package de.smartics.projectdoc.atlassian.confluence.api.domain;
* * Returns all artificial properties.
*A view on a projectdoc document property for public access through the
* published API.
public interface ProjectdocDocumentProperty {
* @returnReturns allthe artificialname properties.of Maythe beproperty.
empty, but is never*
* @return the name of the property, never <code>null</code>.
Map<String, DocumentProperty> getArtificialPropertiesString getName();
* Returns all properties the rendered value as based on the storage format found in the
* projectdoc document.
* <p>
* @return all properties. May be empty, but is never <code>null</code> This is the value with style information. For instance, if the value is
* boxed in a div element with class attributes, this structure is returned.
* </p>
* @return the rendered value of the property.
Map<String, DocumentProperty> getPropertiesString getRenderedValue();
* Returns the normalized version of the rendered property value.
* <p>
* This @paramis the nametext representation of the property value.
to return.* <code>null</code> will be</p>
* @return the normalized rendered value of the property.
String getNormalizedRenderedValue();
returned,* ifReturns the propertyoriginal value isas unknownfound toin the projectdoc document in storage
* format.
DocumentProperty getProperty(String propertyName * @return the original value of the property.
String getOriginalValue();
* Returns the renderednormalized propertyversion identifiedof bythe theoriginal property keyvalue.
The* property<p>
* keyThis is the I18n resource key text representation of the property value.
* </p>
@param * propertyKey@return the normalized keyoriginal value toof the name ofproperty.
String getNormalizedOriginalValue();
* Checks if the property is actually toa returnsection.
* @return <code>true</code> if the property is actually <code>null</code> will be returned, ifa section,
* <code>false</code> if it is actually a property.
boolean isSection();
* Checks whether or not the property is unknown to associated with the given control.
* @param controlName the name of the document.control to check.
* @return <code>true</code> if the property has this control attached,
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
DocumentPropertyboolean getPropertyByKeyhasControl(String propertyKeycontrolName);
} |