement ExceptionContext
 class AbstractExceptionContext
          Provides exception relevant information for an exception context as an abstract class.
 class ConfiguredExceptionContext
          The exception context is configured via commons-configuration.
 class PropertiesConfiguredExceptionContext
          The exception context is configured via a single properties file.
 class SystemDefaultExceptionContext
          An exception context with a UUID factory for default configuration.

Uses of ExceptionContext in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n

Subinterfaces of ExceptionContext in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n
 interface I18nExceptionContext
          Defines access to the resources required by the exception infrastructure.

Uses of ExceptionContext in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context

Classes in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n.context that implement ExceptionContext
 class AbstractI18nExceptionContext
          Provides exception relevant information for an exception context.
 class SystemDefaultI18nExceptionContext
          An exception context with a UUID factory for default configuration.

Uses of ExceptionContext in de.smartics.exceptions.runtime

Classes in de.smartics.exceptions.runtime with type parameters of type ExceptionContext
 class AbstractExceptionContextManager<T extends ExceptionContext>
          Provides configuration information for exceptions per class loader.

Fields in de.smartics.exceptions.runtime declared as ExceptionContext
static ExceptionContext ExceptionContextManager.DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT
          The default context if none is provided for a given class loader.

Methods in de.smartics.exceptions.runtime that return ExceptionContext
protected  ExceptionContext ExceptionContextManager.fetchContextFromService(ClassLoader classLoader)
          Returns the context configured by the service framework.
protected  ExceptionContext ExceptionContextManager.getDefaultExceptionContext()
          Returns the default context provided by the subclass.

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