Uses of Interface

Packages that use IdFactory
de.smartics.exceptions.context Provides context configuration for exceptions. 
de.smartics.exceptions.core Provides core information beans, interfaces and exceptions. 
de.smartics.exceptions.i18n The core package for the I18N exception handling. Provides standard implementations for exception identifiers. 
de.smartics.exceptions.runtime Provides context management classes. 

Uses of IdFactory in de.smartics.exceptions.context

Fields in de.smartics.exceptions.context declared as IdFactory
protected  IdFactory AbstractExceptionContext.idFactory
          The factory for generating identifiers.

Methods in de.smartics.exceptions.context that return IdFactory
 IdFactory AbstractExceptionContext.getIdFactory()
          Returns the factory for generating identifiers.

Uses of IdFactory in de.smartics.exceptions.core

Methods in de.smartics.exceptions.core that return IdFactory
 IdFactory ExceptionContext.getIdFactory()
          Returns the factory for generating identifiers.

Uses of IdFactory in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n

Methods in de.smartics.exceptions.i18n that return IdFactory
static IdFactory I18nExceptionContextManager.getFactory(ClassLoader classLoader)
          Convenience method to access the ID factory for the given class loader.

Uses of IdFactory in

Classes in that implement IdFactory
 class IncrementFactory
          The factory that created ExceptionIds that provides a number that is larger than zero.
 class SignedIncrementFactory
          The factory that created ExceptionIds that provides a long number Counting starts per default at 1, continues to Integer.MAX_VALUE, to the negatives, ends with zero and starts at 1 (without a warning) again.
 class UuidFactory
          The factory that created ExceptionIds that provide UUIDs.

Uses of IdFactory in de.smartics.exceptions.runtime

Methods in de.smartics.exceptions.runtime that return IdFactory
static IdFactory ExceptionContextManager.getFactory(ClassLoader classLoader)
          Convenience method to access the ID factory for the given class loader.

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