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titleWhen a name is wrong ...

In case authors actually need to change a name, this change cannot be by design an instant one. We are considering to include options to make the adjustment automatically in the future. Maybe by a dialog which will ask whether or not to change the names in referencing properties. This is similar to the action of deleting a page and asking whether or not the children should be removed, too.

In the meantime this is a manual step. In case there is more than a couple of pages is involved, authors should consider to use the Web API to do the job.

Caution Box
titleBackup your data!

In case the Web API changes documents the wrong way, there is no way to get back easily. You may need to find the corrupted pages and restore the last valid version from history. Therefore we recommend strongly that you check your calls on a copy of your production system. Before running a call on the production system you must make sure that you have a current backup to roll back any corruption of your data the call may have caused.

titleWhen a Value needs to be changed ...

In case you need to change a value of a collection of projectdoc documents, the Web API is also quite handy. For instance if authors want to change the Iteration value from "Filled" to "Production". Opening every page in an editor and make the change to that single value is quite tedious. This task can be conducted with a single REST call.

idsBackup your data!

titleWalk me through!

Since we use the strategy to show names only if the document is in Released, Production, or Deprecated state, we now recognized how lax we handled the Iteration state of documents in our documentation.

Here is an example on how we moved the iteration of all our role documents to Production.

titleOpen REST Service in REST Browser
  1. Log in as admin
  2. Click i the cog (right side of the menu bar) for Confluence administration and click on General configuration
  3. Select REST API Browser from the left menu
  4. Type projectdoc in the input field on the left upper side and unselect Show only public API
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  5. Select projectdoc/1/document from the services listed on the left
titleSelect the Documents

To select the documents to apply the changes to, we need to find all documents in a state prior to "Released" and want to change their Iteration value to "Production".

This is the Where Clause to select these documents of doctype role: $<Doctype>=[role] && $<Iteration>~(Facade, Filled, Focused, Finished)

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Check that every listed document is correctly part of the result set. If not adjust you Where Clause accordingly. If everything is correct, copy the value of id-list.

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This is the list of page IDs that match your result set. Copy the values without the quote characters Make sure that you do not miss any digits (i.e. from the first or last page ID).

titleApply changes

Now switch to the PATCH tab.

Add the list of page IDs from the last step to the id-list parameter.

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Add the following information to patch the list of documents.

Code Block
   "property": [
       "name": "Iteration",
       "value": "<ac:structured-macro ac:name=\"projectdoc-iteration\"><ac:parameter ac:name=\"value\">production</ac:parameter></ac:structured-macro>",
       "controls": "hide",
       "position": "replace"

This JSON document will replace the value of the Iteration property on each document referenced in the id-list.

idsBackup your data!

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If you have a recent backup and checked this on a test environment, then click Send.

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