Describe a requirement in terms of a service level.
Describe a requirement for the service from the customer's point of view. The requirement may address warranty or utility. The required service level is used to determine service level targets and form the basis for a service level agreement (SLA).
The document type service-level-requirement provides the following properties:
Specify the type of the service level requirement to organize them.
Use the Service Level Requirement Type to define types of service levels requirements.
Derived from the Service Level Requirement, the service that is in focus of this agreement.
Provide the value of the service level that is required for the service. For instance <90%, 3-5 times / 24 h, max. 250 ms.
User Roles
Derived from the referenced service, the roles of users of the referenced service.
Describe service level requirement.
Provide information about why the requirements are valid. You may reuse information from the referenced service level. Requirements may address for instance service times, maintenance, availability, or performance.
Service Description
Transclude the description of the referenced service.