Uses of Interface

Packages that use ExceptionId
de.smartics.exceptions The core package for the exception handling. 
de.smartics.exceptions.core Provides core information beans, interfaces and exceptions. Provides standard implementations for exception identifiers. 

Uses of ExceptionId in de.smartics.exceptions

Methods in de.smartics.exceptions that return ExceptionId
 ExceptionId<?> CoreException.getId()
          Returns the unique identifier of the exception.
 ExceptionId<?> AbstractCoreRuntimeException.getId()
          Returns the unique identifier of the exception.
 ExceptionId<?> AbstractCoreException.getId()
          Returns the unique identifier of the exception.

Uses of ExceptionId in de.smartics.exceptions.core

Methods in de.smartics.exceptions.core that return ExceptionId
 ExceptionId<?> IdFactory.createId()
          Creates the identifier.

Uses of ExceptionId in

Classes in that implement ExceptionId
 class LongExceptionId
          An implementation where the exception identifier is modeled as a long value.
 class UuidExceptionId
          An implementation where the exception identifier is modelled as an UUID.

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